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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Seems to be picking his game up and im pleased. But... Is it just a coincidence that Ireland is playing better just as we go into the transfer window? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way., if we could get 6m id probably sell tbh. Just not consistent enough
  2. THIS!!! Its almost something thats engrained into the club. Weve played shit football for years, not just since McCleish has been here!
  3. Yes we will be, but it should be directed at McClunge, not at the players... So it's McLeish's fault Warnock is playing terribly? He picked him, he manages him in training. What other options do we have at LB? Clark. Who is a CB/CM.
  4. Yes we will be, but it should be directed at McClunge, not at the players... So it's McLeish's fault Warnock is playing terribly? He picked him, he manages him in training. What other options do we have at LB?
  5. I dont think anybodys defending McCleish, but the players have to take some blame and responsibility. Who is our captain today? Petrov? Where is he??? Hiding like the rest of them
  6. Erm yes you can. Yes...we all know you can, but any sensible person can see that our players are just terrible footballers Who picks them? Who bought Hutton? Who are the ones who cant even string 2 passes together. Yup, the players.
  7. Erm yes you can. Yes...we all know you can, but any sensible person can see that our players are just terrible footballers
  8. You cant even blame McCleish. Our players are just so **** useless its unbelievable. Sack the lot of em and start again
  9. Well, if thats what they tried to do then it certainly didnt work. Still plenty more people playing COD than BF3. And theres a reason for that - BF3 is, like you say, a bit shit.
  10. Who would have thought Alan Carrs dad could unearth such gems as Cabaye and Tiote. Madness. Meanwhile, dutch legend Arthur Numan down at the Villa is having trouble unearthing his passport
  11. I think its the opposite...theres actually too much you can do, at least in terms of killstreaks. The way theyve done it this time round is a little confusing at first but once you get your head round it and the different possibilities they open up in terms of playstyle then it certainly has alot more depth than past COD's. Id say its the best COD theyve done yet and all the DLC thats coming is only gonna make it better IMO (although if you havent subscribed to Elite then i can see why you might not think so) Im prestige 3 level 30 something. Would be alot higher if it werent for Skyrim. My KD ratio is up to 1.70
  12. Looking forward to the map packs, first one at the end of the month. The maps already in the game are good enough but ive played them to death so needs freshening up a bit. It'll also be interesting to see what else they add in terms of game modes, spec ops, new guns, camos etc.
  13. ...alot of that work involves staying down there on a weekly basis. Cant wait to get back up here on a weekend. Hate the place.
  14. QPR easily have the money Apparently Hughes only has 30m (only ) to spend and i cant see him spending the lot on one player.
  15. Me too. Just not to QPR. More ££££ and moving back to London? Bent is on a phat wedge here, i doubt hed get more at QPR. Plus, London is a dump and Bent isnt from London anyway hes from Cambridge. Cambridge aint that far from Birmingham... I can only assume you've never been to London? Perhaps I'm slightly biased as I live here but London on the whole especially for a man on £70k a week is far from a dump. Ive worked all over London plenty of times. Its the pits.
  16. Me too. Just not to QPR. More ££££ and moving back to London? Bent is on a phat wedge here, i doubt hed get more at QPR. Plus, London is a dump and Bent isnt from London anyway hes from Cambridge. Cambridge aint that far from Birmingham...
  17. I think this film looks quite good and ill definitely watch it at some point.
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