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Everything posted by Frobisher

  1. I can't be bothered to trawl through, but I'm assuming someone has already suggested Bucky O'Hare. I watched Pugwall. His sister was nicknamed Marmeloid.
  2. Fun fact: up until about a year ago I thought Skrillex was called Skillrex. It must be the consequence of hitting thirty. I remember laughing heartily at a then early-thirties colleague a while back when she thought Chase and Status was one guy called Jason Status.
  3. Losers. The phone will be readily available for everyone in a week or two so why camp out? Yep, someone ought to drive by them. http://youtu.be/7lhXOgJ8ahA
  4. I have a flyer for an event at the NEC on my desk. Did you know that wherever you're coming from, the easy way to get to the NEC and the NEC Arena is by rail? What's more, Birmingham International station is linked directly to the NEC by a covered walkway - you don't even have to go outside.
  5. That's a cake not a biscuit Also, the window looks a bit smeared.
  6. I preferred "save for me". "Empty except for me" has that jaunty alliteration that just doesn't work in the context of the story. Change it back.
  7. Just went for the basic console and controller for £300. Probably the most sensible way to do it. I played Killzone for 10 minutes once, and because everyone has traded it in, it's worth about £5 lol. I just thought, I can pay an extra £20-50 to have a game with it... but the games on offer are ones I have no interest at all in so I may as well save the money and wait. Took all night to sort my shelves Would you consider maybe getting one fewer game, going to IKEA and buying a cabinet that looks a little less soviet? That looks like shelving from the background of the grimmest porno conceivable. I can imagine a cross dressing middle aged man perching his webcam on top of this shelving and broadcasting his dog eating cream cheese off his balls for 3 people to watch, one of whom is going to die of a slightly less than accidental heroin overdose within the week. Did you not read? He already bought one fewer game!
  8. I should have added a winking smilie, because you are preaching to the converted. I love superhero movies, Jack Reacher books and the like, because they offer, as you say, escapism. Good post, though.
  9. How can you relax during a superhero movie anyway? What if the heroes don't prevail!
  10. Saw a guy complaining on twitter about that phrase yesterday, as its implication is "woman down".
  11. I assume these will have been good players too, it would take me and whatever motley crew of arthritic fingered friends I could scrounge together twice as long to finish, if we even could. Disappointing that a whole section of the game is locked out to anyone but the unemployed.
  12. Man, I was going to knock up a quick Morpheus pic: "what if I told you Destiny was owned by Activision". Another opportunity slips from my grasp. I can't catch a break.
  13. Had a real bad case of it about 10 years ago. Was off work for 5 weeks and lost nearly 30lbs! Coming out of every hole... sick as the proverbial dog. This feels different.. plus there is blood Best get down the quacks! Coming from you! Don't know whether to be proud or appalled! If it's red blood, it's probably where you've rubbed your arsehole raw from all the wiping. It's happened to me before. Get down the docs in any case. If it's green blood you may be a Goblin. And if it's blue you are a secret reptilian overlord.
  14. Had a real bad case of it about 10 years ago. Was off work for 5 weeks and lost nearly 30lbs! Coming out of every hole... sick as the proverbial dog. This feels different.. plus there is blood Best get down the quacks! Coming from you! Don't know whether to be proud or appalled! If it's red blood, it's probably where you've rubbed your arsehole raw from all the wiping. It's happened to me before. Get down the docs in any case.
  15. Wow. The Villa social media team clearly do know what they are doing.
  16. I've only just got a PS4 and the games this month were awful. Hopefully the standard picks up.
  17. I just read a Will Self article on dickheads. The man is far from retarded, although he clearly relishes (wink) (sorry donnie) basking in the radiance of his own intellect. What do you think of Will Self's grandiloquent writing style?
  18. The inane question at the end of every single official Villa Facebook post. "How well is Ashley playing this term?" "How many goals can Gabby score this term?" "How vital was Phillips in the victory?" It stinks of someone having read a textbook on social media and then implemented the top ten tips for stakeholder engagement or some such blather. Plus, every player is always "relishing" something; the challenge, being shouted at by Roy Keane, giving their view on how influential Ron has been this term.
  19. A mate and I went online last night and had a blast through the first few missions. The criticisms I've read in this thread all seem valid - well, the more nuanced ones, at least - but despite all the negatives I had a great time playing it. Sure it's throwaway and I probably won't still be playing it in a couple of months' time, but it's pretty to look at and the combat is satisfying. I don't know how I would have felt had I been playing solo, but with friends it is solid fun. I'm looking forward to playing some more later.
  20. Put 9 into Intelligence. Put skill into small guns, no other weapons. Put decent skill into repair, lockpick, stealth When you start, go straight to Megaton & help disarm the nuke. Before you go to Megaton, sprint to Rivet City and get the Intelligence Bobblehead. Takes about ten minutes if you avoid death.
  21. Stolen from Gareth not 3 pages ago..... Oops. A flagrant error definitely deserving of a five dot ellipsis. Sorry Gareth.
  22. Stolen from Limmy on Twitter... A warm Scottish welcome to Ed, David and Nick:
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