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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Bit of a skewed argument though isn't it? Because so many more people take alcohol and/or tobacco. That's like saying there are more deaths per year from dogs than there are from Lions and deducing that dogs are more dangerous. Yeah true mate, but i think alot of people would be surprised by how many people you know and dont suspect actually dabble.
  2. Be interesting to know which drugs contribute to the most deaths per year? Im guessing that alcohol & tobacco are responsible for more deaths per year than cocaine & ecstacy.
  3. Nicotine straight into the blood stream certainly would.
  4. Weed can be social, iv'e smoked that with mates a couple of years ago, watch some family guy and just zone out, very happy Never been a big fan of weed, but i see your point.
  5. Same could easily be said about alcohol (although through the mouth rather than the nose!) That Rory Delap has got a really long throw!!! On a side note, i did once snort a tea spoon of vodka...not good!!!
  6. I think its an age thing, ive done my fair share of dabbling when i was younger, but as you get older you just think "whats the point!?". I look at people now when im out, you can see that they are wired, and i just think to myself "why do you need to stuff shit up your nose to make you have a good night out!" Each to there own, just grew out of it years ago and dont see the point. We can say the same for alcohol though, can't we? I see your point, but see BOF's post above yours mate. Drinking is/can be social...drugs never will be.
  7. I think its an age thing, ive done my fair share of dabbling when i was younger, but as you get older you just think "whats the point!?". I look at people now when im out, you can see that they are wired, and i just think to myself "why do you need to stuff shit up your nose to make you have a good night out!" Each to there own, just grew out of it years ago and dont see the point.
  8. Huge can of worms you've cracked open there kid!!! I understand what your saying, but the problem of dealers will never go away, The government would put tax on it, so you would be paying say £80 for a gram of pure stuff (it wouldnt be pure because if it was you would probably have a heart attack), but you would still have dealers putting out shit stuff for £40 a gram. Just stay away from drugs kids, drugs are bad....ummkay?
  9. Thats the danger mate, nobody is actually sure what the are taking. Take cocaine for example, there was a study on TV a year or two ago where they took so many samples from around the country and tested the purity. Most were between 20-40% purity with a couple being sort of 60-70% purity. The rest of it was made up with all sorts of stuff. The stuff people score down the pub or whatever has more than likely been cut God knows how many times.
  10. Nope, that would be MDMA. Same thing sort of but just a bit more extreme. Right yeah, MDMA is the powder version? Yeah, looks like brown sugar.
  11. Nope, that would be MDMA. Same thing sort of but just a bit more extreme.
  12. Barmy!!! :bonk: I see your well made point. However if it means getting in a quality DM and a winger, which we desperately need, I think we should take it. We'd still have some decent CM options and more creativity. Obviously i'd prefer to keep him and still sign a winger and a DM. People want an attacking minded squad and a bit of creativity & spark, along with not selling our best players year after year...yet you would happily get rid of our best and most creative player!?!? Hasnt he thrown in another couple of MOTM performance during pre-season also? Like i say... To replace Stephen Ireland with someone with equal technical ability, your are talking in excess of £12m. Which we dont have.
  13. Where do Sunderland get all there money from!?!?
  14. Great advice buddy. Also, sorry to hear about your loss this year mate.
  15. Any idea how long a replacement Barclaycard takes to come through the post?
  16. Yep, think its pretty much bang on i think. I think it's where 99% of us see us being at the minute. We are still nowhere near strong enough depth wise. I think the starting 11 is good enough for a top half finish, but 1 or 2 more injuries and we could be back scrapping again.
  17. I feel a controversial Facebook status coming on...........
  18. lol More and more are doing it now. The Orange Perc is over 5 years old and I lost his mate a while ago, introducing another one can be a bit risky so opted for the b&w and they get on like a house on fire! How the hell can you possibly tell?!?!?
  19. Tell me about it mate, my putter came awfuly close to being bent in two yesterday after a 3 putt from 8 feet!!! Is it expensive to get into karting?
  20. Golf...wish i would have taken it up years ago. Fishing...very relaxing and enjoyable.
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