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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Great win. Glad we are taking this competition seriously. Well done Emile!
  2. You don't. If you're close enough to taunt them then you're close enough to smell them
  3. KMac tried too much. Taking short goal kicks was never going to work as was playing 4 atacking midfielders at once. Saying that, I would have taken 7 points from 5 games after O'Neill (et al) downed tools. There's still a good side there with a strong defence and talented forwards. We just need a bit of organisation and coaching. Houlier and GMac should provide this.
  4. Pretty much my take on it. Young's miss cost us dear in the end Played well for 80 minutes.
  5. I know! Ben Sherman shirt?? Oh Ricky, you can afford way, way better
  6. I can see where you are coming from but it is a very risky move. Players have to respect their manager. If a temp comes in who they don't get on with or like they can either rock the boat, engineering a move away, or simply not play to their full potential. We're doing the next best thing. We're hiring a full time manager who will probably only last a season or two. He will sign a few prospects and keep the club stable. It's not what everyone wants to hear but it is the best solution to the problems we are facing in the short term.
  7. Best of a bad bunch. I would have taken either him or Sven.
  8. I think the same. Of all the realistic possible appointments, Houllier or Sven with KMac in a prominent first team role would do for me.
  9. errm...not quite Though he is one of the better journos when not spouting transfer sh!te
  10. Houlier has shortened from nowhere to 8-1 on betfair! Bob Bradley out to 10-1 which is good to see. None of the candidates are outstanding but would not mind seeing one of Sven, Dave Jones or Querioz. I think there will be a negative reaction on here whoever they appoint.
  11. Agree with this. I thought the team were very well organised and disciplined which I felt was key to getting anything from the game. Absolutely delighted with the three points. Credit to Kevin MacD for drilling the players.
  12. You need to be well organised to beat Everton and, at the moment, organisation is our biggest problem.
  13. This is worth a read regarding the future for China
  14. I suppose the most poignant image was the team standing around waiting for Newcastle to come out for the 2nd half. Albrighton was stood on his own, head bowed, Petrov was having an argument with someone and the rest were standing around like dolls in a shop window.
  15. Reason's why we lost. -I did not have my season ticket upside down in my wallet -I passed up the chance to buy my usual lucky callipso ice lolly before the game -My brother did not take off his shoes during the game -I did not shave my head the day before -I set the PVR for MOTD2 What a time to consciously decide to give up all my pre match superstitions
  16. In the words of Acker, There are 92 league clubs and I 'ate 91 of them
  17. Take the dish off the wall and chuck it in the bin. Problem solved
  18. Good performance but he did miss a few headers. He likes a tackle though
  19. Dunno if anyone else has posted this: source This was the article that appeared on Newsnow last night (despite being 19 hours old) that was read by that fat word removed moose, who broadcast the story on national radio which was copied by the Birmingham Fail website (before being taken down ) and which has caused a flurry of bets.
  20. There are very few scenarios that would justify a manager walking out a few days before the start of the season. Especially a man who "couldn't envisage...just throwing the toys out of the pram" and who said "You wouldn't just down tools. It's not been in my nature to do that."
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