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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Wasn't it the Tories who ignored the dossier compiled on alleged sexual abuse? Weren't the houses of Leon Brittan and Harvey Proctor recently searched? Did Savile and Thatcher not have quite a close friendship? Invites to Chequers, spending time with the Thatcher family?
  2. Well... I think we're more likely to get a win over Man Utd than Arsenal if we had to play either...
  3. Is Rikishi's stink face allowed to be posted on VT?
  4. That's just for starters - they're using this one next: I think the Tories would be best staying away from the whole paedophile area...
  5. Theme Hospital has been freeware for years now. Theme Park too, I believe.
  6. WWF Hasbro figures in the eBuyer advert... Roddy Piper and Mr. Perfect.
  7. villaajax

    GTA 5

    I'll be back the heists are out.
  8. Labour aren't pledging to agree to it, something I've been over in detail previously. You agree with allowing people to join terrorist organisations?
  9. This political compass has nothing to do with what we are voting for at all. I vote Labour because I agree with the policies. I would never vote Green because I find their policies laughable. Yet this thing would suggest they are the party for me. It just doesn't add up at all.
  10. Yet you support Labour? Go figure! Not that the political compass thing is proof positive but I'm of the opinion that many people who vote Labour are politically nowhere near where the Labour Party are. Most Labour Party supporters are under the illusion that its some sort of left wing party, it isn't and hasn't been since Blair, Brown and Mendelson et al invented New Labour and dropped Clause 4 to make them "electable". See being electable is more important to Labour than actually having political ideals. Labour being a left wing party is a sort of blue & black / white and gold, you can either see them correctly or you can't. I know you think the Green party is absolutely wonderful and has all the answers but the fact is, they are "the looney left", they are just as dangerous as UKIP in their own way. How many people supporting the Greens actually believe in their policies? I don't think even the Greens believe in their own policies considering how little thought they've put into them, they have no figures to support their plans, no idea at all where they're going to get the money from to carry anything out and when asked, they have no answers. That's the kind of poor level of 'political/economic analysis' that I'd expect from Cameron at PMQs. £280B per year citizens income? Oh that's okay, we can scrap unemployment benefits, that should cover it. Maybe?... "check the Green Party website"... *cough*.
  11. England were absolutely awful. Pleased to see that headbutt on Healey though, wonder if Dan Cole was thinking of that incident a few years back when Healey tried to break his ankle.
  12. Championship definitely but England still have France to play if they win today. As awful as France are, they can still win when you want to beat them the most.
  13. The Greens might be over this side but their illthoughtout plans that would bankrupt the country, like the citizens wage or whatever it was, or their plans to legalise being a member of a terrorist group, opening the borders and all but scrapping our defences or building 500,000 plywood houses. The "which policies would you vote for" test seems better.
  14. Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -6.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.54
  15. Most polls indicate a Labour lead with them having the most seats, yet short of a majority.
  16. My hypocrisy jpg had worn out so I thought I'd give it a well earned holiday and go with a new image But It's well documented the posters who moan about ahh but ... And then use exactly that argument in their replies , always a source of great amusement in my eyes ( I'm easily amused ) Come to think of it, isn't that an 'ahh but' argument in itself? Can't help yourself can you
  17. Have done Anyway, it's not really one of Tony's famous 'ahh but' arguments.
  18. ...You..You're Dutch? Yes and you are Welsh. No I'm not. [emoji16] Then why do you call yourself Welsho? I don't [emoji16] Ah, so it wasn't you I added to PSN. Good.
  19. I'm sure if the tories were offering a reduction in tuituion fees you wouldn't be so cynical
  20. ...You..You're Dutch? Yes and you are Welsh. No I'm not. [emoji16] Then why do you call yourself Welsho?
  21. Got a real Dutchman, huh? That's fine. Grow a beard, baby face
  22. ...You..You're Dutch? Yes and you are Welsh.
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