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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. Someone needs to tell the Belgium boss he can play 2 up front. Benteke and Lukaku? Good luck defending against that.
  2. GET IT WIDE. -----------------Guzan---------------- Lowton----Vlaar----Clark------Luna Bacuna---Delph---Westy---Bertrand ----------Benteke-Weimann------------ Bacuna/Bertrand both offer pace on the flanks. Lowton and Luna have had a hard time but they will get some proper support from the two in front of them. Need to replace the pace left by Gabby. I cant see PL changing it much though, he will likely not play Luna and Lowton, Baker back in and another MF. 3-5-2.
  3. Well yeah but I'd still rather be at the ground than watching on TV. Its just the awkward times of the games. Of every 3 o clock game on a Saturday was on TV, I'd still get a season ticket. I would but there are a lot of people who are happy to sit at home and watch the game instead, which is fair enough. If Villa Park was full for every game, with a good atmosphere then it would bring back a bit of the feel good factor. Over the last 3 seasons the ST holders who used to sit around me have gone and I dont blame them, there hasn't been much to look forward to.
  4. Pretty sure I remember this chant last season, after losing to Chelsea 8-0 and Spurs 4-0, Wigan then came and won 3-0 and we started chanting 'How shit must you be, you've only scored 3'. Don't think it lasted very long, most people had left and the ones still there were too depressed to even join in. Another was Liverpool away, Marlon Harewood came on when 1-0 down and scored an overhead kick. We didn't have a proper chant for him at the time so when 'Du, du, du, Marlon F***ing Harewood' broke out it was pretty funny and continued through the rest of the game and outside the ground. I liked the Ashley Young chant, Claret Ribbon when on a cup run, and the one for MON which started with 'When I was young, I had a dream..' A not so good one was the 'Eduardo' chant at Arsenal but everyone joined in purely because of how angry it was making the Arsenal fans. They actually got up off their seats and started throwing their arms around, very aggressive that for Gooners.
  5. Have to agree. Why pay all that money for a season ticket? You can catch 50% of home games on tv and the rest you can probably go to for £200 with the amount of deals the club do to get new fans in. Being a season ticket holder isn't worth much these days.
  6. AndyM3000


    I must add though that im sure these new street lights and bright car headlights make my eyes worse and make it more difficult to see down darker roads.
  7. So I have Sky TV and a ST and all our home games on Sky all our away games on BT. Hate having home games on TV, less people turn up which makes the atmosphere even worse.
  8. Im with you on this. I have to ram them into my ear and they still fall out, normal Iphone ones work fine for me.
  9. AndyM3000


    Where there's blame there's a claim. Hows your back? Any headaches since the fall? Sleepless nights? Scared of running and falling down another hole? PM me, my cut is only 75%.
  10. They have a new deal with Puma worth 30m a year. How much do we get from our deal? Cant see how we could ever compete in this league when they can get deals like this.
  11. I figured it out. Man City want as many replays in the FA Cup as possible so they can set a record for most goals ever scored and one that wont be beaten! Thats the only way I can explain why they drew to Blackburn and are drawing today.
  12. If you put City in your accy you deserve to lose. Zero value in a team that must have been about 1/10.
  13. I wouldn't even have him in the Villa team. Hes like a really shit version of David Luiz.
  14. New plaque outside of Wigan's stadium, Dave Whelan showing everyone what a bellend he is.
  15. If he ends up playing for Madrid it can only be good news for us so good luck to him. unless he leaves on a free...
  16. The new ad picture really annoys me. Bring back the girl!
  17. We would actually have to do half decent in a cup game first in order to get to a penalty shoot out, cant see that happening.
  18. He's probably getting a nice slice of the £37,000,000 transfer fee He's probably getting a pay rise He has secured a contract which takes him further into his career than his current deal with Chelsea He'll get more game time He'll increase his chances of playing in the World Cup in Brazil He'll be signing for one of (if not the) biggest clubs in the world He'll get to play in the League Cup final at Wembley He could move to one of the top German/Spanish teams. If Man City didn't have 4 strikers he would fit in well there with Navas and Silva.
  19. Hes a WUM who wants to draw attention to himself. **** him.
  20. I don't know why Mata even wants to go to Utd.
  21. Was a good keeper until the first howler against small heath Then he just lost all confidence and went to pieces Yeh agreed I thought he was fairly good until that error. Same happened with Carson. Given is probably one of the worst for me, great shot stopper so looks good but its the stuff like coming out and taking a cross when under pressure and communication with the defence that is important in todays game.
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