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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. I want a Ronaldo injury time winner. (I will shower after)
  2. I can't remember what I got them for and we've had 2 stock splits since then. I'd have to dig through a bunch of old folders to find out exactly, but before the stock splits it was around $75 per share I think. From an initial investment of $7.5k to which I added a few shares over the years, the gains we've made definitely paid the deposit on a summer house in Santa Fe, NM. I bought a couple of stock this week when it dropped to just over $900, down from over $1200.
  3. I woke up to find I'd ordered a cashmere hoodie No recollection
  4. I got a Desmond! Average!? Pffft - If you got above a 2-2 you weren't being a student right.
  5. I think Mings is suspended and possible Konsa too. It will be Tuanzebe & Hause at CB
  6. Can some VT'ers who've tested positive for Covid go over to the Chelsea hotel tomorrow morning and cough a lot at breakfast?
  7. This is absolute horseshit. 1st off the main ingredient in Tesla's batteries are Cobalt. The richest reserves in the world (where Teslas gets the majority if it's supply from) are in the Democratic Republic of Congo. If you don't know anything about this lawless place (thanks to King Leopold et. al) look it up. It's hell, and the criminal gang that run the mines force folks to drag cobalt out of the ore with their hands. Then there's the whole question of disposal of batteries once they're spent. That's a another caboodle of shite to get into. Tesla's electric cars and batteries are a small side step away from fossil fuel. I'm a big believer in Elon and bought stock in Tesla in 2013 - but - they are certainly not solving the worlds energy problems anytime near our lifetimes - sadly.
  8. Make it 4. Due June 18th!! Kept all the Villa baby stuff from my first but will no doubt buy loads more
  9. Morning all! He's very happy
  10. I hate the Beatles but I was just trying to wind up Bicks
  11. Well I for one think the BBC should make loads of documentaries about the Beatles because virtually everyone likes them
  12. Just back from 3 bloody long carol services. Having a glass of wine and finishing Don't Look Up on Netflix with the dog snoring next to me. All the presents are under the tree and the lad is nearly 3 so he's going to go mental. I'll get about 4 hours sleep I reckon. Merry Christmas VT'ers!
  13. Merry Christmas all of you lot. Taking a nap before heading off to Christmas Eve gigs (3 carol services.) Some mates are also playing and the money is good. Back around 12:30am and I'll move all the pressies in from the garage just as most of you are waking up. Have a good one.
  14. Wow - I used to hang out with Chris in London when he was recording his albums. I have some stories to tell, but probably better over PM!
  15. I saw Buddy not long before he died at Wolverhampton Town Hall. Love the album Live from Ronnie Scotts from the early 80’s.
  16. Christmas Eve is hot pork sandwiches- got up and did the crackling and the pork is slow roasting. For some reason my phone keeps wanted to autocorrect pork to porn Those mince pies look lovely @mjmooney
  17. Duck!! My favorite restaurant joke ! (you have to be there)
  18. I do want to say to all the VT'ers who are having a hard time. No matter what the reason, (and a few I've read recently include and are not limited to) unexpected kids, feeling alone, pandemic depression, work/relationship strife, partners families not accepting - remember that you have a place here to vent/talk/read or just feel supported. I'm not quite sure how I understand the phenomena of strangers on a football chat forum feeling like friends at the pub or an anonymous online family, but what I do know is that I often see the best of human nature on here; funny, kind, caring and supportive. That's wonderful that we're all part of it and I'm very happy to be here with you all. All the best for Christmas, UTV and remember that everyone has a home here.
  19. I put it on the other night but it seemed so dated I ended up browsing on here and then fell into a Youtube hole.
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