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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. If there's one thing we know, it is that the modern Villa have the ability to produce almost any kind of result, so a win today is certainly very possible. That saif, if they score first we could struggle. Would be lovely to go into the break with a win and three more points, but I would be happy with a point.
  2. There's a Witsel thread, where people are saying he's too old, but sign him anyway.
  3. If he leaves, he will go to the team that meets the selling club's price and the one that offers him the most money. He might also consider likelihood of regular playing time and the buying club's prospects this season, but they will be minor compared to the financial rewards offered.
  4. Pop was the last to successfully achieve that in the mid to late eighties.
  5. Most are BS, but dismissing them all automatically is a mistake. Sometimes news does come from there first.
  6. Rumours that Harroui is signing for Forest not us...
  7. Definitely keeps his place for me. Excellent today.
  8. They do deserve praise, agreed. I would say the main reason for that is that there were three of them and they all played in the right position for their skillset. Genius!
  9. I know what you mean re: Martinez, he went from zero to hero last season, so probably a little overwhelmed by the success he he's had and undoubtedly deserves, but it may have gone to his head a bit. No doubt he will refocus.
  10. Glad to be proved wrong. Ramsey stepped up, but our midfield as a whole looked much better as a three. Newcastle shit. Young also superb. Delighted we have Ings.
  11. Better than expected mainly due to Young and Ramsey coming in, well done Smith for that. Otherwise, some decent attacking positions spoiled by poor final third decision making. Ings class finish.
  12. It's the best we can do at the moment. Hopefully good enough. He made the right decision re: Targett - another roasting and he might have been done for. Three man midfield also offers hope.
  13. 1-3 loss. Hope I am wrong. Young and Ramsey to start.
  14. It's possible, just as having concerns right now is fair.
  15. We do wait. Patience is different from waiting. One is something exercised through choice, the other is something we suffer mostly through blind faith.
  16. My comment was in relation to false dawns and the waiting that brings. I didn't make reference to any of of the things you have mentioned. Nobody knows what the future will bring, but if you are a Villa fan you can be sure there will be a jarring reality check smacking you in the face, sooner than anyone had expected. It's just the way it is.
  17. My point is, people will believe what they want to believe and use the available evidence to argue their case definitively either way. It's the modern way. Absolute conviction, however unlikely it might seem. And they do this because the world is now full on crazy, where weird shit happens routinely all the time. If you can imagine it, it's possible.
  18. Well, there must be some good reason they don't want to spend the money!
  19. Like Grealish wanting to leave you mean? I know, it's absurd. So much pointless, unending negativity when we could all be dreaming of a march on Europe led by our stellar midfield and injured, disjointed forward line.
  20. Off topic (but still relevant), is that Johnny Ball from 'Think of a number' fame?
  21. You are right, that is the best looking side we can produce at the moment and on paper, it has the potential to be really effective, but I am unsure about McGinn's discipline and/or Luiz's concentration. We seem to be struggling for a formula that suits us. Hopefully it comes soon, or the natives will become restless!
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