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Everything posted by myko

  1. Really don't want to see 5/3 (depending on how you look at it) at the back.
  2. Don't understand the shouts for Graham to be called up. Bit premature don't you think? Correct me if i'm wrong but hasn't he played like one competitive game in the last 9 months - which was for the youth team.
  3. The thing is with 3 at the back, it's essentially 5 at the back unless you tend to have a lot of possession (which we don't). So I hope we play four at the back as i don't think Cardiff deserve us to play 5 at the back.
  4. ^ Luna is a class above Bennett when it comes to attacking IMO. Bennett offered very very little attacking with the exception of the occasional decent cross, looked too scared to run at the defender.
  5. Enjoyed watching Villa so much more when he was on the pitch last year. Really hope Lambert hasn't written him off.
  6. I hope he does come out and say that, I'd rather our manager not come out in public and say "yeah we played shit today." Behind closed doors he can say what he wants to the players. I always said it was these 5 games that were important ones, the next one against Cardiff is a must win. Hopefully Lambo can get something like the below out of the pre-Xmas games: West Ham (Away) - 1 point Cardiff (Home) - 3 points West Brom (Away) - 1 points Sunderland (Home) - 3 points Southampton (Away) - 0 He says the same old sh*t every week. I'm personally sick of it and would prefer an explanation/for him to show a bit of honesty to the fans? But fair enough if you'd rather gobble up recycled cliches week in week out.
  7. GUARANTEE he will say that it was a good performance and we should have won the game but just got unlucky with the two Benteke chances. He literally might as well have put Hutton on the wing today. Obviously was happy with a point. Big Lambert fan but games like the last four, all consecutively, make me question him and his "tactical" decisions more and more.
  8. Was absolutely awful today. So ineffective and so f****** lazy.
  9. Very much doubt there'll be a change. Lambert's too stubborn.
  10. Not sure how it's Benteke's fault we're never in their half.
  11. Looks like it's going to have to another one man show for us to get the points today. Feel sorry for Benteke with teams like today, totally different class to everyone else.
  12. Did anyone know Delph was injured? I'm presuming he's injured, either that or Lambert has lost his noodle.
  13. Actually think Herd could do a decent job at LB. Whenever he's played there he's looked at least competent. It's just when he plays at CB it makes me shudder.
  14. ^ Agreed. Anyone saying he can't cross obviously never watched him or has a very poor memory, his crossing was one of if not his best attribute IMO.
  15. Howard Webb has been named as ref for the game. Fairly content with this, one of the best refs in the league IMO. Especially when taking into account the likes of Phil Dowd and Kevin Enemy.
  16. Ohh my bad. Quite the encrypted message though! ;-)
  17. But most of the time he runs around like a headless chicken. That's not OTT Don't understand the relevance to my comment?
  18. Was today very counter-attackey? (couldn't make it down)
  19. Pirlo out of contract in the summer...
  20. Yes, people saying that he has "never been good" is definitely a way of paraphrasing that...
  21. Baker in midfield... Yeah and let's recall Ireland and put him at the back with Vlaar!
  22. Agree with Tom, his goal vs Swansea was great technique. And plus his belters in pre-season and against Rotherham were quality strikers. Yes it was against weaker opposition, however it's the same ball? The quality is there, just very low on confidence IMO. Think people are going slightly OTT.
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