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Everything posted by thejoker

  1. I’ve never looked forward to/dreaded a match so much before in my life. It is absolutely massive, and could shape our future for the next 5 to 10 years. I hope all the misery over the past 5/6 years turns in to a massive high next Saturday. ??
  2. Of course we should expect promotion with the biggest wage bill. If we didn’t expect promotion then we wouldn’t be paying the big wages. It’s not really a complicated decision in my opinion. No promotion = failure.
  3. If we don’t get promoted with, by far, the biggest wage bill in the division, then he should not continue. It’s as simple as that to me.
  4. I’m dreading the playoffs. Just thinking about them gives me butterflies, and we’ve got 2 weeks until the first leg. It’s going to be horrendous to watch especially if we reach the final.
  5. Ironically he could still help us get promoted if Reading can get something at Cardiff on the last day (and other results go for us)
  6. If you believe Wyness, they have been planning for both scenarios (Premier League or Championship) for the past few months. It shouldn’t be a problem.
  7. I really hope we are looking for Bruce’s replacement already. I think everyone can see that Bruce isn’t our long term answer. I’d want him replaced whether we win the playoffs or not.
  8. I definitely don’t want him in charge next season regardless of whether we go up or not. It’s painful to watch. A decent coach should have this team in the top 2 easily.
  9. The revamped Villa Park talk is completely pointless until we get back to The Premier League. I’d rather they focused solely on the team right now.
  10. We might be able to flog him to one of the Old Firm for £1m if he carries on impressing up there.
  11. I actually think we might have a chance in the playoffs. At least now we’ve got 2 months to get used of the idea of the playoffs, there will be no last day dissapointment of missing out on automatic promotion. Also, I’m fairly sure Hull pretty much went off the boil the year they won the playoffs, and managed to rally in time for the playoffs. If we fail, Bruce goes, it’s that simple for me.
  12. Goes missing far too often. He’s scored some great goals, and 9 from midfield is excellent BUT if we don’t go up and need to sell then I reckon Hourihane is one that will probably go. I seem to remember Brighton were linked with him a while back.
  13. You can see that he’s desperate to stay and the only way that can happen is if we go up. Fair play to him, he’s doing all he can right now.
  14. Big comeback needed or I can’t see us catching Cardiff
  15. This weekend will be massive. We simply can’t allow the gap to become 7 points.
  16. There’s plenty of competition, but I’d say he’s Bruce’s worst signing, just awful.
  17. The usual garbage so far. No way will Bruce get us promoted. We may as well cut our losses and start putting in place a proper long term plan, so that when we do get promoted we might actually stay there.
  18. Massive game for Bruce tonight. We’re out of the top 6 currently, and if Brentford give us another hammering (despite losing all their best players in the past 12 months) then I’m starting to think that his position will become untenable. The Middlesbrough match just got a lot tougher imo. We have to win tonight!
  19. The good Dr seems to have dropped off the face of the planet. No tweets for 3 weeks, no even the obligatory “Merry Christmas” tweet. Hopefully it means that he is not happy with results and is biting his tongue, rather than saying something he’ll regret.
  20. I really wouldnt let Bruce sign anyone else, even on a free transfer, it’ll be just more wages to get rid of in the summer. The guy can’t coach the players he has, it’s completely pointless letting him buy his way out of trouble any further.
  21. I think this thread needs to be renamed ‘Promotion Stutter’
  22. Bruce is a dinosaur, and we should be doing much better with the players we’ve got. I’d love for us to go for a manager that actually coaches the players to play in a certain way, and looks to improve them individually. I really can’t see a scenario where Steve Bruce gets us promoted to the Premier League. As much as I don’t want us to keep chopping and changing, I think it is worse to keep a manager that just isn’t working.
  23. Back to 442 and suddenly we look dreadful again. So frustrating.
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