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Everything posted by phily85

  1. Probably because no matter what he says or acts fans or media take it whichever way they want
  2. Off to make a mess of myself and Blackpool for a mates stag
  3. Why? I have heard something is afoot. I guess we will have to wait and see Paul. So, what have you heard? That's not how the game works
  4. I will take those and give you 71, 118, 127, 128, 331, 562. Deal? If so send me a PM with your address. pm'd
  5. my needs 11,12,15,16,27,42,52,63,70,71,118,119,120,121,127,128,132,135,160,223,264,298,306,309,310,331,345,362,366,368,369,370,395,401,402,406,436,443,483,486,524,546,556,557,558,560,561,562,568,572,574,577,578,581,589,593,607,620,622,628,630,632,634,635,638 my swaps 75,81,83,85,89,91,92,111,115,138,141,142,145,150,154,158,162,167,192,197,214,226,231,238,243,256,261,269,329,333,350,376,377,378,381,383,390,391,409,416,429,445,471,488,492,494,496,500,501,502,507,509,510,510,511,512,517,522,523,528,529,530,533,534,536,538,539,540,544,550,585,598,611
  6. Anybody still doing this I need 64 to complete and have 74 swaps I'll post them later if anybody is interested
  7. Has anyone here ever left a job they actually enjoy for a potential better opportunity. I work for a very large company now but have been offered a role at a much much smaller company. If everything they say comes off it will be fantastic but I've had promises broken by other employers in the past. Its a strange one because I have never thought of leaving where I am now I like the people and the work but they have come to me 3 or 4 times now and the offer may to too good to turn down
  8. So how are people finding the Xbox one I have a few friends who have one so I am thinking of treating myself
  9. Richard keys the idiot also has a big problem with goal line tech
  10. And that is why we have the goal line tech to show it did
  11. Don't know if its just me but I can't see the world cup section on the android app using moto g. I only noticed they was one when I used laptop earlier
  12. That's very good but it's also the very reason many retailers attempt to fob consumers off. It takes a bit of consumer nous and effort to achieve the correct result. Your right they do rely on people just going and buying another one to be fair to the people I dealt with as soon as I sent my first email they was very helpful and told me exactly what I needed to do
  13. If I remember what Trent said correctly and apologies if not. Didnt a discussion take place probably with agent and after club was told how much he was after club decided they didn't want to pay that much. So technically an official offer wasn't made but very hard to believe the club wouldn't have at least seen what terms he wanted
  14. Absolutly brilliant isn't it, what a hero. He really is my grandad landed on the beaches on d day, as a kid I was fascinated by it and always wanted to talk to him about it bit he never would, now hearing some of the stories of the things they remember (one guy saying as he looked at the beach he could still picture people laying there) there is no wonder he wouldn't talk about it. It will have always been with him until the day he died and I will always be thankful for what every one of them did for us
  15. No, I was referring to Meath's post above. And you was referring to rugleys above. And so the circle continues
  16. This story of the Normandy veteran who was told by nursing home he couldn't attend the memorial so he did I runner and turned up there. All these years later still an amazing fight and spirit
  17. Enjoy. Being able to get married away and still have so many of our close ones there is something to be envied.
  18. From my own experience and some advice off here I used the sales of good act to replace my faulty nexus 7. As I had the device for over 6 months it was up to me as a consumer to prove that the product was faulty from a quality perspective and not from something i had done (in the 1st 6 months it is the responsibilty of the shop it is bought from. it was a simple case of going to a repair shop and asking them to write a report. When my claim was successful I also got the cost of the report back
  19. Yeah sounds like a good plan I've joined the swap website and already had about 10 requests I'll have to go through them tomorrow I'm determined to complete this one, I never managed to as a kid
  20. Just finished opening a box of 100 packets I bought off eBay so my collection is coming along nicely and so are my swap I'll have to check out that website. Unbelievably I managed to not get one sticker for south Korea out of 500
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