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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Played the demo - My initial reaction is that it seems like it could be quite a bit of fun, however, it's not remotely original and I wouldn't expect anything ground breaking. It plays exactly like an MMO, but it's single player (collect herbs/profession reagents, MMO style talent speccing, stuff like that) ,the art style is very similar to Warcraft and it's generally very cliche characters/story, etc. That said, the combat is smooth and flows great, tons of special moves and specs to play around with. Lots of button bashing in the early stages but that'll change later on, the combat is sort of feels like God of War. Played this last night and i gotta say i really like it! Couldnt put it down once i had started playing, think im gonna buy it. The Mass Effect 3 unlockables are a nice bonus as well.
  2. Ive just started watching Dexter on Netflix. Loving it so far.
  3. Any ideas as to when this is being released? Valve have been very quiet lately...
  4. New DLC dropped yesterday. 5 new multiplayer maps. Geddin.
  5. Anybody know much about Kingdoms of Amalur?? Never heard of it before but saw a preview last night and it looks very good. Sort of a cross between Dragon Age and Dark Souls. Downloaded the demo last night before i went to sleep so didnt have time to play but ill have a go later. Its out at the start of next month.
  6. You really cant hear a bad word said about Petrov can ya Bicks? Hes shit. Get over it.
  7. Cant belive you just said this: Followed by this: Gobsmacked. You do realise that Petrov invented the 3 yard sideways pass???
  8. Djemba? Berson? Boulding? None of them are fit to lace Makouns boots. Unfortunately, neither are most of the shite we have at the moment. Apart from Jenas of course. Now hes class. :drowsy:
  9. :shock: Stan is alot of things, but 'classy' aint one of them.
  10. Eh? Most of his passes that night were first time passes. If you have time on the ball you tend to take more touches. Aint rocket science. So stop making shit up.
  11. I take it you didnt see the Man U game then?
  12. 1. Counter Strike: Global offensive 2. Mass effect 3 3. Trials Evolution
  13. Id take Shorey over Warnock at the minute
  14. Albrightons a good player but hes low on confidence
  15. There can only be one!! Carol Vorderman!! Davina McCall is also a top bit 'o totty
  16. If he does sell i just hope he takes that waste of spunk Faulkner with him.
  17. Lets be honest...Lerner is out of his depth at a premier league club. He aint bad at tarting a pub up and building mosaics but he doesnt know the first thing about football. I know its not his job to know anything about football but the appointments of Faulkner and then McCleish just goes to show how clueless he is. Thanks for the non footballing things you did for this club Randy but you need to go. Dont let the door hit your arse on your way out.
  18. ...hes been injured. And another thing, hes a better option at CM than anything we currently have. So yeah, keep telling yourself that hes shit but in all honesty hes too good for us. Cant blame him for doing a runner at the first opportunity.
  19. We see more of Hayleys comet than we do Randy.
  20. Letting Makoun go out on loan to replace him with Jenas HAS to be one of the worst footballing decisions i have ever witnessed.
  21. Hopefully they dont, then we will have a proper midfielder back in the squad
  22. Anybody else had the glitch in Valthume? Basically, im 95% of the way through the dungeon and im at one of those doors thaqt you have to open with a claw. When i first got there, none of the rings with the symbols on would move when i clicked on them. So i saved the game and reloaded. Doing this solved that problem, but when i moved them into the right order i tried to open the door and it wont open. The symbols are definitely in the correct order but it still wont open. Pissed off because theres a dragon priest and a word of power on the other side of that door. Done a search online and alot of people have had this issue and it seems to only affect the 360 version.
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