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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. I would post the Wu Tang Clan song that samples this, but Mooney wouldn't like it.
  2. dAVe80

    General Chat

    The thing that surprised me is the way the expats also got in on the racist attitudes. Giving crap to the cab drivers or the waiters that brought the drinks etc. It seems like it is very easy to slip into that mindset when the whole society is ordered in that way. agreed it's quite appalling and very deliberate I always recall the episode in the Mall of the Emirates I witnessed at McDonalds Arab man - 1 quarter pounder with cheese and chips please Indian Guy - ok but Sir , it's cheaper if you order it as a meal deal would you like that AM - Ok I'll have the meal with a bottle of water IG - I'm sorry sir but you can't have bottle water it has to be a soft drink AM - but i don't want a soft drink i want water ..followed by lots of demanding and general disregard for the 20 people waiting in the queue behind him IG checks with his boss ..Ok sir you can have it with a bottle of water ..no word of Thanks from arab man Transaction takes place , order comes AM - actually I've decided I don't want the water I want a Diet coke I swear it was all about showing how superior he was to the Indian guy working in McDonalds ... Don't get me wrong I'm not anti arab , I just do find their behaviour is appalling sometimes .. to be fair though I saw it a lot in India as well ( probably a Caste thing ) ... mind you I've met people like this in England as well so I'm not gonna just say it's a certain nationality My sister used to be married to a guy from the Caribbean. He was the nicest guy you could ever wish to meet, but when it came to restaurants and customer service, he had an entirely different attitude to what I was used to. He became very authoritative, with a lack of what we would consider to be good manners. When I questioned him on it, he simply said that the people were there to serve him in their capacity as waitor/waitress, and that there was no need to add a please or a thankyou because they're not doing you any favours. Just a different way of looking at things I suppose. It's a very good attitude to have, if you like the taste of other people's bodily fluids.
  3. Not at all. The point was, I've heard Albion and SHA fans saying we should be embarrassed by the way we celebrated the equaliser and the final whistle.
  4. Stern John equaliser anyone? The most celebrated equaliser in history. Fair enough, i'd have hit the roof under those circumstances. Infact, IIRC, I did hit the roof, and the door, and the cat. Really? Our 2 late winners at St Andrews weren't even celebrated like that goal was. I dunno about that. I can't recall ever seeing an away end going much wilder, than when Gabby scored that late winner in the 2-1 game (cup finals etc aside). It was absolute carnge! I know, I was in it. Watch their celebrations again, in my opinion they were worse. Why the Hell would I want to watch that again?!
  5. Stern John equaliser anyone? The most celebrated equaliser in history. Fair enough, i'd have hit the roof under those circumstances. Infact, IIRC, I did hit the roof, and the door, and the cat. Really? Our 2 late winners at St Andrews weren't even celebrated like that goal was. I dunno about that. I can't recall ever seeing an away end going much wilder, than when Gabby scored that late winner in the 2-1 game (cup finals etc aside). It was absolute carnge! And rightly so, that's what makes all the last minute defeats worthwhile. Absolutely! There's no point being a football fan, if you can't take joy in something like a last min winner against your local rivals!
  6. Stern John equaliser anyone? The most celebrated equaliser in history. Fair enough, i'd have hit the roof under those circumstances. Infact, IIRC, I did hit the roof, and the door, and the cat. Really? Our 2 late winners at St Andrews weren't even celebrated like that goal was. I dunno about that. I can't recall ever seeing an away end going much wilder, than when Gabby scored that late winner in the 2-1 game (cup finals etc aside). It was absolute carnge!
  7. You have to laugh. According to some of my yam yam and bluenose acquaintances (not that I pay any attention to it), they're more passionate than us, and we never sing etc etc blah blah yawn. Well now I've heard that we should be embarrassed, by the way we celebrated the equaliser, and coming back from 2-0 down... So bitter, it's not true.
  8. Oh yeah, you'd normally find it was the weedy little shit on the opposition side who'd give it the most. I'd very rarely get involved. I used to bowl off spin, so it was hard to be intimidating when you're floating down arm balls! I'd always let a batsman know how pleased I was, if I took their wicket though. I've had a fair few stare downs with bowlers too, when batting.
  9. All to do with money I assume? Alienates a lot of Warwickshire fans, who aren't Brummies. Stupid move if you ask me. If rolls were reversed, and they became, say Coventry Bears, I'd find it difficult to support them in the T20 format of the game.
  10. I've got no issue with sledging at all. In my playing days I've been on the receiving end of some very funny verbals, as well as some pretty nasty stuff. I treated it all the same, and you'd normally just end up having a beer and a laugh about it after the match. A mate of mine played in the same youth leagues as Steve Harmison, and having tried to bounce Harmison, got told "You're too slow to bowl that short". A few balls later, and he got Harmison caught trying to hook him away, the response from my mate was, "You're too sh*t to play that shot!" Harmison had the last laugh of course, as he went on to be the best bowler in the world for a while.
  11. You didn't see the interview that was played on SSN yesterday then. The Aussie press asked him about it and although he admitted he may have overstepped the mark a bit, he didn't apologise and reiterated that Trott had played shit. He comes across as a right bellend. I'm down for a bit of friendly rivalry and ribbing, but the Aussie team really do seem to be pretty classless. Like Clarke and his 'broken f******* arm' comment to Cook. Clearing in the woods. I made that statement before Warner had been asked his views. I figured he may have a shred of decency, but it appears not. I've not seen the footage, but if what you say is true, then that's pretty crass. Sledging is part of the game, but I think the issue is keeping it on the pitch. In the heat of the game, it's all well and good, but when you start calling people out in the press, it just reflects very badly on you.
  12. Agree with Paul, asking someone like Ballance to come in and replace Trott (when healthy and in form) is a massive ask. I'd love to see him come in and score big runs straight away, but in the pressure environment of the Ashes, it seems unlikely.
  13. dAVe80

