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Everything posted by QldVilla

  1. There’s nothing wrong with Watkins game, against Wolves he played his best game so far, the only thing his performance lacked was a goal. He’s 11 games into a PL career, there will be fluctuations in his performance, but he is improving his overall game and the lack of goals lately has more to do with the team than his individual play. It’s also very hard for an inexperienced player at this level to be up emotionally week in week out and perform at a high standard. The sooner he has competition for his position, the better it will be for him and the team.
  2. The players have to take responsibility tonight, a lack of composure and patience in front of goal was the problem. Had nothing to do with injuries or lack of depth, we were the better team by far, but were lazy in front of goal.
  3. As someone already stated, very frustrating to watch. Thought a lot of the finishing was lazy today, rushed, lack on composure in front of goal, 2 points dropped.
  4. QldVilla

    The NSWE Board

    You could argue buying Villa Park to avoid FFP was part of buying the club also.
  5. At some point a player will twig a hamstring and it will stop overnight.
  6. They may of kept it in house, but seemed like a slap on the wrist at the time, not proportionate to the seriousness of incident.
  7. My concern is and always has been, the message it sends to young players and supporters of the club when the captain of that club acts in this way? I expect more from a.captain of Aston Villa and disappointing the club so far don’t seem to be taking any action.
  8. He's starting to fulfill his potential, its his consistency week in week out that i've found pleasing.
  9. He has to keep working on his game, make better decisions and be a better leader on the pitch. It's in his hands.
  10. Thought it was his best game tonight, he was physical and the Wolves defenders were given a good workout, just needed a goal to complete the performance.
  11. Great display today,’ kept us in the game.
  12. Rode our luck today and some was payed back in return.
  13. We can’t give away another start again, nor a soft goal, think we may get a point from this one.
  14. From listening to the Smith interview, he is running which means he’s at least 95%, but these days the physics always recommend another week even if ready.
  15. It’s a serious development as well as a statement of intent by the owners. The club can compete for the best young talent not only in the UK but also anywhere in the world. Very exciting.
  16. Yes sometimes you hear or see something written and think why don’t they go down to the local football club and put their theories into action.
  17. I accept your point, but when I watch games I don’t look at stats. I look at how we are set up, how we are playing against the opposition and what are the outcomes. There are always going to be games where we don’t get the award for the effort in front of goal. But currently I see a passive defense not closing down players in our final quarter and no urgency at times to do so. This has been the reason we have lost 4 out of the past 5, it’s not bad luck it’s a trend. It can be fixed through coaching and a bit more leadership in defence, but needs to happen more quickly.
  18. We live in a time where groups like BLM target organisations through emails etc saying if you don’t do this or other your racist. The CEO’s and other rather than standing on principle cave into these organisations very easily so they don’t get targeted. I’m not saying that the PL or other leagues have done this, but besides saying otherwise, this taking the knee has come about because of what has occurred in America and the BLM protests. So I can understand where supporters can feel it may be contrived no matter what clubs or the leagues say otherwise when there’s been a recent history of organisations caving to the wishes of minority groups. Football has always had its anti racism campaign going back to the 90’s and some fans would be saying football has led on this issues and doesn’t need to be lectured too. As I said it’s a complex issue, so rather than judging other fans, let’s listen to what they have to say, rather than trying to label and ostricise them.
  19. It’s easy to pull stats out to justify an opinion. We have played two games less than most teams, and I bet that stat doesn’t stand up in the stats for Villa’s past 5 games.
  20. I think some have been ignoring the elephant in the room, once or twice is unlucky, 4 losses out of 5 is a problem. There are defensive issues there and they are being exploited in games. For me we are too passive in defence at times and coaching staff need to find a solution.
  21. Seen some comments on Twitter by fans and elsewhere online and I just wish some would stop taking the easy route and calling other supporters racist because they have some concerns with taking the knee. It’s not that simple, it’s a complex issue and needs to be debated openly so everyone is brought along. There is obviously sections of fans in some clubs who think taking the knee is contrived in some way as to the links to BLM. The PL and other leagues have been trying to distance themselves from BLM, but I don’t think they have communicated it clearly enough to football supporters. Yes BLM had adopted this, but it the NFL player Kaepernick I believe who first copied Martin Luther King in 2016 by taking the knee. Yes there are racists out there, there always will be and unfortunately some support football clubs. But in a time when we support the players for taking a stand and the clubs and the leagues supporting this, can we not marginalise other fans for what may not be racism but valid concerns that should be listened to and debated openly.
  22. Maybe you should reread what you said.
  23. Agree with what your saying, using race as an insult is different from a smart comment to get under an opposition players skin. There is racism everywhere is some form, I think of many times when I was younger where players from other races used to call me a white &$@# and other, it’s not one sided, but it stayed on the field. Do I think they were racists or just trying to get me off my game?? Maybe a little of both, but 30 years ago it stayed on the field, rightly or wrongly. It’s a different time, people are more willing to call it out and make others accountable, which is right. From my point of view, we just need to hear all the facts before making judgement.
  24. I’m going to watch the doc, but I’ve always believed that people who are racist genuinely don’t hide it and you get numerous cases of it over a long period of time where they use insults or other. Was this a one off with Terry, did Anton get under Terry’s skin to the point where he said the wrong thing?? There’s no excuse for racism in any form, Terry probably regrets what occurred in the heat of the moment, but we only know one side of an incident, has it been embellished over time etc. We need all the information before we can make a judgement.
  25. Childish insults?? Your basing your opinion on an outcome, after 9 games for the club, someone well documented, who is still learning to be a striker, not whether it can be changed or fixed. You stick your head in the ground and go, No! He can’t become a better penalty taker based on a small technical error that can be fixed in training. It’s another thing if he was bottling it through lack of confidence, not a clean strike of the ball, poor technique etc, but it isn’t. Under your theory he won’t become a better footballer, didn’t realise we had a team of perfect players, who don’t make mistakes, but let’s focus on the one player who did... You have your opinion that’s fine, but let’s not pretend it’s based on anything other than an outcome. Future outcomes can be changed and it’s ignorant to think a small technical floor can’t be changed to improve his penalty taking, if not, why do they train 5 days a week??
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