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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Totally agree. It did back up what i've always said about Michael Mann though. He's a good director but really struggles to direct people. Collateral on the other hand is brilliant, and not forgetting Heat which is one of my favourite films...truely outstanding! Not seen Miami Vice, any good?
  2. Someone once told me, before you get married stick a pin in a pinboard everytime you have sex. Once your married, take a pin out everytime you have sex. You will never remove all the pins.
  3. The frustrating part with Collins, is that on his day he is a very very good centre half.
  4. Me too mate, i would rather have seen Dunne out the door first.
  5. I dont actually think he's as bad as some on here making him out to be.
  6. That Rory Delap has got a very long through hasnt he!?
  7. Yeah...if your a raving queer!!! Hmmm, I'm certainly not a raving queer, my raving days are long behind me.
  8. Yeah...if your a raving queer!!!
  9. Huge no, unless your Gok Wan.
  10. What a complete waste of sperm. Again...Leon who?
  11. Ask me Monday :winkold: Come on Ad you crufty bugger, keeping us guessing is not befitting of a man of your pedigree. Whatever it is it wont last long!
  12. I **** love that book..... genius. The fact they all went out shagging whatever they felt like, then bought an egg burrito to stick their dicks in to hide the smell..... And when Tommy made the girl he was dating at the time suck off everyone in the hit tub!!! How **** up was Nikki!?!?! Never mean a fan of Motley Crue, but love the whole sex, drugs and rock & roll thing. You should read Anthony Kiedis' book, Scar Tissue...absolutely brilliant!!!
  13. Hi. Yes, I know I should have said "hello" but this was funnier. I dont think it's him we're looking for I see what you did there Richie!
  14. About half way through The Dirt - Motley Crue. :shock: They really did know how to party!!!
  15. Oh dear lord...i just sicked in my mouth a little!!!
  16. He was set back a good year by his injury and has had to slowly get his game back. He's as good as any of those Arsenal players you've named, by the way, he simply lacks having the London press as his cheerleaders. Off the top of my head, I think he was one of the top scorers during the Next Gen series and considering he achieved that as a midfield player in a tournament featuring the cream of Europe's youngsters is no mean feat. I think GG must have been shattered last season when you consider all the games he played for the club (and Coventry !) . He's going to be a top player. Hopefully he will follow Gabby's example and aim to be a one club man, winning trophies for the club. Thats a massive shout fella to say he's as good as Wilshire, potentially i think he could be on a par but at the moment he's nowhere near. It'll come tho, im sure of it. I'm not so sure it's a massive shout to be honest. Wilshere and Arsenal have superb media and PR links down there in London and the lad has received an awful lot of hype. Don't get me wrong, of course he is a very good player, but, as an example, is he a player deserving of being featured on the packaging of FIFA whatever it was? The hype really cranked up when he scored a couple of goals in a pre-season tournament for Arsenal and it's been an endless stream of over the top nonsense ever since. Who can remember the headlines when he scored his first senior goal for Arsenal versus us? Did we see similar stories for any of our youngsters when they scored their first goals for Villa? The ironic thing is Ciaran Clark scored two from midfield that day versus Arsenal and not one word did it get in the national press. Not one bit of recognition did Clarky (a defender playing in midfield) get for his performance and goals v Arsenal. It's total media spin and bull. It's a game Arsenal are very good at playing: they sell off their star names and then seem to calm the fans down by blitzing the media with stories about a world class youngster that they are going to build the club around. People will point to how well Wilshere played in a match v Barcelona as some form of proof that he is something special. So what - all youngsters can raise their games under such circumstances. I remember Paul Birch twenty odd years ago totally snuffing out Lothar Matthaus at Villa Park and I cannot recall the London media praising him to all and sundry... Yep, Wilshere is good but there is a whole lot of hype surrounding him that has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt. I'm pretty sure we produce players that match and are superior to those hyped by London journalists. Our lads don't get written about because journalists are more than happy to write lazy, easy copy about the clubs on their doorsteps be they London or the North West. One of the reasons why I'm so looking forward to this season is to see how our youngsters all get on. As a club we have received so little coverage (compared to Wilshere/Arsenal, for example) about the youngsters we have been blooding these past two years that I really hope it all just gels together and gives the bookies and journalists a huge bloody nose. Cant argue with any of that chief...great post!
  17. My reply was... "Of course we can sugartits xxx" Im a disgrace! :cry:
  18. Stevo's changed mate, he's all mature and stuff now! Tag...your it! Im disappointed Steven. Meltdown in 3.....2.....1.....
  19. If you haven't replied "on condition of a blow job whilst the flame is lit, followed by you shouting "he's broken the world record" as I spaff in your face" you are a disgrace to mankind.
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