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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Forgot I'd turned my command prompt claret and blue. That was a pleasant surprise opening it.
  2. That tub has been overfilled, you'd never get the lid on like that.
  3. You've got a point. England also won the football and rugby World cups under Labour governments.
  4. No, because where there are big cats, there are no rat problems. Coincidence? I think not.
  5. Cats will kill the rats. The bigger the cat, the more rats it can kill. Big cat numbers will soar.
  6. I'd be happy to see all snakes extinct.
  7. Another nonsensical post from snowy...
  8. Would be if we only produced printed books. That's not quite how it works. No wonder the labour party's on its uppers. Seems that you don't know what "vested interests" are
  9. You can't settle a matter of subjectivity, buddy. I would rather have something more practical, others would rather have a nice smell. Each to their own. I'm just saying don't hate on ebook readers just because they don't smell like paper and ink. And you're an IT guy for a publishing company. Hardly as if you're manning the printing press There you go, I'm over on the cutting edge modern technology side of things and I'm telling you books are better.
  10. Would be if we only produced printed books.
  11. Let's settle this. Who works in publishing? I do. I can tell you for a fact books are better. Done.
  12. Nah, they've just changed their spots.
  13. Hey, according to the Green party supporter on Sunday Politics, it's okay to chop down trees to burn to keep your house warm. Not that I'm really complaining about ebooks, I work in publishing and they are another source of growing income. Books are better though
  14. No way man, if humanity is going down I'm taking all those bastard cats with me. Cats suck. Let's leave the planet to the apes, that worked out pretty well in that one movie. Dunston Checks In?
  15. My mother does, cuz you can increase font size, and she's getting old. But give me a book with pages every time, I love the feel of a book. Don't forget that new book smell
  16. Don't know why anyone would choose a Kindle over a book anyway.
  17. Unless that's a thing that pisses you off that shouldn't then that post actually is off topic.
  18. It's not like he narrowly avoided a puddle or anything.
  19. I see there is a new political party running against Farage in Thanet. The Al-Zebabist Nation of OOOG. I do like their policy to lower taxes for bearded people, though I don't agree with leagalising dog meat for food. On another interesting note, Ladbrokes is giving Al Murry better odds in Thanet than the Lib Dems.
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