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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. we all know how this will pan out: March 25th - no news March 31st - no news April 7th - no news April 16th - 1:00pm - some random team somewhere announces Moyes as new manager April 16th - 5:45pm - Aston and Remi agree to 'amicable' split, Villa announce they are now actively looking for a proven gritty ginger Scottish Manager September 4th - meltdown r7.0 as McLeish announces a chance to finish unfinished business
  2. well that's not bad BOF Moyes isn't even here yet and already you're sticking the boot in jeesus H paddythwack, only on VT
  3. I used to be him, down the park.
  4. I've tried to read the Guardian. There's the occasional interesting bit, but it's not for me. The fact that it's free in Waitrose and is the same size as our pet cages base means it is the paper I pick up. But 3 or 4 times out of 5, it doesn't even get opened until Basil's cage is cleaned out. Basil is my basement gimp, by the way.
  5. Well I think Blandy just summarised, wrapped up and closed the thread quite nicely there.
  6. Yay! Phaddywak office pranks. Years ago (when computers had integral roller ball mouse things built in to the keyboard and we thought we had to wear Space 1999 suits to drive a computer), we had a little spinning device installed in the CAD office for us cutting edge space dudes drawing on a screen not on paper. It was supposed to de ionise the air or some such aromatherapy crap. Anyway, we quickly discovered that touching the little spinny thing with one hand and touching someone else with the other caused a zap. A little static charge. Within the hour, I got to thinking, what if I kept my hand on the spinner, and waited, and waited.... Well it turns out that what happened was the guy I eventually zapped got blown off his chair and sat on the floor for about 15 minutes shivering whilst we all tried to reassemble his desk.
  7. Yep, looks from that photo like bog standard brick spall. Ice has popped the front off the brick. So you can have a couple of new bricks, some brick slips, or some brick coloured filler. But....a good repair man / builder might point out to you that it looks like your damp course is a bit low. I'd guess it was the right height but then you covered the garden in brick pavers for ease of maintenance. Ideally, the dpc would be at 150mm (two bricks high). Rather than dig down and lay to the original height, they've laid the pavers on top of the existing ground level. So now the damp proof course that used to be two bricks high, is now only one brick high. The rain that used to absorb in to the earth or the flower bed, now bounces up and over the damp proof course. Probably nothing. Possibly have no effect ever whatsoever. A zealous surveyor could pick it up and mention it to potential buyers. But yes, painting the bottom two rows of bricks a different colour would cause most drive by surveyors to think everything is fine. Or, your house is sinking.
  8. I've had to politely tell more than one person from one project management company (E C Harris) that I will not have meetings in Starbucks. It ain't appropriate. I will meet up in Starbucks if we must. I will chat some work chat in Starbucks if we must. I will not sit around a cluster of laptops and paperwork in a Starbucks that has been replanned as a conference venue by a prick in a shiny suit.
  9. we didn't have prizes at my school, or competitions, we were a proper 70's comp and we didn't want to upset the lazy, losers and lesbians No Tony, of course you don't win, the bees made it ok to say swarm, they actually made it slightly funny, context again. Also, that link was to the Daily Mirror. That's like, you know, a bit shit.
  10. If there was a rally in London with thousands of disabled or nurses or pensioners protesting about something, would we need a single word like swarm to describe them? Or would we possibly use the word 'thousands'? Who knows, it could even be more descriptive, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands. I have no idea how many are in a swarm. A hundred and twenty three maybe? But I have just looked at six different online dictionaries, Collins, Oxford, Cambridge etc.. and they all gave insects or flying insects as the first definition.
  11. I take your point. But we have to consider context. Swarms descending on the beach on a sunny bank holiday is just a description. A bloke that cheats on a girlfriend is a rat. Describing refugees or immigrants or whatever as swarms or rats is deliberately provocative. I think it's ok to describe somebody as black if giving a description of, say, a black actor in a film. To front up to someone on the football pitch that is patently black, and call them a black whatever, is probably racist. Context. It's tricky and there can be misunderstandings and well meaning blunders. Use of terms like rats and swarms in the context of this current topic is unhelpful at best, deliberately offensive racism at worst. But probably somewhere in between. The Daily Mail knew what it was doing recently with it's cartoon of rats. Not quite blatantly racist enough to get prosecuted.
