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Everything posted by Pez1974

  1. Everything points to yes. Quite a few reliable reports - including Kristoff Terreur, who seems to be spot on with stuff from Holland or Belgium.
  2. I don't think it is that simple. I agree he doesn't appear to be good enough for a current Premier League team - but from the snippets of pre-season we've seen so far, the standard of coaching in the club at present is on a different planet to anything I've seen in years. The style of play against Walsall looked amazing in parts. What impact has this had on Green? I also agree about the subs, but he has pace. If he can sort out other things (with coaching), he could be perfect on a bench of 7! Additionally, would he be better off going out on loan, getting games but being coached at a lower standard? (Personally, I think a loan would be perfect for O'Hare, but am much less convinced about Green). He has ability, and pace, which you can't coach. For the first time since Graham Taylor, I feel we have a manager and coaching team who know how to help him maximise his potential - and I trust them to do that correctly.
  3. I just look at that squad list and think it's been put together by people who have a way of playing and understanding football. There's a plan A (433), a plan B (4231), and probably a plan C in there (352) for me. There's also another couple I can't see. There's a core of players who appear to be 'good guys', and a low average age, meaning the value of the squad should go up. I can see a few players who might move on in a year or 2 for more than we paid for them, whilst we improve the team without the same massive outlay as this summer. Feels weird, this new Aston Villa!
  4. I've lived in Austria and Germany, and would say I can speak German - not to be able to do an interview. But I managed to get food and beer, and have a laugh with colleagues. There is a difference in the fluency requirements for different circumstances.
  5. Marvellous. Oh wait. Good. Very good.
  6. As a club, we have a transfer budget and every player has a price. If a selling club want too much - we move on. I think we'll bring one more wide player in, but it could be (for example) Maupay, who can play across the front 3.
  7. He is nowhere near creative enough to play out wide, so his only possible position in the team is midfield. Not the Jack role - not creative. Not the DM role - not his specialty and he'll get torn a new one in the Premier League. So that's the mobile, McGinn role. He will get the odd goal, and run around a lot, but I don't see him as having anything like the tenacity to replace SJM. And our change in the middle would be Hourihane, and then Jota or Lansbury. I see no point in keeping someone of his experience and (at a guess) wages to be our 7th or 8th choice midfielder.
  8. It's happened. ON A **** WEDNESDAY!!!!! *subject to work permit.
  9. I see this as a potential positive. I'm fairly sure you need to be outside the UK to apply for a work permit in the UK.
  10. Agent: "Hey Mahmoud, the Villa fans are really looking forward to seeing you play. One of their websites had added loads of pages to a section dedicated to you in the last couple of days." Trez: "Wow. Can I see?" Agent: *checks phone* "No."
  11. #BruceOut was trending on Twitter earlier. The Titanic had a better start.
  12. It seems the article was comparing him managing Aston Villa in the championship with what he could expect if managing Aston Villa in the PL. And that he was somehow unaware of this when he joined the club. Personally, I never really hated him, never really wanted him, but supported him. I thought he should have gone having failed so miserably at Wembley, but he definitely had to go when he did last season. And then some bloke came in, with the same players and budget (albeit shifting out Bolaise and bringing in some defenders instead) and got us up. Which Bruce couldn't. When will football owners, pundits and journo's realise that there is a crop of talented managers in our country who aren't 'names', and a bunch of shit managers who are 'names' and keep getting pedalled about? If Deano, or Eddie Howe or Dyche had done with their clubs in Spain or Italy, they would be in a top job in England by now! Anyway - congratulations Brucey; you've done something I thought you never could. Made me feel sorry for Newcastle fans.
  13. Birmingham Mail saying Darren Bent thinks we should go for Charlie Austin - if we can keep him fit. In similar news - I know how to solve the Middle East peace issue - if I can keep religion and history out of it.
  14. Lets see who the manager sells, sends out on loan, and who he plays at RB before we become too confident
  15. It's a lot of money, but doesn't feel wasted - I expect many of these players to retain much of their value over the next 2 or 3 seasons, with many having the potential to increase. This means - if we do have a terrible season, which will inevitably affect their value - we won't be too badly off on FFP. I know that the 2015 summer madness feels terrible from afar, but many of the players (Amavi, Veretout, Sinclair, Gueye, Traore) at least held their value based on what is reported we paid and sold them for. Yeah, there's always Richards and Lescott to throw into the mix - but they were free or a very low cost (So wages were high, especially on Richards, but that feels unique). Lets ignore Bunn and Illori from that summer, because successive managers did.
  16. Very different players. Rashica is more of an attacking midfielder and well under 6" tall. Wesley is a **** beast, and very much a central striker.
  17. As a minimum - the amount of gaps in your squad where players are not of the required standard. As a maximum - the amount your budget can afford. If the minimum and maximum cannot meet - you're spending too much on individual players. Or a Chinese Dr (PhD).
  18. Now people...play nice. We're back in the PL and are signing lots of (hopefully) good players; we're owned by 2 guys who have a lot of money and who have (1 at least) a history of successful ownership of a sport club. We're managed and captained by on of our own, and our parents never made us support them lot down the road. Some views on here can be a little extreme, and certainly hyperbole is never in short supply. But I think we're all on the same side and need to be kind to those who have a different take to our own. Unless it's @Delphinho123 and his disappointing Wednesday's (day not club)
  19. I love my cricket. Always have. I have family in South Africa and Oz, so the shit really flies about when we're crap - and we've been crap for most of my life. I was in the Hollies at Edgbaston in 2005 and never thought I'd top that. Yesterday was another planet. I could list 10 things that we amazing in that game, and still miss a few. And I was hungover as **** all day.
  20. I think we are nearing the stage where we'd be interested in anyone who would improve the squad or first 11, now or for the future. We're almost at the end of the 'need' to get the squad in place - signings now should result in "Hause ain't good enough" or "Get rid of El Ghazi, he's shit" in a summer of 2. When we sell them to Bristol or Brentford for £20m. Or Leeds for £30m.
  21. This is almost a perfect Bruce appointment. When he's there he will blame a lack of support from the supporters. When he's fired, his media mates will peddle the 'Ashley was the problem' mentality. I almost want them to get bought out, and Potato Cabbage get a chance with a lot of money, and to **** it all up. Perhaps then, the dinosaurs in the English game will start to get called out properly by the media.
  22. I think its happening because - (a) Leeds wanted stupid money for an unproven player, and/or (b) NSWE's wallets felt really heavy today
  23. Rumour this one is done - Rob Dorsett @ Sky Normally quite reliable unless talking about riots
  24. What about Jack? His English is **** terrible. Same with McGinn. Can't understand a word.
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