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Everything posted by daft

  1. daft


    Tuchel might be a character, but he is a very good manager and coach. Not that it ever will be realistic, but I'd have him here in a heartbeat.
  2. We also tend to forget that Gerrard is a celevrity, not just any random former footballer. His behaviour in public will be guided by all his media training and the negative experiences of being in the medias spotlight essentially 24/7 as a player. How he is behind closed doors is probably very different. I am not defending him, I am just trying to nuance the image a bit. Klopp spoke very highly of Gerrard the person when he was involved with Liverpools youth teams for example.
  3. To be fair, Klopp is an outlier in terms of managerial archetype. He is very open and has strong focus on personal bonds.
  4. I think people need to look past the salary things as well as the fact that so many players are essentially larger than life figures. At the end of the day they are human, and want to be treated as such. We all respond differently to different leadership styles, and it is the same for players. We also have a new generation of players that much more than earlier generations needs a 'why' in order to understand why they are asked to do certain things. In general, and from my own experience with team sports as a coach and player, relationships needs to be fashioned and strengthened in good times so you can call upon those people to perform in bad times. Because when the bad times come, the stress and pressure will make it hard if not impossible to get close to the person if you aren't already, and then things can really slip. So in essence you need to think of your own work relationships, but then up the pressure exponentially. A manager must foster those relationships with his players to understand what makes the players tick. Squabbling is nothing out of the ordinary per se. It's if it gets toxic behind the scenes with people shifting blame and accusing each other for losses or bad performances. Professionals will sometimes get pissed, it's how the patch things up and come together after that shows if they are a team or not.
  5. He still has it all to prove really. He might be awesome, and he has certainly done well so far, but things will turn sour sooner or later. That's when he'll be truly tested. We seem very reactionary now as a fanbase. Everything is bad, and all other clubs do seems good and better than what we can do.
  6. This worries me. A sizable portion of Leicster fans want him out, and at least one visiting supporter on VT wouldn't even wish him upon us as he allegedly dodges responsibility and is a negative manager. In my opinion I Rodger's would be a bad appointment if we want to progress. It's basically more of what we've already tried albeit it a step up from Gerrard based on CV and experience. Then again, I have urged us all to just embrace the suck and accept we are bound to be mired around mid-table at best until the oil money dries up or the world comes to a crashing halt from war and famine.
  7. daft

    Johan Lange

    It could well be that you are right. Although we have to acknowledge that all clubs chase essentially the same people, as the pool of talented and even goof footballers isn't endless, and I would wager that there are few truly 'hidden' gems that one team knows about and another does not. Information is too readily available for I think. It could also be a question club philosophy. We have a tendency to judge very harshly at times, mostly because we love the club and are upset when things look bleak. Oftentimes I think the explanation is much more mundane and in the grey zone. But again, you could well be right, but with modern tools such as technical scouting to complement the traditional scouting, I doubt we much more in the dark regarding gems than most others.
  8. Ah, ok I thought you meant it would be a negative for a prospective new manager.
  9. How so? I mean I get that they won't be a new managers players, but I would like to think a possible new manager might get them playing as well if the have quality or obvious strengths.
  10. Wasn't he like the last of the long ball merchants in the PL?
  11. Shhh. Toss 'em all, it'll feel better when that ex-Burnley dude takes over. Last of the long ballers I believe?
  12. I know, I saw that and sorry I let you get caught in my cross fire. I just laughed out loud at the twist and turns in opinion and you provided a nice summary with precautionary caveats in a way most didn't. I just find it funny, that's all, and I get people want him out and just venting.
  13. Yeah, if that happens it's more than results. Even counting last season, you don't sack a guy three games in after he's just had a Summer of own signings.
  14. Many teams and coaches play as you describe. Some even invert their full backs and have them come inside to compact the center and actually cede the flanks. It's not really novel or weird in modern football, but our system just isn't working.
  15. Bring him in! Slight upgrade from the at I suggested. Big Sam!
  16. I can't even... **** it, I think we should just put a cat in charge, that way it would make sense when we all whine. People just make stuff up and then feel sad and angered about said made up stuff. It's madness. Pure madness. He was shit for getting Sarr because we don't use wingers, now he's shit for not getting Sarr because we should use wingers.
  17. Is that why he's allegedly getting sacked?
  18. Not sure, but there are some happy Leicester fans hoping it's true he'll go.
  19. How big is their squad? And how fit? That is a shitload of running they are doing. Impressive and well played, but can they maintain it? Or are they adaptable?
  20. Where is this coming from? Randos on Twitter doesn’t really count.
  21. Jesus guys, you latch on to the wrong thing. Internal is just one possible way that takes YEARS. I should have been more clear that I meant recreating the things that led to success part primarily.
  22. Did you guys hear about the kittens? The **** needs to go!
  23. That’s not how I took what he said. He said it was part of it that contributed.
  24. THEY DID WHAT TO THE KITTEHS!?!? We’re run by **** psychos! GET THEM OUT!
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