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Everything posted by Gompedyret

  1. Did really Nursey tweet that or was it part of the joke?
  2. I expect to see the game of at least a few of the players hugely improved. Also, the team as a whole I expect to see playing with a lot more sense of purpose and self-belief. This is the most important as it really hurts to see players having wast amounts of potential not getting any release. If these prerequisites are met, the results will come. As such, for me every spot above the relegation line is a bonus. I'm quite sure to be positively surprised.
  3. That's perhaps the most interesting quote of the PC. I'd have expected PL and PF to be a bit more cagey or phrase it differently, but now we know: There's people coming in as well as going out.
  4. Damnit. I actually bothered to pay 99p to watch this as well as installing Opera because of the black screens in both IE and FF, the least I expected was a song and dance from Lambo! But no-o. OK, joking aside. Nothing but obvious info coming out of this PC. Was hoping for a confirmation on Culverhouse and Karsa, but Lambo took that particular question and spoke himself far and away from it. At least I think, being Norwegian I found his scottish accent to be a bit difficult to follow sometimes. Interesting to actually see Paul Faulkner live, must say he comes across as very young and green-ish to hold such an important post.
  5. How about a thread dedicated to the PC? Wont be able to follow avtv directly but still want as many updates as possible, it would be easier to keep overview, a bit like match threads.
  6. Looking good for Karsa & Culverhouse to land... Excellent, Julie! Would be great if Lambo could give a final confirmation about these two at the PC.
  7. I don't like the lack of news about Culverhouse and Karsa. Seeing some rumors about Culverhouse staying in City or at least not joing Lambo here. Not good, if that's the case.
  8. But McLeish IS a nice guy. Or at least he was, about the first month he was at Villa. Then reality caught up with him, he was found out to be way out of his depth and he started shifting blame east and west in subtle and less subtle ways, instead of taking charge and showing the world that he was in charge. That is not nice. Most of us are nice persons, at least when there's no pressure to us. It is really not that much of a compliment. In fact, I couldn't give a damn if he is "nice" or not. PS: Splendid word filter.
  9. On the news (on the condition that both Culverhouse & Karsa tags along): BTW, don't think Lambo sounds especially gay. If you start calling him Lambie, OTOH...
  10. Anything about Culverhouse and Karsa coming along?
  11. Cheers for the info. Hopefully they wont make it, as I understand these two are quite integral to Lamberts successes?
  12. Minimal research?? Countless hours of norwich games on youtube?! Yeah right that is minmal. How the **** would google help me?! Reply with a dickish response and of course im going to tell you to jog on. Jog on Someone needs a hug.
  13. Non-existing, until he creates one by doing some very shrewd acquisitions for Villa in the years to come. Stay tuned!
  14. I get his error message when trying to upload my new avatar. The image is 80x67 and 5,3 kb. Anyone knows what's up?
  15. Fair play to wiz and our other Norwich-supporting friends for keeping on posting here. I like Norwich, hopefully they will get over this blow quickly to continue doing well.
  16. "No, those are called a set of balls. Use them regularly, or they disappear."
  17. Oh, forgot to put this out there: Chuffed to little bits if we get Paul Lambert. He will be the right man at the right time for the Villa. Still, knowing football state of affaira, this club and life in general, there's no way I'm gonna go bananas over this before he actually is OTOSHAVS.
  18. Interesting read here about Rodgers' and Lambert's approach to football. >>>http://www.guardian.co.uk/
  19. Hei, guys, I think something's up with Paul Lambert :!: Wink wink.
  20. My take: The Dynamic Duo Lerner & Faulkner doesn't have an A target per say. Lerner have paid Klinsmann handsomely for a nice little short list of potential managers suiting whatever criteria he's after (hopefully young, hungry, vibrant and CAPABLE). What they are doing now is simply going through the list sussing out the candidates (by phone, jet plane, informal conversations, interviews, whatever) and then decide on a prioritized list based on 1. who Lerner finds most pleasant do deal with and 2. who is less likely to make a fuzz about small transfer kittys. OK, this is just me picturing the process, really hope the reality is a tad different. Also, I hope Mr. Klinsmann has put a few of his brilliant German colleagues on that list. 8-)
  21. FWIW: I see the advantages and the reason behind the "super-threads", but personally I would prefer a slightly less amount of "lumping together" of related issues and a more organic growth of threads.
  22. Well I just saw Mr. Blobby's youtube video and I'm stoked. Sign him up, Randy!!
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