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Everything posted by penguin

  1. Well it's a matter of opinions isn't it, no real way to prove it one way or the other. There's a quite a large difference in mine though.
  2. I also agree. If we improve the players out on the pitch it will make Brad's job easier and won't be faced with a rediculous amount of shots at him each game. We were one of the worst for preventing shots in the league last season weren't we? Well this is a fallacy, we are pretty much bang in middle in terms of shots faced. But 3rd/joint 2nd worse in terms of shots faced to goals conceded.
  3. Why are so many people convinced that the reason so many don't rate Guzan particularly highly is because of one match? Seems a bit like because they have the opposite opinion it must be reactionary and poorly informed.
  4. As I said I havent seen that much of him but he got Stokes POTS and was supposedly excellent. Don't think it's that laughable to suggest that he'd be good enough to get into squads such as Lyon, Monaco, Mgladbach, Wolfsburg etc, Sevilla actually put a bid in for him, which would achieve his aim.
  5. I don't know enough about him to make a judgement to be fair. My point was that to come out with such a remark and then move to a club who are currently worse than Stoke wouldn't make a fat lot of sense.
  6. It's reported Nzonzi turned down a new contract with Stoke because he wants to play champions league football, not understanding the links to West Brom, Leicester and even us etc.
  7. Whilst I can appreciate it has it place at markets and in other cultures etc, I worked in retail for 2/3 years and those who tried to haggle with me at the till were the bane of my existence.
  8. He's far from a brilliant keeper. Agree there are other areas that need addressing first though, he's fine for the level were at at the moment.
  9. Which ones? Seems all but unanimous opinion from what I've read that it isn't a big deal. To be honest I don't think a single Villa fan has said it's a "big deal". Only that they expect better from their professionals, and that's about it. The press have made a big deal of it, so much so that if you, as a Villa fan, are to express an opinion other than "he's 19 years old and rich, he can do what he likes during the summer" then you are laughed at. Ah well, roll on pre season. As always seems to be the case with this kind of thing, there are easily 10x the amount of people ridiculing the 'outraged masses' than people who actually do give a shit.
  10. Which ones? Seems all but unanimous opinion from what I've read that it isn't a big deal.
  11. If you had a threesome with two sisters, would you be guilty of aiding and abetting the crime?
  12. Didn't think they played negative football at all, was quite an end to end game at points.
  13. Strikes me as an Agbonlahor-esque head down run merchant does Townsend, whilst he'd certainly be an upgrade on Weimann not too sure I'd want to be risking £10-12M on him especially if our budget is as limited as it has been in recent seasons. Think we could do a lot better for that sort of money.
  14. He sat Neymar down numerous times it was glorious. Petulant little shit.
  15. Wiemann played 1778 minutes of premier league football last season, Townsend only 752 plus arguably different positions. Comparisons between the two aren't particularly valid.
  16. Was 4-4-2 (more like 4-2-2-2) last night.
  17. Henderson currently leading the vote to be on the cover..... https://www.easports.com/uk/fifa/cover-vote/ Think it could sway me just enough to skip this one.
  18. Admittedly watched very little Hull but from what I saw he wasn't that bad last season.
  19. Anybody have any any experience of appealing against grades at University? Particularly the dissertation grade, just got mine back and was surprised to say the least that id only been awarded 35%. Looking at the marker feedback, my supervisor slated everything I did even though I'd gone above and beyond the many past dissertations id looked at in many areas, and only awarded me 35%. Yet the other marker found everything pretty much satisfactory, mentioned in some cases a lack of detail but not much more than that and awarded me 60%, obviously a huge disparity. Yet the overall agreed mark is 35%, how the feck does that work? Wouldn't even be too arsed if it was bumped up to 40% as at least that would mean I wasn't referred and had to do more work to it, not to mention print off and bind another 50 odd pages.
  20. I don't think Sterling is rubbish but I don't think he's worth much more than £15-20M, from what I've seen of him anyway.
  21. He isn't saying those who disagree with him negative though is he? Just those who are clearly being negative, 'Huddlestone is dire' etc.
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