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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Another man of the match performance last night against Peterborough by all accounts.
  2. The look on my sons face this morning when he walking in the living room and saw all his birthday presents.
  3. Anyone got a feeling he's going to be a little bit how, how shall we say...excited on his full debut and be out to impress the fans and build a bond with us... ...and end up nailing Collins and getting sent off!?
  4. Feel free, just like you did with my laughing thunderbirds one
  5. Love that gif Ingram Consider it stolen!!!
  6. ****!!! Only just seen this!!! Rather slow Richard The battery went on the scooter...ive only just got back in the office!
  7. Solid in what sense? We had the worst organisation at set pieces, we conceded ridiculous amounts from corners, he couldn't pass for toffee. Very Solid that. I think Collins gets a rough deal on here. He is/was nowhere near as poor as what people make out. All imo, but i think he is a better centre half than Dunne. Im also going to put my balls on the block and say Dunne was at fault for more goals than Collins last year.
  8. Signed a 4 year deal by all accounts, and the word is he was on £40k a week with us!!!
  9. Wast Ham fans are generally happy about this Sad to see him go a little as he is a solid defender to be fair.
  10. When your humming a tune and someone joins in with you...my tune, get your own!!!
  11. This. I actually look forward to new Bond films now Craig plays the part. How sweet...Rob has a man crush!!! C'mon, wouldn't you like your arms broken by such a hunk? ;-)
  12. This. I actually look forward to new Bond films now Craig plays the part. How sweet...Rob has a man crush!!!
  13. Anyone think that he could feature against Peterborough tomorrow?
  14. Said trailor was what prompted this thread, though I don't like the new Bonds at all. I didn't think Bond needed re-inventing and I just cannot buy into Daniel Craig as 007. Pierce Brosnan every time. Really Shillzz?!?! I think Craig is the best Bond yet.
  15. Have you read The Heroin Diaries? Even for someone like me who despises the music of Motley Crue, it's an incredible read. I preferred it to many retrospective biographies as he (Nikki Sixx) wrote the diary during one of his years on heroin. It's fascinating stuff. Not yet mate but i intend to, just from reading The Dirt i cant really get my head round how completely **** up on drugs he was!!!
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