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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Dress = who the hell cares?
  2. Sounds like I got my passport in time then.
  3. Got a new Dutchman, huh? That's fine.
  4. Speaking of Italians and transplants Remember the guy who had a face transplant and ended up looking like Roberto Di Matteo?
  5. Can't have been as bad as the Monty Python reunion.
  6. Why, have you taken more of a liking to the queen?
  7. Well at least he used 'curtains' instead of 'ties' to be fair
  8. You do understand how a forum like this works? Sadly, yes. I direct a question to Patrick and instead I get the stock answer that has been done to death.
  9. I wasn't even asking you to be fair.
  10. Do you have the Jenny Jones desk calendar as well?
  11. pretty much the same as Labour and the Tories, sure the curtains are a different colour but inside the furniture is all the same Original answers, please.
  12. Liar, you were the one doing the looking. Admit it! Hey, my desk is positioned so I only have to move my eyes, he had to spin his chair right around.
  13. All day I felt like having another go at GT6. Been updating since around 6.30 this evening with 270 minutes to go appaently...
  14. Prince William in an Aston Villa waistcoat?
  15. Wainy, you're in the same constituency as me aren't you?
  16. Our work experience boy was sat gazing wide eyed at the team of girls who sit opposite us so my colleague asked "Do you like what you see?" he turned very red "Uh... I was just looking about"
  17. I thought it was the worst since... her last one.
  18. Someone has uploaded Renford Rejects to Youtube!
  19. A colleague from New York wants to have a bet with me, he's willing to put $100 on Mayweather. I wonder if I can slip past the whole exchange rate and say if Pacquaio wins, he owes me £100...
  20. I'm sure Wales won a match while Ramsay MacDonald was in office.
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