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Made In Aston

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Everything posted by Made In Aston

  1. Lenglet it continue!
  2. Short term yes. But we are averaging 2pts a game and if we continue to do that until the end of the season, then we probably finish in top 4, regardless of what happens against Man Utd.
  3. Sheffield were awful, so it's easy to improve the Newcastle performance against a very poor side. I do think that we will need to make tactical changes, as we have been too predictable and struggle against low blocks and opponents who stifle the midfield. It was good to hear Unai commenting that part of our plan was to move the ball quicker, as we looked a bit pedestrian in recent games and will help to create space. I think the Man Utd & Chelsea games will give a clearer indication of any improvement, as Sheffield was more like a training match.
  4. Yeah. Too many colours going on in the club's version and gold on blue looks shit. I'm not that keen on the gold anyway, but guess the top left version could work as a one off 150 years logo. The bottom two are probably the best.
  5. It must have been the thought of Rogers taking his position
  6. Mind-blowingly so, considering we had him on loan for half a season beforehand. Gerrard saw him every day in training and thought...wow that's one hell of a keeper!
  7. I think it is Friday at 12, so Rogers should be fine.
  8. I can't wait to be called entitled. It means expectations have risen and we might actually be competing at a high level.
  9. If only we had recruited Barcelona's head of academy instead of West Brom's Mark Harrison.
  10. He isn't good enough for us but he is too good for the championship. Whichever team gets him has got a good deal.
  11. Another signing from the world renowned West Brom academy (albeit Indirectly)! We must have the laziest academy scouts in Europe
  12. He needs benching for a bit. Maybe Bailey, Rogers or Zaniolo should be given a chance.
  13. I'd much rather have Buendia on the pitch than Zaniolo.
  14. Both out current LB are 30,so we need some sort of succession plan in place. Hopefully lino will step up, rather then get stepped on!
  15. It's a ZaniNOlo from me as well.
  16. Stockport?! I'm surprised you can hear anything over the sound of gunshots!
  17. No one violates Pete Burns without my say so!
  18. Nothing will beat the Ramano 'here we go. Nicolo Zaniolo' announcement last summer.
  19. I didn't realise that 1874 had an onlyfans account as well now.how much is it? Asking for a friend.
  20. Emery indicated we might have to sell players for FFP in the summer. People are just guessing who that might be.
  21. His national team manager is not doing us any favours either.
  22. I don't want to sell Duran, as he has similar attributes to Drogba and could be a world class player eventually. The fact that Chelsea are hoovering up all the promising young talent and are interested just confirms my thoughts. The caveat is that maybe we don't have a choice if Duran has fallen out with Emery and wants to leave.
  23. Mings is out for the season though
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