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Hobbit Feet

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Everything posted by Hobbit Feet

  1. Looking at goal difference and thinking about the point we we’re robbed from palace away, we would be sitting in 12th tonight 1/3 of the way through the season, not bad. Ok we are in 15th but our goal difference is superior to all around us.
  2. Does anyone else think that Smith Looks like Beaker from the muppets when he’s being interviews and pulls his lips in? Anyway well done dean. Good performance.
  3. I particularly like Whelan’s shot that set up the first goal. Jokes aside, it’s funny how different we look in what 16 months. Even Jack looks smaller. And he’s the only one who’s left pretty much.
  4. I tend to agree with what you say but... I’d rather have points on the board, if you get a little bad luck or poor performance then you can get cut adrift and stuck in a rut, it’s not good then.
  5. Shame he’s not fit, with Sterling out of the squad along with Barkley he would of been called up, would of been a great confidence boost for him.
  6. I tend to agree, although fast and brave are probably overstatements. He’s certainly stronger than Target, Target looks like a boy against men when he plays, id use him for weaker teams and Lower teams we can counter and use Taylor for stronger teams/top 6 teams where we probably aren’t going to get anything from the game but maybe if we keep it tight we might sneak a counter attack goal and steal a win. But overall there not the best. But Taylor gets more stick than He deserves.
  7. I think that’s unfair. We never really got to see how bad Bowery was.
  8. Just read on sky sports news that Ross Barkley is injured and won’t be in the Chelsea squad, will be interesting to see if Southgate keeps his word And calls up Jack if he doesn’t make it.
  9. Danny Ings didn’t make the squad mate. He’s playing well though, probably better than Kane so another mistake by Southgate and also not a typo from you:
  10. I mean this has absolutely no substance. Stirling gets an easier game every week because he plays with better players than Jack week in week out. Is he starting a handicap system? Or is he just handicapped?
  11. Just heard Southgate say as well ‘I watched him against Brighton, he played well but they only had 10 men’ Jesus now your clutching at excuses, what is Jack suppose to do? Ask one of our players to walk off so it’s a level playing field? I’m pretty sure he was playing out of his skin when they had 11. I’m really annoyed.
  12. Joke by Southgate. Last year ‘he needs to be playing in the premier league’, This year ‘is’ playing in the premier league after captaining a side to promotion and performing so well. I mean why not just put him in squad to take a look at him, what has Hudson Odoi achieved the last 12 months and in fact this season he’s been injured most of it. Jack is going to think he needs to move on in January or summer because it’s obviously going to affect him.
  13. Nakamba Luiz Trez. McGinn Jack Wes i think this is out strongest midfield/attack.
  14. I hate this thread. Even if we go down we will never do a Fulham because we’re Villa. We had no choice but to spend. We have also been competitive in every game, we have also had some pretty torrid luck/bad decision go against us. I’m with the team if we are ‘doing a Villa’ or not.
  15. Maybe a change of formation is required. We only play it to accommodate Jack and John. We really should of put on fresh legs earlier and played keep ball today, made them chase shadows, we really shouldn’t be the team getting tired and making mistakes against 10 men for so long. It’s far too early to be calling for deans head and anyone that suggests that is silly but a few more bad result then the people will start asking bigger questions.
  16. I’d maybe think about taking the captaincy off Jack short term, let him get over the the weekends disappointment, the disappointment of being left out of the England squad, and let him have a bit of weight of his shoulders and get him back to top form then give it back to him?
  17. Not true, he actually pulls out of the way from hitting yet another palace player and then gets up straight away with no appeal, if anything it was Conor Hourihane that stuck his hands up and appealed it without that I don’t see how the ref can even book him because nobody has tried to appeal it so how can it be deception?
  18. Not in my opinion. We never looked likely to hold on for a point, if anything we needed the ball to stick up top more too absorb some pressure away from our back line. Either way we was poor today and ultimately got what we deserved out of the game.
  19. I’m sorry I stand corrected, I meant the sending off, I mean it was a brave decision to bring on a striker and it probably confused Hodgson, they were all over us anyway and was only a matter of time until they scored. But your right the goal was after the sun. Sorry. Which is more than we will get from Kevin friend.
  20. You do realise that the change was made 5 minutes after we we’re a goal down? I thought it was actually a brave decision and one we would normally shy away from, Davis was great when he came on, and although it was a poor overall performance we nearly snatched a point and Dean can’t be blamed for players making individual errors.
  21. Agree. Deserved. Also Really think it will help Trezeguet settle in for the next 18 months.
  22. All new players threads should be locked for the first 10 games, until we can get a real chance to see them play and judge their attributes over a fair length of time.
  23. I was actually thinking this earlier when the bookies had Man U to beat Wolves away from home as quite big favourites, i thought if the Man U team had the wolves starting eleven and vice versa would this still be the same? Do they price up these things because of the names of the clubs?
  24. Taylor was really good yesterday, maybe MOTM. Yes he lacks going forward but did get forward yesterday, granted he’s not the player you want a chance to fall too but he played well and stopped a breakaway a couple of times.
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