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Everything posted by Rovers13

  1. One can only dream. Weird follow up for Liverpool. They came back up at the first attempt finishing 2nd, the in the prem, they were in the relegation zone and they hired lambert who had been sacked 3 straight seasons with his club in the relegation zone.
  2. Especially considering the fact that he dropped guys in positions where there were alternatives, like lowton for bacuna, benteke for kozak, Clark for baker. The only under performers that id say kept playing without repercussion were Weimann and sometimes gabby, but it's because villa didn't have better options.
  3. Doesn't lambert do hands off training sessions?
  4. I think the biggest shock is that they could buy the World Cup for just $5m
  5. It could be the second option, but getting the best out of players was what sort of defined lambert at Norwich.
  6. No one wants Chris Hughton at villa.
  7. Against an Aletico side that were playing a German style under an Argentinian coach! That wasn't a German style. That was a unique simeone style. Other teams don't play like that
  8. Platini was a big Qatar supporter. Even blatter wasn't, loathe as I am to defend him.
  9. Not his fault at all obviously. He did pretty well in the one on one before the penalty.
  10. Plus Atleticos right back, juanfran, was called up ahead of carvajal.
  11. The winter World Cup could easily be solved by the very sensible "Lego" system a bayern exec suggested, which the game should probably switch to anyway. However, this will never happen, and the part about winter is the smallest problem for this disaster of an idea.
  12. Russia are playing Algeria and South Korea, no matter how bad they play, they'll be getting some points. Weakest group in the tournament by far. Even worse then the Switzerland group. Switzerlands group really isn't that weak.
  13. That was my thought exactly, most of the "exciting" leaders are genuine psychopaths.
  14. Clark probably lost his place because he made no effort to play the ball out from the back last year. Wasn't really better going forwArd.
  15. I take it you were furious when Lerner bought the club and started spending lots more than most teams? Were you wishing for the days of Doug when Lerner was spending cash fast trying to buy success? No because, much like now, our spending had dried up under Doug (if it was ever flowing ) and we needed re-investment. Exactly the same situation now, we need re-investment because our owner is basically stopping his. There's a vast difference between spending, say, £60m on new playing staff and spending £200m, though. To come from nowhere like Man City/Chelsea or to spend gradually and improve your infrastructure like, say, Arsenal or Spurs. I know Arsenal have won not as much as they'd like, but I'd much rather see that sort of sustainable running of a club at Villa. What city are doing is sustainable though.
  16. Barkley was brought through slowly though. He's 20 and he had a couple lower league loan spells.
  17. Everton seem to do everything under Martinez to prevent injury and they still ended up near the top... A lot of injuries are down to bad luck, especially severe ones.
  18. Yeah, WHILE villa manager, which came AFTER we hired him so doesn't apply to the "what managers had achieved before we hired them" criteria The criteria wasn't "achieved" as in trophies, it was just having proven something in management.
  19. You're right, but for some reason I'm having a brain cramp and can't remember any academy guys they have except Gerrard and Flanagan. (I don't think sterling counts yet) I'm sure im forgetting people.
  20. Apparently lambert was a Liverpool youth player. It's pretty cool for him to be honest. Gone from league two to playing in the champions league with his hometown club. I doubt they're short on them, but maybe this is partially to meet the homegrown at the club requirement for the UCL?
  21. The logic that because the other teams have better strikers, England shouldn't use strikers.
  22. That's certainly feasible, because £8-10m for a 32 year old who's not that good is a bizarre price. But is that type of thin allowed? I'd think Bournemouth might take umbrage with a deal like that.
  23. I don't understand why he bought mignolet if this is the case.
  24. But my original point was wondering why Villa would appoint someone (seedorf) who's proven nothing in management. Then I got told villa have a track record of doing so. Winning a lot in the lower league doesn't necessarily prove you're a great manager, but it does prove something.
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