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Everything posted by dn1982

  1. This interview just backs up the one I saw when he was at Arsenal. He realises that to grow a club you have to do it in all aspects and have a solid foundation. Under MON we was top heavy with wages out of sync with revenue and we collapsed now we have a CEO who realises wages have to grow with revenue app but you also have to squeeze everything out of your existing funds to benefit. It'll be interesting how Lambert gets on with him as a big thing from his time at Arsenal was the brand of football as this is a key factor in getting fans at the games. All in that's the most positive interview we've had in years and at least it tells us what we want to achieve in the coming seasons.
  2. He is world class and will improve. He scores at 1 in 2 and when fully fit its better than that. Last years numbers took a hit because he was rushed back so I hope we reintroduce him slowly as it's easy to pick up niggles when coming back from a long layoff. Just having him on th bench tomorrow will be a big boost I just hope we are still in the game at 70 min. It's then set perfectly for him!!!
  3. Yeah I saw that, I also saw the very frosty hand shake before the game. The two of them have had a few heated exchanges previously, once at their place and then at ours last season following the sending off. There is clearly little love lost between the two which I think was Jose's motivation for what he said after the game. It seems it's Jose's new thing this season. I've not noticed in previous years but he did it the other week aswell. Let's hope Lambert and Keane get the chance to do the same at VP!!
  4. This is basically my view. Away we sit deeper and play to our strengths then when at home push the FB's on with Westwood sitting and also let Delph and Cleverley get forward. I think Grealish will work well with Benteke as the big man will hold it up and allow Jack to play off him. I just hope Lambert has the confidence or balls to let them have a go. If we lose Saturdaybbut have a crack no one will moan if we hope to sit deep and pray only a win will do.
  5. Randy should sue UEFA over the FFP as it must have a detrimental effect on his business and hindering any sale. Im glad it's getting challenged but I don't expect anything to happen unless a current big club gets kicked out of a tournament. Liverpool look next to be sanctioned and that'll show why FFP is a joke. How can you break into the elite without spending money?
  6. Regarding having 11 men back a couple of years ago we looked a liability at set pieces and conceded regularly we then started bringing every one back to defend and since we've been pretty solid. I'd like us to take it on a team by team basis as not all teams are strong on set pieces and having an out ball would help keep defenders back. Our home form won't be decided after our next 2 games as being realistic we won't be favourites and getting anything would be a bonus I can't see us losing both if every one is fully fit. After Man City I'd imagine Benteke will be back so I don't think we should fear any one this side of Xmas so hopefully we can go on a run.
  7. A contract these days aren't worth the paper they're written on if you want to get rid of someone. I would give Lambert a new contract because of what it says to the players. I'm not sure quite sure he deserves one though but how can a manager ask Vlaar and Delph to sign if he only has 10'months left? Also Keane has a 2 year deal so at least they should be on the same. One thing that Lambert needs to address for me is how he looks at Cup games. I'm still fuming about Oreint and his lack of passion that night. I believe his demeanour rubbed off on the players and it was seen as a formality we would win and yet again we lost to lower league opposition. Contrast this to league games where he kicks every ball. I think by Xmas he will have earnt a new contract but it'll be interesting what Tom Fox thinks as a big thing for him is style of play and brand going together. We will need more 1st halfs against Hull for him to convince him I reckon.
  8. Saturdays result just shows that you never know what's going to happen. Arsenal at home is always tight Chelsea can be anything we seem to do ok against Man City at home and do better at Everton than we do at VP so we could lose all 3 easily but then again we could win a couple. Playing Arsenal at home to go top after 5 games is very surprising. Could Beneteke make the bench? For the first time in a long time we have options in the squad and can look at games thinking about the top end of the table rather than counting down from 40 pts. It's still early but IF we get a good result against Arsenal we could get a head of steam up for the season. I think we'll get 4 pts min where from? Who knows!
  9. U21's play Derby next Monday I can see him getting some game time. I hope we take it easy with him hopefully have him on the bench for the Man City game. Mind you I reckon his general fitness will be high as he's been chomping at the bit for weeks he may be ready sooner just don't rush him like last year.
  10. He just needs to add that final decision making now and he'll be complete. He had a couple of chances on Sunday when a pass would have been a better option but he shot when others in better positions.
  11. I think we need an attacker who can play up top but also the 10 role. Gabby and Weimann aren't clever enough to do that yet they get played there all the time. Neither can pick a pass when deep. Someone of the ilk of Guidetti not sure how good he is though. We also need a wide midfielder/winger as again those 2 play there but don't create anything.
