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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. There was a programme on the other day (I think 4d or something) called "24 hours in Custody" This was based in Luton nick and was well interesting. Its rare to see the interviews for Conspiracy to murder all the way through but well worth a watch. The guy was told to go "No comment" which he did all the way through, bad idea when they disclose things later on and you had the chance to explain. Really good programme. If you are into body language as well, this is an absolute corker. Goes from cocky to legs shaking uncontrollably in 2 questions.
  2. I agree in a way but the problem is that there is a mis-match is the size of the perceived class segments. If the toffs shared it out (Wealth) for example and made it fair there would only be 1 segment and thus no class system at all. They do not and never will allow that. No matter what, their opinion will protect themselves and their family first. They all go to Eton and places like that for a reason. The minority choose the rules of the game remember.
  3. Until a few years ago I thought Anti-Pasta was what you had to eat if you ate too much pasta. The reason I found out was that in Italian Restaurant with the Mrs. I said "The menu is wrong in this gaff as the anti-pasta stuff is first, you need that after the main course surely." it's one of those things you sort out as a kid as "Bang on, I know what's going on here, I do not need to ask an adult" When I 1st left school I worked in a Wine Bar (Mere green) full time, they told me to nip next door for 2 small box of "quiche" written down. This could have been anything, I asked a woman in there after a while of searching for "quiche" pronounced "Kwitchee". She looked at me like I was a small heath.
  4. No particular order had to leave some good ones out. Trainspotting Rocky I The great Escape Dambusters Raiders of the lost ark Star Wars Lock Stock Alien Aliens Empire Strikes back
  5. Well this is perfect, No Police duty today and a Sunday morning lie-in, the Mrs is still asleep in the land of nod and the sun is streaming through the blinds & creating shadows and lines on the far wall that no man's eyes can focus on at 9.00 am. Best shut my eyes again. The Kids are playing nicely downstairs so let them have some fu... "That sounded like a gun being cocked" why is my gun not on the bedside table "KIDS".................BANG.
  6. Just fill a drone with the stuff(Virus), crash it on purpose and as the little ISIL people climb all over it.......wait for it and "Spray and you better Pray mother F******s"
  7. Was behind some fat middle aged woman in a Fiat Punto today. Had to stickers on the back window:- "I love cats" "My other car is a brooooom!!!!!" With the best will in the world I hope she has a nice day and does not die.
  8. Did you notice the biggest plot hole? How can his centre parting be so neat when he has no reflection in a mirror? The fact that moon light is actually sun light kicks a lot of these into touch also.
  9. I watched the Signal last night. It is really really weird but also very enjoyable over all. A lot of WTF!!! at the end also. 7/10 as said above, might not be everyone's cup of cocoa.
  10. Just secretly video him being a prick. Especially if you are not there and he is having a pop at your old dear. People like him will trip up eventually and give it the "I will tell the police you said X or Y" + at a certain point they will cross a line and that's it.
  11. A full invasion is an option but like any vermin, religious vermin scatter like rats when a drain cover is opened. We need to think of a long game here. 1. Stop the fairy tale believers leaving the UK to join ISIS. Bill boards all over the West on every motorway and space possible: Picture of an ISIS fighter but photoshopped in a dress wearing makeup "Akmmood always wanted to be a woman, now he has joined the International Sex-change-Institute-Sisterhood his dreams have come true" Hijack or create fake facebook pages for all the fighters we know are there. Sunday...... Breast implants are a bit sore etc.... Monday, perm looks awful. 2. Save any women / children from the area in question. Leaflet drop over all of northern Iraq telling people where to go : Create save havens by dropping aid, not just a bit but millons and millions of tons of stuff. Get these people to go there over the next 12 months. 3. Remove the religious vermin from the planet in a way that puts no normal people at risk. We need to wait a bit unfortunately, once the Ebola vaccine is sorted. We then get 20 - 30 US drones filled with live Ebola virus, get the drones to fly over them where ever they are, let them think they have shot them down. They can all jump up and down on the drones giving it the bigun on you tube but the canisters inside will activate by remote as web cams on and inside the drone will let us know when the scum are crawling on the drone. Infect the **** wits and watch it spread. Remember the women and children should be long gone. Wait......... Use it on any religious group from then on that even twitches. A mad plan maybe, better than "Call me dave" cameron though.
  12. the Bill Hicks in me won't let me watch it Maybe he will go home soon and you will be free to watch and move about at will.
  13. The little finger will go. I've been watching it. It doesn't pull its weight. And we will all go UGGLY and not "av it away as much"
  14. The aging population and the care of is going to be the problem for developed countries IMO. If the current number of old people need X amount of care / medication / housing at the current rate of expansion the X will possibly be unattainable within the current social setup. With relationships between people quite different from the last century (Ie people get married less and have more partners in general) the assets available for the government to steal when people die are I suppose going to be smaller then they get less and less money to look after more and more people with more dementia etc as they are getting older and older so cost more. ALso.....they will stop making trousers and we will blend...........................all our food.
  15. Not really, you can take 10 packs of monster munch into the Cinema and that is allowed but you are still a proper word removed for doing it.
  16. While it appears to be the case that the majority of perpetrators are probably of Pakistani origin, I've not seen anything saying it is related to any particular sky fairy worship..Did you make that bit bit up? Yeah, if you're going to put religion forward as the primary motivation for abusing children Christians are the last group in the world who should take the moral high ground. Does not really matter what the motivation is does it. They got away with it because of the segment of the population they belong to and the folly of cultural diversity being force fed to those who don't want it and don't understand how to deal with it on a day to day basis. Unfortunately the vulnerable are always targeted as they have no voice or protection. To the law makers in the London the abuse of 11 year old girls will never make them lose any sleep unless it started happening in Knightsbridge or Mayfair to someone they know, which I think is unlikely.
  17. It makes them better people. I just don't get the water challenge thing. When one considers the amount of people without fresh clean water in the world then I think its all a bit off IMO.
  18. I watched the 1st 2 episodes and I really liked it. It's on the "Wait until the season is finished and watch it all" queue. One strange programme though.
  19. Watched the first 2 and I agree it is rubbish. There are so many holes in the plot its embarrassing and I wanted them all to die. Avoid.
  20. Call me old fashioned but...can you really be called a lady when at least 2 areas of the body in question have an echo ?
  21. They're Serial Killers. It all sounds a bit Norfolk to me.
  22. Hmmm, not really both a bunch of classless words removed
  23. Thanks. It really is unbelievable that people vote for them but on the other hand they probably do it blind without thinking about the consequences for others which is the main problem here. It's always the same with UK politics, no one can ever ask a straight question to Cameron. "Do you agree with the killing of civilians in Gaza ?" Yes or NO and so on. Frustrating.
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