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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. I’m obviously joking… I’m well aware that the Brummy accent straddles the lines of someone who is astonishingly thick, monumentally depressed and mind numbingly bored… But the Manc accent just screams… Vermin
  2. Don’t know what you’re talking about… The Brummy accent is the height of sophistication and class
  3. There are no good things when, as previously mentioned, the new company is in direct competition with the company you love, adore and grew up worshipping… and will be competing against them twice a year… He will be contractually obliged to try to hurt the company that he professes to love When I left my old job I loved, I moved abroad… See… I took the Mellberg route… Then again… I’m in good company that isn’t morally bankrupt like Grealish, Barry, Yorke or Milner
  4. What? Moving to a company in shithole of a city filled with people who have ridiculous accents? I fail to see what positive there are other than being able to say that you were part of the “Company of the year”
  5. You’re right… I can’t remember ever working for a company that I’ve loved and adored since I was a child… That my grandad used to work for… Where people who like the company buy the company uniform with my name on the back and stand inside the company grounds on a weekly basis singing my name and cheering me on… And then deciding that I wanted to stack shelves/serve tables/attend board meetings/change alternators for another company who I didn’t grow up loving and adoring (ultimately at the expense of the company that I do love and adore) for what is in the grand scheme of things a piffling pay rise, all so I could be a part of the new companies team to win the “Company of the year” award again
  6. Our boy Tyrone is long overdue a meaty head stamp anyway… Lace up your boots Ty!!!
  7. I genuinely hope and pray he gets into the England squad regularly… becomes the poster boy the nation loves… and then he **** it by missing the deciding penalty or gets sent off and the whole nation turns on him… Either that or his shins shatter inexplicably while he is at the press conference after signing for that soulless bag of words removed that is supposed to be a football club
  8. It was my understanding that “being sold to another club without submitting a transfer request” also counted as “end of a contract”… I could be wrong though
  9. Am I correct in saying that if a footballer submits a transfer request, they give up their loyalty bonus? Would explain why footballers don’t really do that these days and agents just weasel between clubs, pissing people off and causing unrest until the selling club gives up… Agents should be banned from the game
  10. This! He made the Copa America finals with Brazil! He wouldn’t have done that if he was chopped liver!
  11. Really? Why not try and spice up your relationship by getting some really attractive women to come and play alongside your girlfriend to keep her with you instead?
  12. Oh… I’ll still be interested in his career and praying it goes off a cliff… A couple of misplaced passes… Rough housing… Accusations of diving… Maybe even a missed penalty that costs England in a final… All of this I look forward to… IF… he leaves us for City If he stays? Super, Super Jack
  13. And then they take all the shirts with his name on and have a nice little bonfire in Solihull
  14. Yeah… but then they would have to go through the hard work of actually playing a youth player and blooding their own instead of just rinsing other teams of their hard work
  15. Well why should Man City have him at his best? He is our player, we nurtured him and he signed a 5 year deal last summer. If they want him, and he wants to win “trophies” and “medals”, then they can wait until it’s on our terms and he is past his sell-by date… Then he would be leaving under the Weimann-Merson-Albrighton-Carew rule or under the Mellberg rule and those are both amicable and respectful ways to leave the club and he wouldn’t suffer anywhere near as much backlash as he deserves to if he signs for Man City now and wants to try to relegate us in his prime
  16. Just imagine: Jack leaves, we make break a British transfer record… and Jack goes to win trophy and trophy, medal and medal… for years… and then FIFA, UEFA and the FA find Man City guilty of financial irregularities and they and their players are forced to hand back every single trophy and medal… That would be so, so sweet…
  17. No he won’t… Once he has signed a contract and he plans to play against us, he isn’t one of us anymore…
  18. Or course it’s an easy decision… Stay at Villa… the club you support, the club your grandad played at, the club your whole family supports, the club you’re the captain for and a hero at or move to Man City… potentially a bit part player… and live in the shithole that is Manchester, surrounded by people with ridiculous accents
  19. Never going to happen… If he leaves us and pulls on that shirt with that badge… He loses all the respect I ever had for him and I will curse his name for the rest of his time on this Earth… Just like Barry and Delph
  20. Massive difference between yours and my career and the career of a professional footballer. We often don’t get a career that involves not only being paid a lot of money to be a part of something we love, but to be THE MAIN MAN and have thousands of people adore us, chant our name and buy merchandise with our names on the back… I never had that at Debenhams, or when I was a teacher in Thailand, or an engineer in Korea… Jack has everything that any Villa fan could possibly want and keeps being given a pay rise every year on top of that! ”Professional and it’s his career” be damned… It’s not like we are Northampton Town or Havant and Waterlooville and he is jumping way, way up the pyramid… He would be taking a minor step up and would be playing against us… If he DOES leave… and if he doesn’t put out a press conference saying: ”I’m only here for the trophies and to leech off of this clubs recent successes so I can get a few easy medals before the end of my career. I have no affinity for the other players and don’t care if these rat bastard glory hunting fans cheer my name. If the manager knows what’s good for him, he won’t play me against the Villa or I will purposefully try and score a record number of own goals” or similar? He is not a Villa fan anymore
  21. Brilliant post! Barry still isn’t welcome back as far as I’m concerned!
  22. As soon as he even considers thinking about signing for another Premier League team… Thats his greatest wish… To succeed in spite of us
  23. Im not… Im a Villa fan, not a football fan… and anyone that doesn’t leave under: “The Mellberg Rule” or “The Albrighton/Weimann/Merson Rule” or ”The Petrov/Laursen Rule” gets no well wishes from me
  24. But… in the outcome that he does leave… Are we all in agreement that we are going to boo him until he bursts into tears?
  25. I dig this concept. NSWE won’t want to be messed around and will want to have all their ducks in a row.
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