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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. Of course it wouldn’t… all it would do is make fans of those teams want those teams to sign our players!
  2. With the Lerner-coaster… Takes you up and up and up… you reach a plateau… then you go hell for leather through the floor
  3. Did they? I didn’t notice… Im too self centred and only care about how things effect Villa
  4. Absolutely not… but that’s for different reasons. I f**king hate Spurs and Man Utd… We should have done what Chelsea did with Tammy… You can leave, but not to another English club
  5. That’s not fair on us fans at all… We didn’t hate Mellberg for leaving and playing for a different club… or Albrighton… or Bannan… or Carew… or Bent… or Benteke… or Vlaar… But after the years of shite we have been through because of that shitbag club dressed in Blue from Manchester… After their club got bankrolled… then they proceeded to cherry pick us, year after year, into relegation when they could have afforded ANY PLAYER THEY WANTED… They HAD to have ours?? and then “one of our own” who lived through it and witnessed it all as a lad just goes along for it as well? Thats why I will be booing him.. that’s why I wish him nothing but failure… Thats why… If he had gone to Milan, or Barcelona, or Juventus, or Madrid… I would have wished him well and said: “There’s our boy… Living his best life… I’m proud of him” but he went to Man City… at the drop of a hat…
  6. When was the last time Villa had two England international strikers in the squad at the same time? Exciting prospect for the upcoming season with the quality we will have feeding the pair of them!
  7. What’s lower? Notts County division wise? or the person that started there - morally speaking
  8. Don’t care if I get called “bitter” or “a nasty piece of work” etc etc. I really, really hope someone does a hatchet job on him that puts him out of action for a long, long time…
  9. Yeah… but ours is good dodgy business… “Diet Dodgy business” “I can’t believe it’s not Dodgy Business”
  10. Well yeah… While your dating someone, you tend to see the good parts and let the shitty bits slide… Sometimes, you even find some of their shitty personality traits or decisions funny and you laugh at them and think: “Ahhh, classic <insert name here>“ Then when you break up because they run off with the rich, people trafficking, child murderer down the road - suddenly, their flaws aren’t so funny or cute anymore… You just realise you’ve had the piss taken out of you for so long!
  11. I prefer my analogy… I’d rather think of Man City, their owners, their players and their fans as sex offenders… “Gangsters” could have some sort of street credibility attached to them…
  12. City weren’t going to take “no” for an answer from little old Aston Villa… They were going to keep upping the bid and putting pressure on until they took what they wanted from us… They are the sex offenders of world football
  13. THIS Why do people do that? He isnt one of us anymore... The more he succeeds, the worse we do... Im hoping and praying all the worst for him...
  14. Just watch... They will sign whoever they want this window... THEN be given an X number of year transfer ban... which will probably be lifted halfway through for "good behaviour" or some bullshit reason
  15. Its Tyrones time to shine now... One as captain of the club... And then for an "accidental" stamp on "Super Jack's" head
  16. That was against a club that he hates and for the club that he supposedly loves… I couldn’t imagine, as a Villa fan, what it might feel like to have a stadium worth of Villa fans booing at me… It would definitely hurt…
  17. Imagine if he had gone to Madrid… or Juventus… We would have packed his bags and waved him off with all the best wishes in the world
  19. I still think it has been a master stroke! NSWE, Smith and everyone else comes out smelling of roses… Its been a case of… ”Well, we won’t hold you back Jack.,, After all, it’s you who said you love the club… but you’ve got to make your own mind up, we don’t want to influence you” and handed Grealish the rope to hang himself with… Take the money and fingers crossed, his career implodes… Maybe even gets caught drink driving again and does a prison stretch or something! - That’d be funny!
  20. I’m obviously joking… I’m well aware that the Brummy accent straddles the lines of someone who is astonishingly thick, monumentally depressed and mind numbingly bored… But the Manc accent just screams… Vermin
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