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Everything posted by DJ_Villain

  1. **** knows… it was on a company mobile
  2. Do you like the comedian Bill Burr? He does a wicked sketch about that… I’ll post the link here…
  3. I sent this message to TalkSport after her comment… Dont know why they didn’t read it out…
  4. Best reply to that is: ”No, YOU couldn’t… someone else could” And then savour the look on their face
  5. Really dislike that tart… She has her tongue so far up the arses of Man City players - Grealish especially… Oooh, she fawns over Jackie Boy,., She isn’t half as intelligent as she likes to think she is… There was a question on their quiz round: “what is the unit of measurement for how spicy something is?” And she said ”Wow, that’s a difficult one… Even I don’t know the answer to that!” As if her level of knowledge was the barometer for how difficult a question is
  6. Unfortunately, I have first hand experience over a 25 year period of dealing with someone with depression… They can (and will) act like complete words removed - violence, intimidation, scathing evil abuse… and then use their condition to excuse their behaviour because then they don’t need to take responsibility for their actions and they can play the “I’m mentally ill” card… So, as harsh as it sounds? I’ve become somewhat desensitised and lost my empathy…
  7. Exactly… Ive quit jobs that were financially cushty because I wasn’t happy with my personal circumstances, wasn’t happy with the work or wasn’t happy where I was living… and took a job elsewhere that paid less, but the job satisfaction I got from the new role made up for the reduced income… And I will cut my testicles off with an ice cream scoop if I earn more than Mr Drinkwater… If you don’t like your job or the place you work, don’t do it and find somewhere else… Dont sit there for five years and then piss and moan about wasting your life afterwards…
  8. Yep, he did… and thank the lord that happened, because he was destitute before, just living on the meagre salary of a Premier League player who has just earned himself a massive bonus for winning the league in the most amazing circumstances ever… Poor bugger
  9. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12647445/danny-drinkwater-on-his-chelsea-nightmare-i-wasted-some-of-my-best-years Poor Danny Drinkwater… Everyone feel sorry for him… Won the Premier League with Leicester, jumped ship pretty much immediately… then he got sad… Bless
  10. Oh yeah… I want Kidderminster Harriers to be able to laugh at them… but I don’t want them to be liquidated… I still want them to exist… However… I didn’t used to… Back in the early 00s… in their Dugarry, Dunn, Forsell and Savage days… They were a legitimate threat and they had faaar too many laughs at our expense… Those were dark dark times
  11. I used to… I really really did… but now I’m pretty ambivalent about them… yeah, it’s one of Britains biggest football rivalries… but the gulf between us is so massive that it seems like a waste of energy “hating” them… Its like hating a puppy that is yapping and having nips… You laugh and push it off… let it come back for more and do it again… and on the very odd occasion that it gives you a nasty nip and draws blood… you let it have its day until it comes back and you go back to swatting it away and laughing at it
  12. Ah… so he advanced from the “a bit of a character” stage
  13. A bit of a character is the stage before: ”He’s alright when you get to know him”
  14. Oh, sorry… I broke the rules… it’s just PL clubs… Still an interesting derogatory nickname and backstory for said name though
  15. Spurs - Y*ds a derogatory term stemming from their roots as a club with a predominantly Jewish following… which they then embraced to try and take the sting out of it… but have recently said that they don’t like anymore… Hartlepool - Monkey Hangers Myth from times gone by that a French vessel during the Napoleonic war crashed off the coast of Hartlepool and the only survivor was a monkey dressed in a French uniform used for entertaining the crew… According to the tale, the residents of Hartlepool had never met a Frenchman… or seen a monkey… so thought the monkey to be a French spy… Upon interrogating it and getting no answers (because it was a monkey), the good people of Hartlepool put the simian on trial and found it guilty of espionage and had it hanged… Ergo… “The Monkey Hangers”
  16. a queef is a vaginal expulsion of gas… which actually describes a Birmingham City fan rather well
  17. Portsmouth - Skates Mainly by Southampton fans and allegedly because the residents of Portsmouth have sexual relations with sea life…
  18. Man City - “The team whose players don’t take no for an answer”
  19. Both sold their souls to play for a bunch of odious words removed Both wrote goodbye love letters to excuse themselves for it… Sounds like a pair of words removed to me…
  20. Throughout the 90s and 00s… I hated Utd… They were just too good under Ferguson and always got the rub of the green… They are a spent force… and their fans are finally starting to eat humble pie now to their glory days are well in the past… Just a shame that those other pricks in Manchester have taken the reigns… Why always Manchester? Why in my lifetime have they always had to have SOME success at football?!
  21. So what… Serves the club right for ruining football… Serves the players right for selling their souls to Sex Offenders FC Im hoping it means that it causes their ticket prices to go through the roof to leave their rat bastard fan base with the dilemma of whether to go to the game or pay for food…
  22. He’s left to better himself… he probably didn’t want to leave… and he isn’t going to be playing against us So therefore… Good luck Trez… You will be fondly remembered for everything you did! Youre welcome back to visit us anytime!
  23. They barely count as human, so really their opinions don’t matter…
  24. Yeah… but we are Aston Villa fans… and Aston Villa invented the football league system… We are allowed to do whatever we like without criticism…
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