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Everything posted by myko

  1. Presuming not all players Lambert would like to play will be playing this game and the Swansea one as well (due to fitness/potential injuries), which game do you think will have more of Lambert's 'favourites' and which will have more of the back-up brigade?
  2. myko

    Ask BOF anything

    What did Santa bring you BOF?
  3. Fulham didn't have to play us off the park because we did that job for them. Fulham were average at best and I have no doubts they will be relegated, that was just an extremely off day, even by Villa's standards
  4. Total tosh. He scored a goal; I recollect. An open one, yes.
  5. The shisha thing doesn't even slightly come into account with my own personal dislike of Ireland. The fact he played completely ****, with zero effort, despite the continuous backing from (most) fans for about two years makes me hate him. He's just an utter bell isn't he. Thank God McGrath, we'll never see him in a Villa shirt again. ( I know)
  6. Not quite the form of last year but I thought today was definitely an improvement on his last few appearances, for the simple fact that I can actually remember him playing today.
  7. Can someone explain something to me... A few minutes after Delph got booked, someone took one of the Stoke players out on the edge of our box and was booked. I couldn't quite tell who it was as the stream I was watching was predictably horrendous quality, however as the referee pulled the yellow out the commentary was like "oh he's got to be now" ... so I presumed it was Delph and slammed my laptop screen down in frustration immediately. A minute or two later I opened up my laptop again and noticed Delph was still on the pitch..... Either i imagined the whole thing, I imagined the referee pulling the yellow out and it was Delph, or it was someone else who got booked. Someone ease my curiosity plzzzzz??? :-)
  8. The fact he is so bad, gives me the impression he'll either continue to be abysmal, or will turn out to be absolutely brilliant. Can't really articulate why... I just definitely can't see him being a run of the mill average player.
  9. First time this year I don't think anyone deserves MOTM. Horrible horrible horrible.
  10. With the exception of the ref's decision to only caution Wilson for cutting Weimann in half when he was through on goal, this is the most disgusting decision I have seen today.
  11. You didn't watch the Fulham game the other week then? It's all relative ain't it.
  13. Who saw that coming... He's consistent at least Tonev.
  14. Would have liked to seen Delph with the armband. Bit premature maybe, in a couple years I could definitely see him as captain.
  15. What is the alternative strategy? Buy better players. Are you the guy who sits behind me at VP and shouts "get the ball and score!" every 5 minutes? What's your point? By saying "buy better players", you might as well be saying "win more games". Not that easy is it.
  16. What is the alternative strategy? Buy better players. Are you the guy who sits behind me at VP and shouts "get the ball and score!" every 5 minutes?
  17. So what if he his? Lambert will tell him to float in 2mph balls aimed at Baker anyway. I'm just going to keep saying this whenever someone complains about the corners, villa had the fifth most goals from corners last year from the fifth fewest attempts. It's clearly not an ineffective system, most teams don't score a lot from corners. The sole reason for that is how phenomenal Benteke was in the air before this recent rough patch. If we put in corners that didn't give the fans time to get up and go for a piss before they eventually hit someone's head, then Benteke (and possibly others) would be able to score even more. So the system may not seem ineffective, but if it wasn't for that one man I doubt we'd have scored a single goal from a corner.
  18. So what if he his? Lambert will tell him to float in 2mph balls aimed at Baker anyway.
  19. Should've scored when Marc played him through brilliantly in the first half, but his touch was embarrassing for any professional footballer let alone one hoping to be starting for one of the top sides at the World Cup.
  20. On the physical side of things I think Tonev has much more to offer - something that's really important in the modern game. Pace, strength, getting stuck in, etc. However I agree that from what we've seen there isn't much more Tonev brings in footballing terms.
  21. Just outta' curiosity, when you sit in the home end at away matches and Villa score - do you scream or sit on your hands and bite your tongue?
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