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Everything posted by hippo

  1. I don't follow:- With signficantly fewer voters via union membership in the leadership contest - how does the union get its preffered candidate ? Youve then even said that Burnham will probably get most votes from all sections of the labour party, the conclusion to be drawn is surley that without the votes of the rank and file Labour members the unions wouldn't get their preferred candidate ?
  2. Apart from the MPs, MEPs and party members who voted for him. Never said only the unions supported him, just that the unions are the reason he won. All of those groups you mentioned backed David. That's not right. More Unions backed Ed than backed David. More MEPs backed David than Ed and so on - that's snowy's point - Ed wouldn't and couldn't have won, (even if every Union vote went for him), without the other votes from MPs etc. to add on. Total Union votes add up to 1/3 rd of all votes. the other 2/3rds come (came) from MPs and MEPS and party members. I think they've slightly changed it, so the unions have even less say, now. And nor was it my point that Ed only had the backing of the unions and literally nobody else - would've thought that was blatantly obvious. Yeah they have changed it but I doubt that'll stop the unions from trying to get as many people as possible signed up to vote. But each union member who wishes to vote - has to 'opt in' to be an affialite of the Labour party. By no means are all union members even labour voters, far from it in my experience.
  3. Yes sure, Chelsea could come in, but might not get the regular starting place. Liverpool looks the best option if he want to retain the 'Big Fish in a small pond' status. Sad as it is a move Liverpool still appeals.
  4. None of those are really massive game changers when it comes to making the decision to move for me. Do they compete regularly in the Champions League? No Are they in with a shout of winning the league? No Those two are far more relevant questions. If Benteke thinks as highly of himself as we do he'll be looking for clubs where the answer to the previous questions are yes. Depends on how happy he is at villa. If 100k pw and the prospect of no relegation battle are dangled by Liverpool, and no one else comes in, I think he will take it. He gets regular football at currently a better team.
  5. Apart from the MPs, MEPs and party members who voted for him. It's fair to say he couldn't have won without a good showing in both the MP/MEP and members sections but it's also true to say he couldn't have won without the Unions backing ergo he's the Unions man ...which Murphy and Harmen and co have also made that clear with their recent comments They may be true to an extent. But he looks the best person from the available candidates. Had Dan Jarvis stood, I think he would have romped it. Currently there are only 500 (yes 500 !) union members who are eligible to vote on the labour leader contest. The various unions are reported to being trying to sign up more affiliated members, but even so the eventual winner will be mostly voted by pary members.
  6. I think we need to get real:- Liverpool currently have a better squad than us They are likley to spend more than us this summer They are unlikley to be involved in a relegation batlle next season. Personally I think he can do better, but if no one else comes in then Liverpool it will be.
  7. He's had a bad injury and is still very young for a CB. Im sure he will prove to be a useful player. I have to say I have my doubts that it will be with Aston Villa. Although we have a lot CB'S they are all either prone to injury or erratic form. I think TS should invest in a couple of CB'S that are 'Ready to go' next season, that would leave Okore to fight for his place or play a bit part role, I can't see him liking that. I would disagree on his physical presence, a great tackler yes, but very suspect in the air.
  8. Rumour is Jake Livermore has tested positive for cocaine, will he not play tommorow for Hull ?
  9. Itunes really is a terrible piece of software. I just bluetooth my songs across from the PC now, all that syncing nonsense had made a simple task cumbersome. I beleive there is 3rd party software, whose sole purpose is just to transfer music from your PC to an Iphone, if it if works might be worth it [not that I have an Iphone]
  10. More suited to Shadow Chancellor IMO. [umana] Burnham V Cooper. Would agree that Tristam Hunt wasn't overly impressive on question time last night. I wonder if Dan Jarvis might now reconsider ? , I have feeling he would walk it if he did
  11. Inadequate stewarding IMO thats what we were fined for. There was an incident which a big premier league club was ill prepared to handle. On that basis the fine is measured IMO.
  12. hippo

