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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. The important bit is not IF, but how many of our top performers go and when. More than a few at the same time and the risks increase. As you say, if we can limit it, stagger it and seamlessly introduce our replacements, then the current level of progress, or something close to it, can be maintained. In years gone by, we might have one or two assets other teams wanted and they would be picked off with someone unsatisfactory brought in to replace them, or we wouldn't get anyone at at all, so you would end up with a bunch of square pegs in round holes. We do at least have some structured momentum and intent now and that is a very pleasant change for the better. I was one of the moaners in the season just gone when our form dipped in the second half, but mostly because the prospect of yet another false dawn was just too painful to contemplate! Like many, I have since accepted that we are on a journey, but clearly heading in the right direction. There are going to be more bumps in the road, as we continue making progress, including the loss of key players to so called bigger teams. As fans, I think we have to trust these owners for a while and try enjoying the journey for what it is, for better or worse. That won't always be easy when jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst is our more natural inclination!
  2. Your first paragraph is interesting. You say the national flags have been hijacked by the far right, so doesn't it logically follow that it is they who have turned those flags into a symbol of racism? What role are the liberal left media playing? Also, could you explain which outlets you are referring to when you talk about the liberal left media because again, it's not clear who you have in mind. I could be wrong, but the way you used that phrase implies that you think most media is liberal. If that is what you think, which outlets do you have in mind? The second paragraph is interesting too. You refer to the self loathing of the liberal elite as being strange, so again, I'm interested as to who you think these elite people are. If you hadn't already noticed, we currently have one of the most divisive right wing populist Governments that this country has ever seen. Aren't the people in power the elite? Finally, regarding that self loathing, if you are correct about the far right hijacking flags and using that to stir a culture war, isn't it inevitable that some of us are going to feel repulsed by the version of nationalism we are being told to accept?
  3. No chance mate, he's just commited himself to Leeds. Loves the project under Bielsa.
  4. Birmingham (barely) Live is what I think
  5. Not sure about Fred. He's a likeable bloke and has ability, but I didn't like his positional awareness in games, or the fact he rarely seemed to win any aerial duals (particularly whilst defending set-pieces), both of which are basic requirements for a full back. I think some fans overlooked his shortcomings because he always tried hard and came across well on social media. If he has addressed these flaws, then sure, let's have him back in the fold, if he hasn't, the game's up for Fred in a Villa shirt I'm afraid.
  6. A certain Dwight Yorke was plucked from relative obscurity before going on to become one of our best players in recent memory and it was a feat achieved in relatively short order. Sure, the Sarr fee, if accurate, is off putting, but our current recruitment team are not stupid and the owners aren't poor, so I feel any risk they do take on him will have been carefully considered. If they want him and think he is close to being ready, we should go and get him.
  7. His team selections are questionable, but his Dear England letter proves he is far from idiotic.
  8. It is possible, most on here are adamant not.
  9. Hmm, no doubt Jack is special and improving rapidly all the time, but Buendia has also just made the Argentina squad so, definitely has the potential to be world class and if you look at those highlight clips, I wonder if he also has a greater variety of skills and attributes. Sure, they are just clips and I'm not saying he definitely is a better player than Jack, but I also wouldn't be so blinkered as to assume that just because he is one of our own that he couldn't go on to top him one day. No reason to think that all at this stage.
  10. He is another small fella, mind. Our opponents are often taller.
  11. Suspect you will attract some ire for that, but Buendia does appear to be more of a tiger and can set up a play after winning a tackle, which Jack rarely seems to do.
  12. Play devil's advocate for a minute... Putting aside Jack's 'one of our own' factor, which adds an extra point to each one of his many attributes, does anyone think Buendia has the potential to be (or maybe even already is), a better player with a wider variety of attributes?
  13. I'm sure it's been said before, but the lovely thing about Villa these days is that you hear about a player we are supposedly interested in and more often than not, a few weeks later, we sign him. It's such a good feeling. Straightforward, intentioned, focused and decisive. It's like the wrongs are finally being righted. C'mon you Villa boys!
  14. One of the best things about being run by serious proper owners. We ARE going places.
  15. Younger fans... Wanna know what it's like to have suffered for years as a Villa fan watching admirable industry, 'going again' and just needing one more player? Well, you won't need to when Buendia and Jack collide in a freak, pre-season training ground accident a couple of days before the season starts.
  16. This guy is the real deal. IF we have beaten Arsenal to his signature, I will be delighted and finally converted to the fact that we are back. Proper aggressive winning attitude to banish the doubts. Come on Villa, make it happen!
  17. Isn't it interesting how the things we chose to say publicly can inspire others to hold a very different view from the one we have just so powerfully expressed? And it's often not even the substance of what we are saying which generates the response, but rather how we are saying it.
  18. Exactly and he is just one of the many cancerous lumps that is metastasising and spreading throughout our liberal democracies.
  19. Straight from the modern authoritarian populist's playbook. The proles just lap it up.
  20. Good, let's get both and/or Rashica
  21. Is it a choice? Sorry, I haven't been following the thread to get the gist. Genuine question.
  22. None of that is proven. You've got your Aston Villa goggles on, fair enough.
  23. Have you seen the clip of this donkey turning Jerome Boateng inside out three times on his way from the half way line to the edge of the box before finding the top corner well beyond Manuel Neuer's outstretched left hand?
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