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Everything posted by villaajax

  1. Did anyone see this on the BBC website the other day? How long would it take you to earn a top footballer’s salary? It would take Ronaldo 13 minutes to earn my weekly salary and it would take me 760 years to earn his annual salary.
  2. I'm pretty sure the intent of that character is to piss you off, as these YouTube bloggers do.
  3. You can't do that, the bluenose is an endangered subspecies.
  4. VA's gonna kill you. Not in about 10 years he won't... "I hope I die before I go bald"
  5. I don't employ tradesmen and don't own a home (I think that may go for a lot of people, too). Same.
  6. I have an uncle who pronounces it 'Pew-got'
  7. I'd like to know how I am 'avoiding tax' (to make it clear - I don't think I'm unique). I'd like to know too. I'm on PAYE so I don't actually have the option to fiddle my taxes. Eames works in the city, right? Maybe he just means everyone he knows avoids tax?
  8. Looks like a really low budget hearse.
  9. Even WWE is getting in on the Tory tax dodger
  10. Isn't Barry where they scattered Fred West's ashes?
  11. I do like the sound of that, but not as Villa manager.
  12. I've pointed and laughed at them.
  13. Wow... can't believe it's been nearly a year since that World event.
  14. No but you vote Labour to whom the above statement equally applies with a few exceptions. I'm surprised it took you this long to come up with that one
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