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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. Would you be happy to score the deciding goal that sent Villa down if it meant you got a shiney little medal and you could raise a trophy with all your new friends?
  2. I didnt say that... at all... In fact, I literally said: "If Grealish had gone to Italy or Spain, I don’t think a single one of us would have blamed him…"
  3. Why is it mental? Picture it… we are in the relegation zone at the end of the season when Man City come to Villa Park… City need to win to win the title… Villa need a draw to stay up… Ball ends up at Grealishs feet with an open goal in front of him with 95.55 on the clock and only 6 minutes of stoppage time… He’s a professional… so he is going to score… and he has just won them the league… He will celebrate and love it… But, at the moment, he is pedalling the whole “I’m Villa through and through, please still love me, I’m still same old Jack” narrative… He’s trying to have his cake and eat it to preserve his boy-next-door public image that he has gained for himself since he was being tapped up at the Euros
  4. Absolutely not. He left for Champions League football and wasn’t going to play against us… If Grealish had gone to Italy or Spain, I don’t think a single one of us would have blamed him… but he went up the road and will be trying to actively beat us, possibly cost us trophies and medals… potentially (if worst comes to worst) even relegate us… and he would be happy to do so as long as he gets his own personal success…
  5. Why would he want to? Joining Man City is a “dream come true”… He is billy big balls now… He engineered a means to leave us even when we was the darling of the club, the captain and apparently “one of our own”… I don’t have issues with anyone on this forum, aside from the visiting supporters who post, I believe we are all Villa fans here and only want what’s best for the club… While he was playing for us, I wanted the best for him because that was what was best for the club… He did what was best for him - which is all well and good - but nobody can feed be dog shit and expect me to tell them it tastes nice
  6. That’s exactly it… They wanted to have their cake and eat it… He wanted the clause, he wanted to leave, his family obviously backed him - but they kept the whole “one of our own” cliche ticking over in order to keep us on side in the hopes that, somehow, we should be happy for him to ditch us for another club in the same league? What? Are we supposed to smile and clap if Man City beat us now because that means Jack’s chances of trophies is 3 points closer because he is “one of our own”? No chance… Not happening… When Tammy scored against us and didn’t celebrate, I didn’t feel any ill will towards him and thought he was class personified… and he wasn’t even our player! We borrowed him! When Albrighton won the league, I was proud of him… because he IS one of our own, and he won the top prize against all the odds… But I can’t wish any level of success for HIM while he plays for THAT club
  7. Because Albrighton didn’t want to leave in the first place… He was made to go because Lambert and Lerner wouldn’t offer him a new contract… Grealish engineered an exit strategy… Thats why the cynics would be out of Grealish did the same… because his recent behaviour has proven how much of a snide character he is and how much preserving his image is more important to him than our club… so he is more likely to turn up to Villa matches “as a fan” just to win brownie points
  8. What? Insisting on a clause in his contract and giving it the loyalty spiel THEN having his agent tell the only club on the planet who could possibly afford to meet that clause all of the tiny details and hoops that needed jumping through in order to secure his move isn’t doing anything wrong? I think it’s **** shifty if you ask me
  9. How incredibly insightful! Are you posting while you’re on some spiritual retreat in the mountains or is that a famous phrase that I should have heard at some point?
  10. I don’t know about you mate… but as a Villa fan, I certainly wouldn’t describe the concept of leaving Villa to join Man City as “a dream come true”
  11. Hang on… isn’t your profile picture a picture of the aforementioned with a big Red Cross over his face?
  12. I’ve always thought him to be a decent player if I’m honest… But then again, I’m not a manager of a football club, so what do I know
  13. Exactly… so as soon as someone says something that shines him in a poor light, it rattled his cage enough for him to need to reply… I’m 100% with Preece on this… Spectacular bit of trolling
  14. Don’t think that’s a code mate. I think that’s just the opticians eye chart
  15. That doesn’t help with the finger pointing, sniggering hatchet job we are doing on City though!
  16. Nope - even with their VAR to literally assist their reffing… Far too arbitrary in their calls, making it up as they go along and never, EVER being made accountable…
  17. The referee should be pulled up after the game with a monitor showing all of his ridiculous calls and made to explain himself
  18. I would quite happily see the whole country’s World Cup hopes go up in smoke if the deciding kick (and all of the associated blame, stigma, disappointment, shame and hate that goes with missing it) is taken by Jack Grealish… He isn’t one of us anymore… and as a consequence, I’m happy to see his career go up in smoke any way possible… I can’t stand international football anyway… Cheering alongside Man Utd, Spurs and Man City fans et al. and having to pretend they are… people?! Having our players go and get either slated… or worse… tapped up? I’m not a football fan… I’m a Villa fan…
  19. I know right… Funny isn’t it? The only thing that I would laugh at more than that is if he missed an important and deciding penalty for England which costs us the tournament… or if he got done for drink driving and went inside for a little bit… You wouldn’t be able to sandpaper the smile off my face!
  20. What would be sad about it? I think it would be incredibly suitable and that rat bastard club would get what they deserve…
  21. Sorry… I thought when I said “curl one out”, I was being descriptive enough
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