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Everything posted by Stephen_Evans

  1. I don't know whether Dean Smith will achieve his vision of how an Aston Villa team should play (but I hope he does). What I do know is that Dean Smith's vision of how a team should play and Steve Bruce's "vision" are poles apart. I'm glad we're giving Smith time to reach his potential instead of giving Bruce more time to "achieve" his.
  2. Steve Bruce himself used to trot out this nonsense. We must have slipped into the bottom 3 without anybody noticing!
  3. This shirt reminds me of the ridiculous "away goals" rule. It helped us against Dynamo Berlin in the European Cup (1982) and Arsenal in the League Cup (1996) but other than that, the rule has been a pain in the backside for our club about 4 or 5 times!
  4. I guess it depends what the club give him to choose from in the first place.
  5. Well one myth got nailed on Saturday. Villa and Stoke wore white shorts AT THE SAME TIME . So who makes this decision to switch to claret shorts at places like West Brom instead of white (which Saturday's game suggests is permissible) or blue (which are available)? There is a new youtube clip under Villa Boy showing a Baggies-Villa game in the late 70s and there we are in home shirt and blue shorts - it just looks more like Villa.
  6. I'm one of those who think claret shorts with the home shirt is too much and the aesthetic balance is wrong (i.e. too much claret). To me, the first choice should be to change to blue shorts if we are wearing the home shirt but the shorts clash. It somehow looks more "Villa". All opinions, I know. As an aside, I have no idea what the point of the alternative blue "home" shorts was this season if we are not going to wear them in games such as West Brom away, Blackburn away and QPR away, where each time claret shorts were chosen.
  7. We cannot get more than 18 points from 6 games but I get your drift.
  8. I would settle for a revamped exterior for the absolutely dreadful Trinity Road Stand. I am sure some clever architects could modify it in a proper "Villa" style without needing to pull the thing down. Obviously much of the corporate areas internally are first class but the exterior is shocking. I remember speaking to Mark Ansell, who blamed the council planning department for the design, but surely they did not make all those grey corrugated steel panels compulsory!
  9. I wonder if the club could do some research as to why so many supporters leave the ground early (unless we've been rubbish and losing badly of course). It's usually to do with transport. If those who leave early can provide information via a survey about how they travel, where they park, which trains or buses they use, etc etc there might be ways for the club to help.
  10. Here's hoping for the Dean Smith interpretation of this phrase rather than the Steve Bruce version! I understand and support what you are saying by the way.
  11. I love the guy. It was just a comment. Anyway I actually think it’s dangerous. They stop a player wearing a ring without tape round it but it’s ok to chew something that could choke you in a collision.
  12. Look how nicely blue shorts go with the home shirt when a colour clash means we can't wear white shorts.
  13. Did he always chew gum during games? The impression is all a bit "I'm too good for all this". Plus his body language has definitely changed since the summer.
  14. Can we have: a programme editor who can actually proof-read (this one often can't even get the wordsearch right ? let alone the serious stuff) and can conduct decent interviews (fed up of variations on "you must be really keen to score a goal / win the next game") blue shorts as a first alternative to the white ones where the home shirt is being used - all claret is not right
  15. Here's the thing about Dean Smith - if things are going wrong within a game or from game to game, he might not be able to provide a quick fix BUT he will actually understand what's going wrong and have a strategy for improving. If we lost badly under Bruce, you could see from his face that he had no idea how it had happened.
  16. Gareth Barry probably deserves a mention, as he arrived at about 16 years of age. And then in no particular order: Darius Vassell, Steve Froggatt, Tony Daley, Graham Fenton, Michael Oakes, Riccardo Scimeca, Luke Moore, Barry Bannan, Marc Albrighton, Callum Robinson, Daniel Johnson, Jonathan Hogg....there are more but I'm supposed to be working! Whether people rate them I suppose is another debate, but in youth development terms, they definitely "made it", playing in the top two divisions of English football.
  17. The suggestion in the local press that there should be a statue is going too far. He has his memorial - the aesthetically challenged Trinity Road Stand.
  18. Turner’s problems remind me of Lambert’s. What Ellis was doing in that era was the same as Lerner’s post-MON approach. Slightly unconnected, Tony Barton was a complete novice and managed two trophies, a league cup semi-final, and 3 points off 2nd in 1982-83.
  19. Haha indeed - the Maginot line didn’t cover Belgium at all!
  20. The Houllier hatred really was hysteria. I remember us smashing Blackburn 4-1 at Villa Park and thinking how bright things could be under Houllier. MON’s style was not a million miles away from Bruce’s, just with a bit more pace and some better players. Houllier did well to transition as much as he did.
  21. About. You’re excited about it. ?
  22. I get the feeling the media and football world will love the next man to fall flat on his face. The outrage over Bruce being sacked by the Villa “clowns” is extraordinary. It shows how little these people have actually watched Villa and how blind they are to the reasons why things have not worked out.
  23. It’s strange really that Brian is seen as well past it when he is younger than Neil Warnock and not much older than Steve Bruce, both of whom much of the press and media seem to think are still with it.
  24. Brian Little is available. Or maybe Big Ron.
  25. I’ve also just had first sight of the team sheet. Pretty much Bruce’s only strategy over two years has been wing play. So he puts all three of our senior wingers on the bench ??
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