    Gym Routine

    Due to a hamstring injury (a real bad one - like 3 years) I been doing very light strength work in the gym, finally seems to be working. However I would like to up the Ante - and build some upper body muscle (that looks good). I am well over 50 though and don't want to injure myself (have a history of back problems, and a recent hernia repair) - Ive been doing:- Curls Bench Presses and some stuff for those muscles at the back of the arms Up to 3 sets of 10 3 x times per week I don't see myself as one of those guys going 'Urgggghhhhhhhh' as they bench press a massive weight, that seems a sure fire way to injure myself ! - any programs I should follow - most of literature seems for younger guys or someone not blighted by injury as much as myself...
  13. In some ways he has had an easy ticket, its quite easy to shine as opposition Health spokes person. He seems robust enough, its between him and Yvette Cooper IMO. Its very difficult to know how they will do, I was very gloomy about John Smith being labour leader, as he as shadow chancellor did a 'Shadow Budget', which always looked a daft move - but in his sadly short time as leader he did well and labour were riding high in the polls at the time of his death and when Blair took over.
  14. I dont think so, if it can happen in the states can happen here For me he comes across as likeable, a lot more than those dinosaurs like yvette cooper Personally I like him. But the sort of voters he needs to attract are people who are only interested in politics fleetingly, if at all. They will look at the colours of Chuka's skin and say 'Not voting for him' - Sad but true in my experience. I think the states and Obama is quite different to here....I really don't think the public would go for a black PM. But then what would happen if sajid javid took over from cameron for next election in 2020, then you would have two non white people running. Would be interesting to see what would happen then on that basis that people vote on skin colour but that hasn't happended and IMO is very unlikley to happen. Boris, Osborne and May are next in line. Labour are to loyal to underperforming leaders. David Milliband for example was urged to stand against Gordon Brown whilst he was still PM - but didn't do it.
  15. I would love you to be right...but look at the votes UKIP pulled in ? - immigration is the subject that get people going (even more sadly - I don't actuallly think they mean immigation !!!!) Its a real shame Dan Jarvis isn't standing for leader. I think Labour have a massive job on there hands to even come close in 2020 - I totally agree there is a % who would vote purely on race/colour, I'm just not sure the % is that big to stop someone with a minority background getting elected. Im a bit gutted about Jarvis too. I read up on a few of the proposed candidates and inexperience aside, he seemed to stand out for me. His 'real life' background would have gained a lot of support straight off the bat. Well if you look at the votes UKIP gained in labour seats - you can see how would stop labour winning seats. IMO UKIP is now a wing of the Conservative party designed to hemorage Labour votes. Sure they pretend to be foes in public, but really the Tories are quite happy for UKIP to seize Labour voters - and UKIP will continue to do this as it keeps Labour out and also gives them influence over the Tories
  16. I would love you to be right...but look at the votes UKIP pulled in ? - immigration is the subject that get people going (even more sadly - I don't actuallly think they mean immigation !!!!) Its a real shame Dan Jarvis isn't standing for leader. I think Labour have a massive job on there hands to even come close in 2020 -
  17. I dont think so, if it can happen in the states can happen here For me he comes across as likeable, a lot more than those dinosaurs like yvette cooper Personally I like him. But the sort of voters he needs to attract are people who are only interested in politics fleetingly, if at all. They will look at the colours of Chuka's skin and say 'Not voting for him' - Sad but true in my experience. I think the states and Obama is quite different to here....I really don't think the public would go for a black PM.
  18. Umana seems to have the most idea of what is required to win. However with UKIP polling 13% - and more in some labour heartlands - I feel the colour of skin would prove an electoral liability. Sadly we are society of closet racists. (thats my thoughts on society, not my own thoughts) Cooper or Kendall for me. I would have liked Dan Jarvis but obviously he has other prorities
  19. In poor taste isn't it ? Considering youre holier than thou comments in other threads.
  20. hippo


    Youve thrown a lot of stuff in that post to muddy the waters. Can you tell me where he has said this "Blaming the deaths of 135 people solely at the feet of the Liverpool fans? You have issues". For someone who thrives on the moral high ground, thats a very low shot. I have answered your post as best I can, even succeeding on a couple of points. I'm not sure what else I can do to appease you? He has previous. That is as far as I am willing to go with that. Also, making a general statement that I am somebody who "thrives on the moral high ground" is an odd one. You should read the confessions thread, I have virtually no morals in comparison to the average bear. I just happen to have quite passionate views on this subject along with the opinions of one poster in particular regarding it and others like it. Interesting quotes from Norman Bettison about Hillsbrough this morning “I think a lot of people, all of us, seek to be on the side of the angels, and I think some people try harder than others.” No doubt he will get lambsted for those comments, but highly appropiate that we hear all sides of the events. BTW had a PM from Smetrov, sure you will be pleased to hear DDID, he has quit VT. You might want to be a little less hasty in posting what you think other people opinions are.
  21. I think it will be a small tory majority. They always seem to come good at the end, and a good deal of 'don't knows' are shy tories, and Tory supporters are more likley to get out and vote.
  22. hippo


    Youve thrown a lot of stuff in that post to muddy the waters. Can you tell me where he has said this "Blaming the deaths of 135 people solely at the feet of the Liverpool fans? You have issues". For someone who thrives on the moral high ground, thats a very low shot.
  23. hippo


    Those are facts. UEFA's negligence is fact. The events of Rome the previous season is a fact. Hooliganism not being confined to Liverpool FC in 1985 is fact. Do you understand causality, at all? I know you had a pop at me once for using fancy words, maybe that's one you should look up. I never once asked you about Hillsborough by the way I am asking about Heysel. You do not seem to wish to engage me on that? You are using this as a vehicle to push your offensive views regarding another completely separate matter and if you do not wish to have an adult debate with me I'd rather know now and bow out, save everyone the pain. Ever thought of a career in politics DDID ? Youve stitched Smetrov up a treat here The article you linked discusses both Heysel and Hillsborough You asked for the article to be read - but not take it as gospel Then snap back that those are the facts (even the author said some of the content couldn't be verified) Then a complete about turn where you imply Liverpool fans shouldn't be completley absolved of blame (a view point you previously lambasted a few posts back) I could be wrong but I don't beleive you were of an age to be attending football matches in the 1980's ? yet a bit of web browing and you set yourself up and some big authority on the subject. Do us all a favour and get of your pompus high horse.
  24. Liverpool lead the race to sign him, and are prepared to blow a deal of 50k pw out of the water with close to double that.
  25. Theres nothing being discussed about a new contract for Lambert. I don't think many realise how close he came to moving on last summer.
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