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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. He's not sure himself, major identity crisis from birth.
  2. Those players were bought to mitigate the loss of Grealish. What about the glaring holes in the other parts of the team? We aren't done.
  3. Yeah, my immediate first thought was he obviously didn't write it. Jack's a simple bloke and it was just too crafted. Didn't sound like him, which is one more reason to find the whole thing puke-worthy. He now has 'people' to drive him places, write statements for him and wipe his arse.
  4. You aren't alone in that. He's history. Now we can play the game seriously, the way the big boys do. I'll thank him for that.
  5. Why would it surprise you? That was the whole undertone and main thrust of his address. Fairy Boots has said the same on numerous occasions this week. Grealish, his family and his agent have been planning and angling for this move for months if not years. Sure, he's a fan and it would have been difficult to leave after all the years he's been associated with the club, but money, fame and a shortcut are what Jack has dreamed about. Doing it with us wasn't ever really in his thinking.
  6. We tried letting the chuckle brothers run the club and it was fun with loads of emojis, but we almost went bust. I prefer unlikeable nasty bastards now.
  7. For the last few seasons, various people at the club, including Purslow and Smith have said something along the lines of "yeah, I don't envisage much change this year, we did our spending last year", before then spending a shit tonne on loads of new players. It's standard practice. Don't panic, there will be more coming in.
  8. For those of us without AVTV can someone provide a commentary please?
  9. TBF it's not Villa Talk, it's one or two blokes pissing in the wind. Ignore.
  10. There's always one gettin' jiggy wit' da hyperbole.
  11. Me too. The very idea of having options is so unlike the Aston Villa I have supported for the majority of my life though. It's dizzying. We normally only had one or two really good players and the rest were normally average or shit!
  12. I mean I agree that they are in direct competition with one another for the central striker role and what a delightful prospect that is, but... how unhappy will one or the other be if they are kept out of the team for too long?
  13. Very happy with this. Potent and and excellent option up front. No more worrying about Wes.
  14. He's definitely skilful and fleet of foot, but also sleight, often loses the ball by overplaying and he has a really annoying celebration. He'll soon win me over if he shines in our shirt though.
  15. It has been for years and the money is to blame. Modern day players do have professional pride and even in some cases, a love for certain clubs, but those things are all subjugated by money. You are right, there is no loyalty any more, so it is much better that everyone wises up and we don't repeat the wasted emotional energy we've all been expending for the last few days.
  16. Thank the internet and people collecting in online communities to develop their beliefs into 'alternate realities'. It's the modern way and it is only going to get worse.
  17. No doubt someone will instantly say he knows nothing, but Jamie Gray (Andy's son), seems certain he is off. Has implied on Twitter he has heard it, not just his opinion. Delay has apparently been down to our owners trying everything to persuade him. By his estimation it hasn't worked.
  18. Clearly you are not the Average Joe Villa fan, so how would you define the thing that makes you different?
  19. Yes, that did occur to me too, a bit like Terry's last hurrah. He was injured a fair bit for Palace though, as you might expect at his age. Not convinced he would be a safe back-up if/when one of our preferred pair gets crocked!
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