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Everything posted by Pez1974

  1. I love my cricket. Always have. I have family in South Africa and Oz, so the shit really flies about when we're crap - and we've been crap for most of my life. I was in the Hollies at Edgbaston in 2005 and never thought I'd top that. Yesterday was another planet. I could list 10 things that we amazing in that game, and still miss a few. And I was hungover as **** all day.
  2. I think we are nearing the stage where we'd be interested in anyone who would improve the squad or first 11, now or for the future. We're almost at the end of the 'need' to get the squad in place - signings now should result in "Hause ain't good enough" or "Get rid of El Ghazi, he's shit" in a summer of 2. When we sell them to Bristol or Brentford for £20m. Or Leeds for £30m.
  3. This is almost a perfect Bruce appointment. When he's there he will blame a lack of support from the supporters. When he's fired, his media mates will peddle the 'Ashley was the problem' mentality. I almost want them to get bought out, and Potato Cabbage get a chance with a lot of money, and to **** it all up. Perhaps then, the dinosaurs in the English game will start to get called out properly by the media.
  4. I think its happening because - (a) Leeds wanted stupid money for an unproven player, and/or (b) NSWE's wallets felt really heavy today
  5. Rumour this one is done - Rob Dorsett @ Sky Normally quite reliable unless talking about riots
  6. What about Jack? His English is **** terrible. Same with McGinn. Can't understand a word.
  7. Not really. It's a bit like signing Messi and wondering where we'd play him. I'd be too busy wanking myself unconscious to care!
  8. I reckon Deano was being all cautious and a bit pessimistic, like a proper Villa fan. Now he's in America, Suso, Purslow and the owners have got pissed and gone crazy - bit like a rapper in a strip club.
  9. Yeah. But transfer deadline day is going to be shit as we've got all our players in early so that they can gel. #SmithOut #PurslowOut #SusoOut
  10. Reported as agreed on the BBC. They don't do gossip generally - except on their gossip page.
  11. There is now way this was a guess. But just being around VP or BH, you can see players and effectively become ITK once. But to be fair, I wouldn't recognise Luiz if he turned up in his kit at my house with a sign round his neck. Perhaps his FIFA image is better than McGinns?
  12. Yeah, but it's a kicking for a day and then immortality! Now where's my Buster Gonad gif collection?
  13. By all accounts, he's just a boy! But he looks to have broken more transfer stories that all the local journos put together over the last 10 years
  14. That fella with the Twitter ITK list must be walking round this morning like he's got the biggest bollocks in the world.
  15. My twitter is down, so I presume lots of other peoples are, and there is a lack of updates on the transfer speculation thread. Anyone think they could be linked?
  16. I really agree with this. A proven player as part of 5 players covering those 2 positions, on a freebie and 1-year deal, feels right. Unless they've got a gem for a bargain fee lined up? We can't spend another £20m, can we?
  17. Either he can play or he can't, though. Richards (*shudder*) was never on the injured list last season but was never fit to play. If Chester is fit for selection, but just can't manage 2 games a week, then can he still be counted as 1 of our centre-halves this season as part of the squad? He can mainly be a sub, and be used in rotation - then we don't need to replace him. This does ask the question of whether Chester (risk of injury), Mings (history of injury), Konsa (not proven in PL) and Hause (not proven in PL) are enough cover in this key position. Perhaps we need 1 more?
  18. Chester is on the plane to the US, sat next to Mings. Perhaps the injury isn't as bad as feared? Surely they wouldn't take him unless he was going to be involved.
  19. Pez1974

    Ezri Konsa

    Good signing. Welcome. It's now up to him to show whether he's good enough to start. He's got the talent.
  20. Height alone does not take account of athleticism. I'm 6'4" for example, and can jump to a height of about 6'3". Garry Thompson could leap amazingly high for a man of his height. Cristiano Ronaldo can also leap beyond what is expected.
  21. Konsa plays for the England U21s ahead of Axel - but behind Tomori for example. Konsa has played pretty much 3x full seasons, the last one in the Championship (42 games). Axel has had injuries and only 1 proper season (played 25 games last season). If we'd signed Axel for £12m, people would be very excited. Although he might need a little time to grow into the team, this appears to be a magnificent signing if it comes off.
  22. If the reports are correct, and we're very close - I don't think it's gamesmanship. Very close for me would be past the stage of agreeing a fee, and probably finalising personal terms and either having done or having arranged the medical. Putting in a low offer for Heaton and leaking it to the press would be gamesmanship. Messing another player around would be very wrong in my opinion, and I would hope my club wouldn't do such a thing.
  23. If he's too expensive, or Stoke are dicking us about, then get Heaton. He's a lot better than what we have already. We can go back and get Butland next year for a lot less in any case!
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