  12. Forgetting about the finances which is only something we are bothered about recently. Cleverley is better than what we have and would get into the team. Can we do better for the sums involved is a different debate but I'd hope there's enough money knocking about to rectify the other areas aswell!!
  13. Cleverley would walk into our team but I didn't think we could afford him either wages or fee! Have we more money than we think? A 9am presser could have been a way of clearing out the press early so we can do business in peace? We still need more though!
  14. I agree so if the player is not giving the right service why not change the player? We had 2 subs left and they wasn't used. Surely even if things are going ok you have subs warmed up ready to come on if necessary? The overall tempo of the game was slow really. There want any urgency to win the game more a case of ohh it'll come. You say it wasn't that bad but time and again we fail at home because of the urgency issue. I don't think Lambert got off his arse all game and it's the little things that filter through to the team. To me it seemed he wasn't bothered about the result. On Saturday he never sat down and contested every decision. Tonight he didn't do anything. Surely at nil nil you have subs warmed up to try to win the game? He may aswell go because if we don't show a lot more heart and desire Sunday he will get pelters going into a run of games that he needed some good will going into. I think Fox will look at his results the way the team plays and dwindling crowds and realise he has to go.
  15. I've backed Lambert and if we had showed some heart and desire I would still be backing him despite the result. What I can't stand is the way he seemingly accepted the result. We had 2 subs left and at nil nil on 80 why wasn't they at least warming up? Then if something happened he could react? Personally I think the game was crying out for fresh legs anyway and he should have been proactive in his subs. On Saturday him and Keane were up at the officials all game and egging on the players. Why wasn't that the case tonight? It seems he didn't want this game or to be in this competition and for me that's inexcusable. He should be sacked ASAP.
  16. We have had one home game in the summer holidays on TV. Yes the attendance is down but not as big as some make out. Maybe 4/5 thousand tops. I'm sure if it wasn't on TV wasn't clashing with the T20 we would have at least halved that gap. Anybody who states the owner as a reason not to go to games for me is having a laugh. The football last year was enough to warrant people not going and it needs to improve massively this year. I still think we will have a good season and the basis for that will be an improved home record. A win tonight followed by one on Sunday will hopefully be the start of it.
  17. I'd be surprised if Lambert as he did with Benteke didn't have a cutoff date for selling as he'd need time for a replacement. Luckily I think LVG is a stubborn manager and don't think last nights result will force him into buying some one he doesn't want. If he wanted Vlaar I'd have expected a move earlier as you'd imagine it'd be the easiest to do. Him not playing tonight though will fuel the flames even though his injured!
  18. After losing to a league two side over 2 legs, I think we have to wait a bit longer. Like to the end of time. That league 2 side beat Arsenal in the previous round and they've just won the FA Cup so I think we can look for other reasons to why we may not win it but history won't be one of them. I hope we put out or strongest available side as a good win would be nice going into Sunday.
  19. I want him to get game time but I'd also like to play our strongest back four to keep letting them gel. Also imagine the hysteria if Vlaar didn't play!! We have a bit of momentum going so a strong team with a good win would be ideal for Sunday. He still looked rusty against Parma so I wouldn't rush him.
  20. I think that goes for a couple of them but playing will make them stronger. I think he got took off early because of his booking and his legs were going and looked like he might get sent off. I'd play him Wednesday with Cole and Grealish behind Bent that's some creativity there.
  21. Seeing as they've only played about 20min I think you should give them a bit more time together. Sanchez is more athletic so should enable Westwood and Delph to push more with better movement up front Westwood will find them as he's a very good passer. I don't think its a case of not giving them time. Its just neither delph or Westwood are attacking midfield players. Delph was excellent today but he's not going to slip great through balls into spaces. Westwood is a good passer but like Barry he's good at spreading balls and keeping possession in the middle. There's a reason why we tried to sign hoolahan and why we've signed Joe Cole. We've been crying out for an AM player for a long time now. In the formation we played today if Westwood was further forward instead of the deep one he'll create more and better chances. He hasn't had that opportunity yet that's why I said it's too early to judge. He created a lot from deep last year so he has the pass and without the defensive responsibility should do better.
  22. Seeing as they've only played about 20min I think you should give them a bit more time together. Sanchez is more athletic so should enable Westwood and Delph to push more with better movement up front Westwood will find them as he's a very good passer.
  23. Keane has been on the phone and told him how things are done!!
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