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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. What is his explanation? Hes corrupt and he hates the Villa?
  2. Unless our players are involved… I’m not bothered
  3. Nah. Phil Dowd… Failed to send off Vidic even though he fouled the last man and, if I remember correctly, used the excuse that “nobody wants to see someone sent off in a cup final” Arsepiece…
  4. You’d think that wouldn’t you? But it’s amazing how much information interested parties can get about a player and the intricate workings of their contract… Release clauses, wages, interest in joining and so on and so on… Agents, the players themselves and the players family members will all blab if they think they can get something out of it
  5. I’ve been thinking this… Imagine being a pair of lads from Great Barr playing FIFA growing up, idolising players like Gerrard and Coutinho… and then them being your manager and team mate… What an opportunity to learn… They must be pinching themselves and wondering when they are going to wake up to go to training with Brett Holman
  6. He’s certainly scare the shit out of opposing teams
  7. This thread can be moved to “Other football” now can’t it? We aren’t signing him any time soon
  8. Rooney looks like he has aged 25 years in the short time he has been at Derby… Poor bugger… Same happened to Lambert with us…
  9. I love that goal too… Just took the piss…
  10. Another England international goes to Man City’s vanity project to try and force the nation to like them because “it’ll be good for the England team” God, I hope we crash and burn at the tournament and Citehs little show ponies cop the blame…
  11. Deportivo La Corunia have taken a massive tumble in recent years… Not sure if they went under or not though
  12. Thanks for everything Trez! Go and smash it!
  13. On paper - no… it doesn’t provide for positive reading… However, I have been there a couple of times… I’ve met same sex couples, I’ve seen people crossdressing… I know that isn’t the be all and end all and it’s anecdotal evidence which is, in the grand scheme of things, worthless… So for me to read that all of these things are banned and illegal surprises me… I would go on holiday there again, 100%…
  14. I’ve never been to Indo, so I don’t know. But Malaysia is fairly liberal… but nowhere near as much as Thailand… from my experience anyway
  15. How’s this for a compromise then… The 9 (maybe 10) ASEAN nations could take part in their own qualification to see which nation represents SE Asia at the World Cup which is then joint hosted by all of the countries in the region (like the Euros were)… Then the region gets a World Cup, there would be a guaranteed representative “host nation” who has earned their right to be there and there wouldn’t be an issue of 4-5 lower quality teams taking part and “devaluing” the tournament
  16. Not before we give another country/region a chance… Id argue that Thailand is the last place on Earth where there would be issues with LGBTQ supporters/players attending… They are one of the most sexually liberal nations on the planet
  17. Serious question, why do you not think they should? I thought the idea of the World Cup was that it should be for everyone. South Africa’s had it, Qatar are going to have it, Russia have had it, Korea and Japan have had it. Why not? Some games in the Euros were played in Azerbaijan and they didn’t qualify…
  18. Thailand and Malaysia could host it between them… Both countries dwarf Qatar by size and there are plenty of stadiums already built there, so it wouldn’t be a case of having to build it from scratch… like Qatar… Given the same time frame that Qatar have had to get all the necessary adjustments in place; I’d put money on the idea that Thailand and Malaysia could easily host a 48 nation World Cup
  19. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, The Philippines? Even if it was just a joint bid between two of them (Thailand and Malaysia) A collection of beautiful countries with amazing cultures - Football mad countries, great weather, fantastic foods… If there was a joint SE Asia bid and it went through, I’d grab my plane ticket straight away… They are surely more deserving of a World Cup than f**king Qatar
  20. A World Cup in South East Asia would be awesome!
  21. Wow… that’s a good question… Grealish would get it because he was a brilliant footballer for us - he stayed with us when we went down and was a very important player for us in coming back up and staying up… but he left us for THE team that did more damage to us than any other leading up to our relegation… but Gabby deserves a shout for being our all time Premier League goal scorer… who stayed with us his whole career… But he was septic for us in the latter stages of his career… he contributed massively towards our downfall and doesn’t seem like he was a particularly good representative of our club when we needed him the most…
  22. One of the funniest things I’ve read in a while! Good work
  23. Yeah, but he is a popular English international. Man City like players who are popular England internationals… It’s how they try to attract more fans…
  24. Stones violent elbow to the face of the innocent Hungarian player was as malicious as they come… He knows what he was doing…
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