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Everything posted by Gompedyret

  1. Just a matter of time now unless Vlaar makes a spectacular u-turn. Also known as an "OGS".
  2. Hammers are allegedly interested in Berbatov. For the £5 mill. price tag bandied about he'd be an absolute steal. Put in a bid, I say. Would be very interesting to see him cooperate with Bent, Gabby and Ireland.
  3. How about a link, mate? sorry mate, not great with links but i'll have a crack... You did good! Must say, that was one cracking goal as well. Pales even Stans screamer against Derby.
  4. Good old Richard Dunne, against Swansea. Unfortunately he also scores an OG in the same match.
  5. Would have loved to see Guzan keeping the goal, btw. Hopefully his ready for action asap. Wont bother to put up a team, as I guess most of the available team will get some form of run-out today.
  6. O'boy,o'boy,o'boyoboy! First match of the season! If I was a dog, I'd wag.
  7. Clark for me. In the future he will be a fantastic captain, but being an "ordinary" captain this season is good enough for me in our situation.
  8. "All players below _this_ height aren't allowed to ride the rollercoaster."
  9. Relieved. Not that I really doubted it, but still good to have them in place, and obviously they're getting the exact same job titles as they've had before.
  10. Welcome, Karim! Here's to you being the missing puzzle piece to get our midfield rocking again.
  11. spot on its what you get, not what you spend Cantona wasn't bad for a million was he? I don't really get these comments. This is a silly little thread where we guess the net spend and that's all. You're reading far too much into this thread and then attacking it for being something else than it is.
  12. He looks a bit like that bald wizard in Game of Thrones, the one that could mirror himself several places at the same time. Could be very useful in our midfield!
  13. I think it Bertie might spend this year giving our boys a run, assessing who can make it and who don't when playing under him. This means saving a lot of the dough until next summer. This summer? £8.2 mill net.
  14. Lambo's Lime Lions! Has a nice ring to it.
  15. Was Poulsen the one letting Bender go for Germany's second goal? That alone is close to a deal breaker to me.
  16. It's more a case of McLeish being able to kill the living.
  17. Agreeing with spacehead. A return of the ITK thread would be great, if not for anything else than entertainment.
  18. GarethRDR, where are you? Let's be 'aving you! On to Kyle Naughton, let's have him too.
  19. I must have been living in a cave the last few weeks. Never saw this topic! As I was saying in the other, slightly embarrassing attempt at a topic: TBF, this might not be such a bad deal for us. Age was very kind to Brad Friedel, niggling injuries and increasing slowness we see tendencies towards this not being the case with Given. Sure, his shot-stopping ability is still spectacular, but it might just be that if he was better in other areas (positioning, reading the game, communicating with the defense) this would be less important. The same way Dunne's last-ditch defending can appear spectacular, but would be less needed if his positioning and reading were better. For £3 mill I say, sell. We can get better and younger for those money.
  20. The Telegraph: TBF, this might not be such a bad deal for us. Age was very kind to Brad Friedel, not so sure Given would fare as well. We might already see signs of this, with niggling injuries and increasing slowness.
  21. Guess it's no point in asking about good suggestions for streams?
  22. Great symbolism, Mr. Lambert.
  23. Difficulties finding buyers and getting good prices considered I would have been pleased with one. Two sounds lovely!
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