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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. of him in action.....the boys got tekkers!!! :shock:
  2. Thats brilliant...very heartwarming. Do people believe in mind over matter? That if you want to get better bad enough then the mind can do strange things to the body?
  3. Stevo's changed mate, he's all mature and stuff now! Tag...your it!
  4. The missus has just txt me... "Can we watch the open ceremony for the olympics tonight baby? xxx" Stupid girl!!!
  5. He was set back a good year by his injury and has had to slowly get his game back. He's as good as any of those Arsenal players you've named, by the way, he simply lacks having the London press as his cheerleaders. Off the top of my head, I think he was one of the top scorers during the Next Gen series and considering he achieved that as a midfield player in a tournament featuring the cream of Europe's youngsters is no mean feat. I think GG must have been shattered last season when you consider all the games he played for the club (and Coventry !) . He's going to be a top player. Hopefully he will follow Gabby's example and aim to be a one club man, winning trophies for the club. Thats a massive shout fella to say he's as good as Wilshire, potentially i think he could be on a par but at the moment he's nowhere near. It'll come tho, im sure of it.
  6. Ouch dude!!!! £25k in 2 years!? The amount of times ive heard "You cant go wrong with property...you'll never lose money!" My **** arse!!!
  7. I know a good electrican if you need one mate? 8) I wouldnt mind starting again with a house and doing it from top to bottom, it would just be hard with the little dude at the moment. The place we have brought, we have payed £1k less than they payed for it 2 years ago, and in those 2 years they knocked the kitchen through to form a big open plan kitchen/dining room and installed a brand new kitchen, consevatory on the back and complete new bathroom. From what i can gather, they had an unexpected 3rd child and needed a 4 bed house. So while we have payed more than we were going to, we have had roughly £10k's worth of stuff done to it for nothing. Nothing to do, just move straight in. Result!!!
  8. Good work dude!!! My turn in about 3/4 weeks time! You got much to do to the new pad Gaz or is it pretty much ready to just move in?
  9. **** all gets past you does it mate!!!
  10. and did you both get naked ? I did, not sure about her!?
  11. I'll guess, is it to do with up the wrong'un?
  12. Come on Stevo...spill the beans!?!?
  13. This is the phone call ive just took at work... Me - "Good morning blah blah blah" Silly bint - "Morning, is so and so there?" Me - "I'll just see, can ask who's calling?" Silly bint - "Yes, its silly bint" Me - "Ok bare with me" .... Me - "Im sorry, so and so's line is engaged, can i take a messege?" Silly bint - "Its rather urgent, how long is so and so going to be on the phone?" Me - " :| " Silly bint - "Hello?" Me - "Im not sure" Silly bint - "Do you know who so and so is speaking to?" Me - " :| " Silly bint - "so you cant put me through to her then?" Me - " :| " Me - "No...because so and so is on the phone" Silly bint - "Oh...so i cant speak to her then?" Me - " :| " Me - "Probably best if you try back in a little while" Silly bint - "Shall i try back in a little while then?" Me - " :cry: " WTF just happened!?!?!?
  14. Anyone want to fill me in the Voinjama/shit story?
  15. Lescott!?!? More chance of a snowball in hell than Man City letting him go!!! He proved last season he's one of the best centre halves in the league.
  16. I think Chelsea will push Man City for the title this season. Far too much quality not to challenge. I also expect Torres to have a stormer of a season.
  17. Yeah, pretty much what i gather too. Delfouneso has sounded really lively this pre-season.
  18. He's only just turned 20 years old. Gary is a massive talent who will come good. To expect the kid to come straight in when given a chance and make a difference at this level is a huge ask imo. Only a few players at that age can do that like Rooney, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Jack Wilshire, but your talking supreme talants. Gary was watched by both Inter Milan and Real Madrid before he did his ACL, so that shows that the footballing world is fully aware of how good he could be and the potential he has. He'll come good i have no doubt, just needs time to get upto speed. As Ulver said above, a good 6 month loan to a top end Championship team would do him the world of good.
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