  12. yeah, I think we're talking about euro passport terrorists Like the ones from Leeds, Bradford and Aylesbury that carried out the July 2005 tube and bus bombings in London. If we vote leave, that couldn't happen.
  13. trip to Bristol for me to see the Knife this year
  14. Is he the one from space that doesn't understand where underpants go in relation to trousers? Or the posh one that lives in a cave that doesn't understand how to wear underpants? I've missed out on a lot of this stuff. I was putting up a shelf. A solid straight shelf.
  15. Agree with CED entirely, just because somebody isn't mature enough to be a real adult, or can't get a woman or doesn't have fully functioning genitalia is no reason to single them out for ridicule as an inferior manchild, some sort of half complete failure, content to sit at home, often it's actually mommies home, probably on a bed with a super hero themed duvet cover, playing computer games and looking at porn. It's not easy to be a real man these days. Cut them some slack. Often times they have other redeeming features. They may be very good at i.t., or know the entire train timetable for Bristol without having to look it up. I have friends that don't have their own kids, often times they are very, artsy. I know our local amateur dramatics society would be under tremendous strain to find male leads in many a musical production if it weren't for these types. It's just not our place to judge or punish, that's for God. That's my little rule anyway.
  16. My two little cherubs have brought nothing but joy and hope to the world. They put a sense of the wonder of nature in to people. The miracle of life. They have given and given and given. Everyone they have touched, everyone that has met them has been made a little happier and a little more enriched by the experience. Anyway, that's what I call my testicles, what do you call yours?
  17. We need to be careful of extremists on both sides. The sort that want to invade and blow us up and undermine our way of life. But also the nasty snidey little ones that refer to rats and roaches, that whisper in our ear that bad things are coming. These people are just as bad and would have us dance to their different but equally evil fiddle.
  18. all three mugs and a car sticker: £12.99 quality! though to be fair, we can't match Rhyl for cheap smack or soap bar
  19. August. Working party to be formed in the following weeks to consider what's needed when looking to recruit a Director of Recruitment who will then be able to analyse the market to facilitate the Managerial appointment 'without delay'. New Manager could be in post as early as 5 or 6 games into the start of the season thus allowing plenty of time to draw up a hit list of up to two players he'd like to be tenuously rumoured to be linked with in the January window.
  20. March has the start of Spring. It has daylight when you wake up in the morning, with light for the journey to work. A light frost on the grass of an early morning weekend walk. St David's day Welsh cakes. Bank holidays. Lent. Easter eggs. Get togethers to celebrate Easter week. The sun has heat in it on a good day for the first time since September. Frog spawn in the pond and buds on my plum tree. The allotment looks like it might be salvageable. The first stumbling cut of the lawn. The smell of cut grass. The smell of an evening garden fire somewhere in the distance. Actual lingering sunsets, not just suddenly dark at 4:45pm. Things might just be getting better... On the downside, Aston Villa do traditionally find March quite a tricky month.
  21. Nah, serious, I'll pay this back, sweet as. You haven't got any fags on you have you? Yeah yeah, I'll pay you back tomorrow. You got a light? Good man. Could I sleep on your sofa?
  22. From each, according to their ability, to each, according to their need. Fair reward as agreed by consensus. Political decision makers elected 40% by popular vote, 60% by random jury selection style system. Anybody wanting to opt out and swim for another island are more than welcome to **** off. .
  23. 2:2 they're a bit of a bogey team for us and we were 2 down in the first half so it's an ok result it's heresy, but we were joint top of the league and I don't particularly want promotion this season, so a convenient 2 points dropped
  24. Ton Pentre vs Barry Town Barry player gets lengthy talking to from ref for complaining about a kick in the knackers he'd received. Ref tells him to man up and play on. Within a minute ref gets a ball shot straight in to his knackers which poleaxes him and receives by far the biggest cheer of the game.
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