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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Dress it up how you want, we just arent taking our chances. Its that simple. Sacking mcleish will not suddenly turn all those missed chances into goals.
  2. We played well in second half though, just didnt take chances.
  3. We should have won the game easily, just didnt take our chances. And whats this about sitting back in the second half?? As far as i could see we had chances in the second half too. Seems people are making shit up to justify mcleish getting the sack. Pathetic.
  4. Good player but there are countless other strikers who would be better options
  5. Look at Blackburns stats all you want it means nothing. I see you fail to mention they beat United at Old Trafford. They have it in them to play well. Seems that happened second half today, afterall, theyre fighting for their lives in this league against a squad of similar quality sk always had it in them to nick a goal.
  6. You can have all the 20million strikers in the world (ours just got injured btw) but you need a defence first. Lets face it, our defence is shite. Yes, Given is decent but are you telling me you wouldnt prefer the young lad at Swansea? Our midfield is also poor. Our strikeforce is also poor now Bent is injured. Sacking mcleish now will not magically change this
  7. Im posting on my phone, its hard to reply to one of your points let alone all 20 of them.
  8. Hang on a sec.. He gets labelled as negative yet you yourself say you want to hang onto a 1-0 win. Is that being negative or not? Im confused
  9. Do you want him to continue? yes. No point in sacking him now. Im still waiting for someone to tell me who to replace him with.
  10. Sent out differently? What does that even mean? Do you honestly think mcleish tells them to go out there and be shit for the second half? Blackburns response to us going a goal up against a team playing at home is normal...do you think theyre gonna just roll over and let us win? They managed to get a late equaliser, fairplay to them. There are no easy games in this league and when the squad is as ageing and average as ours then it makes things harder. We havent got the players to go on and batter them 3 or 4 nil. Especially with Bent out as well. If N'Zogbia hadnt managed to put us a goal up (who also gets slagged off on here left right and centre btw) then i cant see where a goal is coming from. Nowt to do with the manager, we just havent got he players
  11. All these people calling for mcleishs head... Can one of you tell me what good it would do to sack him now and more importantly who could we get to replace him? And please dont say kevin mcdonald
  12. Dunno if its been mentioned elsewhere in the thread but i was totally infatuated with this game as a kid
  13. Some of the occasions when the youngsters were used are still used to beat managers with. There's a critical mass of about 3 or maybe 4. Anything above that and it seems to go to pot. I know this but theres already plenty of sticks lying around to beat Mcleish with, im sure 1 more wont hurt :winkold: If it means losing a game then it will hurt! Well, theres every chance we will lose anyway the way things are going. I see your point though. Mcleish picks the kids, we lose, Mcleish gets the blame. But at the same time...Mcleish picks the seniors, we lose, Mcleish gets the blame. Not many winners around Villa park these days, players or manager! Or fans for that matter!
  14. Some of the occasions when the youngsters were used are still used to beat managers with. There's a critical mass of about 3 or maybe 4. Anything above that and it seems to go to pot. I know this but theres already plenty of sticks lying around to beat Mcleish with, im sure 1 more wont hurt :winkold:
  15. Just get him in the team ffs. Whats the point in having some of the best young players around and not playing them? Utterly stupid. We always seem to do it.
  16. Where do i start with this?? Well, i got this a couple of weeks ago and i havent been able to put it down. Amazing game. I have to admit...when i first started playing i didnt have a clue what was going on. The game doesnt tell you anything, it just drops you into this massive world and says 'off you go then' and thats it. But thats part of the beauty. Finding out for yourself. Humanity? What the **** that? Reverse hollowing? Come again?? Kindle the bonfire?? Whut? But the more you play the more it starts to make sense. Never before have i played a game where im so shit scared of dying. I went into darkroot forest with 8 humanity stacked and about 20k souls. Cleared the whole **** place out without a hitch. Then i noticed some big ominous looking doors. I though '**** it' im going in, im kicking arse here and im pretty much unstoppable. Went in and it turns out its one of the hardest bosses in the game and quickly got my arse handed to me on a plate. ****! 8 humanity and 20k souls and theyre stuck in a boss area with only one option of getting them back...fighting that bastard of a boss again. So i trudged off through the forest again back to the boss. Before i even had chance to think about grabbing my souls and humanity he one hit me and im dead again. 20k souls and 8 humanity gone. I just felt empty inside. Lesson learnt, the hard way! I could go on for ages about this game. The way i almost shit my pants the first time i saw that Knight in the Undead Burg. Or how many times i died trying to beat Havel at the bottom of the tower, and then the immense satisfaction when i finally did. But i wont. I realise im rambling here so ill just leave it by saying that this game is amazing. That is all.
  17. No, it doesnt. It will just add to the already awfull atmosphere and results will also suffer because of it. So yeah...pointless.
  18. Carlos Anchelotty :winkold:
  19. **** meee. Im sick of seeing this 'stat'. Why is it that his 2 league titles, 2 scottish cup wins and 3 scottish league cup wins are conveniently forgotten? Some people only see what they want to see
  20. Im with Paddywhack. Some of you need to get your heads out of Martin O'Neills arse and open your eyes
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