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Everything posted by Frobisher

  1. Thus exposing the fragile conceit upon which the art world is based. A previously worthless piece is imbued with quality just because it is by a name.
  2. Ending a work away day at VP with a free stadium tour.
  3. Anyone had a go on the raid yet?
  4. Omg guys the Champion of FIFA is on VT!
  5. He's just talking about a drunken evening he had. Hahaha it's funny because ring also means bumhole
  6. Sounds like you need some crack. Actually yeah. Forget that last thing I said. A nice relaxing, soothing pipe of crack is the answer.
  7. What an absolute barrel of monkey spunk that is. Teachers have lots of "non-teaching" time but to say they get 12 weeks holiday a year is simply untrue. There are two bits to a teachers job. The stuff they do with the kids.... and the planning/preparation and assessment of that they are going to do/have done with the kids. Its a full time job - not all of it spent in front of a class. In fact, the working hours for the money is shit and you'd have to be a special kind of idiot to do it.
  8. I'm afraid your recommendation is worthless; you are part of the gaming illuminati.
  9. Aren't a lot of the big YouTubers on the payroll also?
  10. Think so. I just accepted a few requests through the app. Added you as well.
  11. Is it really, really red, then?
  12. PS4 pad is great. And that is from an avowed Xbox pad aficionado.
  13. He wants his very own McConaissance. Reinvincion? Vaughan again?
  14. Steven Knight is giving a talk on the show at Library of Brum on 6th October, if anyone is interested.
  15. What's Mike Skinner done to deserve being landed with this rocket polisher? Bluenose.
  16. I wonder what Pissypants' version of events would be.
  17. It's not horrible. Not the greatest game ever, but still fun.
  18. You don't get to press the button on YouTube. I think I'm so pro-Megaton because I saved it in my first playthrough, so the wasteland just didn't feel right without it. Plus it's the location of my teddy bear collection.That's the beauty of the game, though; neither of us is right, it's entirely up to the individual.
  19. And then revert back to a save with Megaton still intact. Don't deprive Walter of his scrap.
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