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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Contrary to what alot of people here think, im quite intrigued to see what AMC can do in a full summer window fully backed by the owner. I reakon hes got an eye for a player. Made some quite astute signings with them lot. Also make a couple of bad buys but show me a manager who doesnt. Id say his good signings outweigh his bad ones. Saying that though, as manager of Aston Villa he should be looking at a better standard of player to what the blose were so like i say im quite looking forward to it to be honest *puts tin hat on*
  2. For how much longer though?? We need to be looking at replacing him at the end of this season IMO. Im not saying get rid of him, hes a good option to have in the squad, but we need a better player starting in his place
  3. No it doesnt at all. It just means they want Delph to get a bit of form and fitness back. The same way Gardner went out on loan a few weeks ago. Why does a young player going out on loan have to be a bad thing? Or maybe its just a VillaTalk thing? :bonk:
  4. Definitely not cut out to do a job at LB. Looks like were gonna have to stick with Warnock. We literally have nobody else who can play there.
  5. Was so impressed with him on Saturday. He was probably our best player. Will be ten times the player his brother was/is/will ever be
  6. We need an enforcer next to him. We aint got it though.
  7. Hiding as usual. I think even HE knows hes not good enough anymore. Get a replacement in FFS
  8. We don't have one. Gardner looks good in possession but Stan is leaving him horribly exposed. But im looking at the bench and we have no options in terms of holding midfielders. Id even risk bringing stan off and getting Bannan in there to give us more energy but hes too lightweight. We dont have anything else though. But this manager would rather get Robbie Keane in. Frimpong could have been got for half the wages and no loan fee. What a **** joke
  9. So it looks like Wolves are gonna do the double over us and the Baggies have already beat us at our place. **** Great.
  10. And why the **** werent we in for Frimpong?? Exactly what we are missing in the middle. Full of running, gets stuck in and gets things moving. But we sign Keane instead. On twice the **** wages. Outrageous.
  11. That shold have been a Pen the other way from donkey Collins. Concentrate you ****
  12. Season 1? Or the new season? All of it is good, but those first two are fat with with storyline right the way through. Started with season 1 as id never seen it before. Im halfway through season 2 now. Its quality. I love it.
  13. I preferred Gannicus to Sparticus actually, thought he played the part of a gladiator alot better. I didnt realise theres another series coming out. Nice one
  14. He needs regular football and he aint gonna get that here. Hopefully he will come back from the loan as the player we had when he first signed.
  15. It really isnt. But each to their own i guess
  16. Hes been injured for them. How many times does this need to be said before it sinks in?
  17. Erm...have you seen the state of our midfield lately?? Yes and I don't see how a player who looked poor for most of his time here could have beedd anything more. We need either a good tough tackling box to box midfielder, which Makoun is not, or that creative spark that can take people, has a bit of spark and can light up matches, which makoun is not. What we already have is someone who can pass 2 yeards and then get the ball and pass aother two yards, and then be crap at tackling. As i said, what exactly would makoun bring? Intelligent one touch passing, closing down, tackling, somebody who wont hide from the ball, an out ball, somebody to collect the ball from defence and get things moving. Do i really need to continue?
  18. Erm...have you seen the state of our midfield lately??
  19. Except thats not a fact is it. Looking through the Makoun thread id say the majority think hes a good player and we shoiuldnt have let him go. And they would be right.
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