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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Summer football fans don't bother me, but the ones who go on about how shit England are do.
  2. I know yeah, supporting our country, enjoying ourselves and being positive. God, we're such arseholes.
  3. Congratulations! What did it weigh?
  4. This really winds me up. That fake, 'look how caring and upset I am' act. My ex was like that whenever she talked about her passed grandparents and it really wound me up. Makes you feel a bit of an arsehole for thinking it though.
  5. Last I heard was that he went to a alcoholics/Drug rehabilitation ward. They were worried about him as after he was talking they smelt a strong smell of poo on his breath. You just made me do a snort laugh in a quiet office.
  6. Changing the subject slightly, I miss sir_gary_cahill. Where'd he go?
  7. Yeah, sorry. I'd wear it anyway, just because its retro. And I work for an Italian Clothes thing...know my stuff etcs
  8. On my own here, but I like it. :oops:
  9. My dad told me the other day he was constipated for 2 and a half weeks once, was the worst pain he'd ever been in. I don't think I've ever gone longer than about 10 hours without pooping, I like maximise my pooping allowance time at work.
  10. Or visa versa, now thats what I call karma. This is like waking up the next morning after your house party to find that unwanted guest still hanging around in your kitchen. You try to be polite for a while, but sooner or later you're going to have to tell them to **** off. Wow! You can swear, 20 million years in the making and you can swear.....jeez! Why are you still here!? Get out my house!
  11. @CraigBrookes1 Posting this here and getting 0 more followers wouldn't be embarrassing for me... :|
  12. Agreed. I can't think what the thinking behind it is for the parents other than, 'we buy it them because it makes them happy'.
  13. I don't think there's anything wrong with parents giving their kids chocolate, sweets or this kind of cereal, it just depends on how much or how often. I loved running to the shops with my pocket money and stuffing my face full of junk food. They're only kids once, I say let them enjoy themselves. But fatties with fat kids with fatty food in their fat trolley, yeah I hate that. And lion bar cereal is freaking awesome! Try it!
  14. Or visa versa, now thats what I call karma. This is like waking up the next morning after your house party to find that unwanted guest still hanging around in your kitchen. You try to be polite for a while, but sooner or later you're going to have to tell them to **** off.
  15. Can I get that in a high resolution please?
  16. I'm alright with it. This site would be pretty boring if everyone just said, 'Yeah, it's fine.'
  17. I think I would care about the kits a lot, lot more if it didn't every change every 38 games. If you don't like this seasons *shrugs*, just wait a few months.
  18. I'll join you in a little moan. I wanted to put a bet on last night, Van Persie to score anytime with Germany winning, but I had to choose either Van Persie to score first or the correct score. Why's that? I couldn't do a multiple bet. Was well annoyed when it came off.
  19. A workmate of mine is in Poland watching Ireland in the Euro's and was drinking with Shay Given Senior the other night. Mr Given assured him Given's happy at Villa and there's been no mention of any move to QPR. There you are. Just something I've heard and am passing on. :angel:
  20. Do you support England? That must have been mixed emotions last night. Actually, for £4,500 I could probably take an England loss.. EDIT oops, thought you'd put a tenner on
  21. You're in the wrong thread.
  22. It's got to be them, I can't imagine who else PF would be so certain of moving on. Imagine starting the season with an entire new back 4. Scary/exciting?
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