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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Youre unbelievable mate. Where you 'hearing' this from?? The voices in your head?? Afterall, it was you the other day who said something along the lines of 'we played shit in the first half because the players listened to Mcleish, but played better after the break because they ignored him' Seems to tally up nicely with what you're saying.
  2. I dunno about the pair of them squaring up but i can believe Robbie Keane getting frustrated with Stan. I know i do.
  3. He did alright at all his previous clubs. Again, another sign that we have some wrong uns in the dressing room. How can people not see it??
  4. Needs to be replaced. Our midfield has been stale for a long time now and Petrov is a big part of that.
  5. Im not Irelands biggest fan but no way was he at fault for their first goal yesterday. We had 3 defenders in and around the 6 yard box when it was falling to Demba Ba. The fact that they are just so slow and cumbersome to react cant be Irelands fault can it??
  6. He really was awful yesterday. Constantly giving the ball away, wild 2 footed lunges, clashing heads everytime he went up for a header...im sure i even saw him dive head first into an advertising board at one point. It was almost as if he was trying to get subbed off/sent off/stretchered off. The only thing is who do we play in his place? God what a shite state of affairs to be in. Id rather have Nicky fekkin Shorey
  7. I cant believe people are saying the lad is finished. These are the same people who are raving about Lichaj after having a half decent season at Leeds. Give him chance to get his fitness and confidence back and we will have a proper player on our hands. Ive seen him do the business for us before but a cruciate injury tends to put that back a fair bit. Writing him off at this stage is madness (but typical of alot of Villa fans)
  8. If we cut out the stupid mistakes we will be fine. There seems to be at least one clanger every single game now. Its getting silly. The players just need to concentrate more. As has been said we played some great stuff last night but were let down by certain individuals yet again. And no matter how much you try and blame Mcleish for this one....it aint his fault!!
  9. I dont even think Mourinho could get a good balanced team out of this lot. Theres a couple of exceptions but the majority need shipping out and replacing. That probably does include the manager as well but i tell you what, theres a good 7 or 8 players that I would rather see go before Mcleish does.
  10. Eh?? He got them promotion from the championship and then got sacked halfway through his first season in the prem. AM gets Blues promoted from championship and leads them to a 9th placed finish and a cup, yet he did a worse job there than Hughton did at Newcastle? Cant have it both ways mate. You give Hughton credit for promotion from championship but cant give it to Mcleish for better achievements. Is it just because hes ginger?
  11. Hold on a sec and let me get this straight....when we are playing well its only because the players have 'forgot' what McCleish has told them and when they are playing bad its because they are doing what Mcleish wants them to?
  12. My Spurs mate genuinely rates him highly. I cant quite get my head round it. At first i thought it was a wind up but he still maintains to this day that hes 'qwalitee'
  13. Yeah i played that too, its just one big QTE. I was expecting a sort of cross between Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta but its nowt like either. Not impressed at all tbh. BTW, does anybody know when the Witcher 2 demo will be coming out? Looking forward to that game lots.
  14. Brilliant performance so far! Even the defence looks solid apart from Hutton on a couple occasions. More of the same please. And bring on Sunderland!
  15. Spurs have just done it with Pavlyuchenko too. Well, hes signed a new contract with them knowing full well that hes not gonna get many (if any) games for them. I dont know if it was something written into his contract or he did it off his own back, but its something our club should look at doing ALOT more often. Its called contingency and its something that EVERY business puts into practice on a regular basis. Just think of the extra £££ we would have made from the sales of Barry Milner and Young. Not to mention some sort of contingency for when we signed Jenas incase it went tits up (just like we all knew it would anyway!!)
  16. Bump. Got this off Ebay last night for a tenner. Just couldnt resist.
  17. Absolutely spot on. Spend 6 million quid on one of the best young attacking CM's in England and we let him rot on the bench for 12 months before putting him into the team at LB. Where the **** is the sense in that?!?! SERIOUS mismanagement. MoN especially
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