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Everything posted by phily85

  1. Maybe you've gotten bigger? Must be just my hands then because my penis sure hasn't
  2. Ridiculously exited in tesco today to pick up my free sticker book. Bought myself ten packs to start. They have got a lot smaller then I remember but this must be my first book in 14 years
  3. No read through the rest of the rubbish like we have too
  4. Pretty low for his position. Cue the peanuts and monkeys comments. Think you have us all confused with Jeremy clarkson
  5. get out and take your defenders with you
  6. Well some new benches where put outside the train station recently that's pretty welcoming I suppose
  7. Hey hull is OK we just don't take to outsiders very well
  8. Draughtsman for a large caravan firm
  9. Thanks for the advice. It was a present from the other half and she didn't buy it on credit card. I've been looking around Google and none of the fixes seem to work. I took it to a shop yesterday that does repairs but he left me a message saying after looking at it he has seen a couple like it before and they have had to go back to Asus. I havnt had chance to call the guy back I'll do it tomorrow and see what he says. Then I'll be in contact with Asus requesting something be done. If they do insist its chargeable theres not much point in paying, the prices I've seen you might as well buy another one. I'll let you know how it goes.
  10. My nexus 7 died on me the other day. Won't turn on and the won't charge, when I connect it to a laptop it says the unit has malfunctioned only 14 months old. Been told I have to contact Asus direct I'm not expecting them to be cheap
  11. I've been getting this also, i've updated to the latest version but it still appears I'm using a moto g
  12. Still no good I will cut my toenails instead
  13. I woke up early so i thought I would use this time to learn how to put photos on here using my phone. But I couldn't do it
  14. Anyone watched mad dogs any idea what the end was all about? I don't like the trend of ending a tv series with a figure it out yourself ending , when you have invested time into a series I think you deserve a better payoff then some random end and a get out of it's what you make of it
  15. I'd turn off imessage now, just to be sure you don't get screwed. Sorry I probably should but I have no idea what you mean (I know how to turn it off , I just don't know why) is there a problem with iMessage?
  16. Just ordered 16gb moto g should arrive after Xmas as soon as back in stock. 1st android phone replacing my iPhone 4S
  17. When having to pick the 3 of your choices today, You backing it twice defiantly made that top of the list. £25 up today even if the other 2 don't come in
  18. Loving your work cv. wish I had the spare money plus the guts to play every bet. Had another £15 in the account today so put £5 each on 3 of your picks: Kris cross @7/1 Two rockers @ 6/1 Mistral raine @ 8/1 Would be over the moon with one win The last net I had was on your first pick that came 2nd so hopefully I'm not bad luck
  19. I'm not getting caught out by that one again
  20. Not really much of a betting guy, but like to have a few £ here and there usually on a event I'm going to be watching. Was £5 left in my sky bet account so I've put it on let's see what happens
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