    Doctor Who

    I'm just looking forward to the inevitable Capaldi, Dr Who / Thick of It mash ups that will no doubt get made.
  14. To be fair to Warner, he'd have had no idea as to the state of Trott's mental health. It was a silly comment, and I'm sure he feels bad about it now, given what's come to light. Getting back to how we'll line up without him, I think we have a few options. Bell moving to 3 seems like the most obvious move. Then it's between Ballance & Bairstow for 6, with Root moving to 5. Although I think I'd like to see Stokes given a go, as he'd beef up the bowling too.
  15. The Trott thing is interesting, and draws obvious comparisons to Marcus Trescothick. Having read Trescothick's book, if Trott is suffering with mental health problems, then it's for the best he's left the tour. Although I question what he was doing there in the first place? Hope he gets well again, and comes back the same player he was 12 months or so ago.
  16. Sylvester Stallone.The only man to be heavyweight champ, and save a penalty against Germany.
  17. Did three days working in a factory, putting boxes of frozen beefburgers into a bigger box, one summer while at uni. Soul destroying.
  18. Hmmm. Don't get me wrong, I do love our Olof, but I really struggle to see what so many other do in him. He was a very very good defender, and passionate, but I just struggle a little with putting him in the legend bracket. More of a cult hero for me. Laursen in his pomp however, was possibly the best centre half in the league. Just a pity we only saw a glimpse of what could have been, due to his injuries.
  19. I hope the Bresnan will make an impact, if he comes back at some point. He's usually pretty tight, and takes wickets. Plus he adds to the tail, with the bat.
  20. I agree, but I think that's the least of our worries. We can take wickets, with or without Finn. It's scoring runs at the top of the order which has become the major concern. You'd not want anyone other than Cook and Trott at 1 & 3, 12 months ago, now they look woeful. Hopefully we'll see a similar second innings to 3 years ago at Brisbane, but I'll not hold my breath.
  21. Looked great before lunch, then like he'd never held a cricket bat in his life, after. I think Trott getting out, with the last ball before lunch, set the tone really. They looked like they'd cruse to over 400 before that.
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