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Everything posted by Bazmonkey

  1. So much for letting the play develop on a potential offside. Typically they blow the whistle Big 6 conspiracy again
  2. Ffs Mings...you've done the hard work....thats what let's him down.
  3. You can....if he gets out to Silva quicker instead of allowing him to make a move forward he is forced to pass back and KDB cant make that run and has to check. Digne made his mind up for him. Poor defending
  4. Ffs DIgne....allowed silver too much time for KDB to run past. Great cross though
  5. Kamara just needs to move more when it goes back...theres plenty of space on the half turn for him to play in. Take the safety off fella...come on lad
  6. If luiz can play as an 8...id like to see this Kamara dendoncker Buendia luiz coutinho Ings
  7. If losing Luiz for £20 odd mil and bringing in Dendoncker and Bednarek is the answer to our problems then WTF is the question being asked. Such high hopes this season but literally within 5 days.......shot to pieces with two bad performances and the players coming in. I hope it works BUT.......what is going on at the club.
  8. Luiz to Arsenal done...according to my Gunner mate who is in the know. #justsaying
  9. I kind of get what you are saying......i think he is a good player but definetely a bit hyped on here. For me, Luiz has shown he is a very good technical player.....but struggles with the defensive side and positional play. I always get the feeling he is here but never really wanted to be here...the city work permit kind of forced his move and he probably thought he would go to a better team....though he has been professional about it. Likewise, if he went to Arsenal, he would probably look better with better players around him. If he goes...he goes...my main concern id the replacement...needs to equally as good and better which judging from the news...is not looking good
  10. Luiz is a good player...not a bad player...nor a world beater. Like most players that wear the shirt.....there is a touch of bias towards them. Comments like we look better with him in the side or it all goes to rat when he doesnt is a bit OTT. Technically he is very good, thats the south american style in him. Of course he is going to attract interest from other teams.....why...he is a good player...but IMO...for a better team he would probably be a squad player and the fact he has one year left on his contract means the price for him will be low. It stands to reason there is an interest mainly due to this....more so than him being a great player...as made out on here sometimes. If he stays...great...if he goes....oh well.
  11. Agree to disagree. We are hardly setting the league on fire...yes Gerrard has his faults but honestly we are poor for a reason and it's not just mings and konsa...they are part of the issue....simply not good enough. Maybe one or two in the team...but a team made up of mostly championship players tells the story of where we are in squad depth
  12. Like I have said before...in this starting 11.... Mings Cash Konsa Mcginn Scotland Buendia Watkins All championship players...guess what happens when you have a team full of championship players....you end up.......
  13. Let me guess....we still had 9 back and still it happened
  14. A couple of changes. Same system Don't see us getting much ball and arsenal dragging us round the pitch. Chasing their 5 to our 3 in the middle
  15. Like most of the players...lack of movement...options....always receiving the ball.with back towards goal...kills him. The one time he did go round someone he did trip up which happens. I sat fours rows from front yesterday and he played on left so I saw him quite close....he looked frustrated there was no options and when he did try something it either didn't pay off or the receiving player messed up. Not his best day but needs better intelligent players around him
  16. As much as mcginn is out of form I think he is being made a scapegoat on here. He done nothing more nor nothing less than mostnof the players. Does he make wrong decisions...yes...does misplace passes...yes. I agree he shouldn't be captain but he is the victim of the system..we lack movement and bodies in key areas...forcing passes...forcing long balls....forcing crosses. I think there is a player in there....as proven when henplays for Scotland...are Scotland better than us....now that's a question. Could be a confidence thing but do think he is out of form but so are others
  17. Both teams playing it safe We have probably looked the better team. West ham happy to let us have it at the back and wide...no real threat...Will wait for the counter or when they bring Antonio on. We need to be a bit more quicker moving the ball...bit more adventurous...open out more and drive at them. Coultinho is trying but not quite paying off... midfield are working better but at times too wide apart...need to be closer try and drag rice and soucek out of the middle create some space centrally. 1st goal will be the winner
  18. Cant see anything more than a point today. For me...I can see us winning but at the same time I can see us losing and this is the kicker....I see losing more games before we again....almost 1 in 5 games. Which simply isn't good enough for the club....money spent.....possibly the squad but importantly for him to keep his job.
  19. Potter is a good shout. But there is no way he would come here. On to a good thing at Brighton...no pressure...overall...a better balanced squad
  20. The thing is for every team losing....in this case Palace against Man City...the losing team at least have an identity or a philosophy. Palace showed this against us and other than City they will pick up results. Problem is....we have neither an identity or a philosophy...I see 11 players on the pitch but I'm still baffled as to how we are going to play...arw we an attacking team...possession based....counter attack....dominate midfield etc etc. Something which needs to be addressed quick otherwise we could be looking a long way up with not many below us
  21. Despite 'doing his job' last night still lacks and shows 'composure on the ball'. Can always see it coming big long stides towards a bouncing ball and he tries to kick it in to next week...4 miles in the air. Lack of composure....lack of skill....lack of confidence who knows....but he does it too much for me and probably why he is not held in high regards outside of Villa. Did well last night...but this a bare minimum he should be doing...especially against league 1 opposition
  22. Bolton got caught doing a villa on that corner
  23. I keep reading this about the squad but I fail to see apart from maybe coutinho ings and martinez all on paper...who would anyone else want. Don't get me wrong....the team should be better but to say we are the envy of most teams cannot be true. Better coaching would make us slightly better...and thats on Gerrard..shape...a philosophy...I agree. But a lot of our problems are down to 'basics' trap a ball...pass a ball....movement...something which gerrard cant legislate once the game kicks off...hence who would want a player who struggles to do the 'basics' It's just an opinion
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