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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Anyone got AVTV on at the moment? Woodward interviewing Benteke, but no audio for Benteke's answers. So just Captain Jack talking to himself, Highlight of the game so far.
  2. Yeah a Delap throw I think. Dave Whelan broke his leg while scoring it I heard. Did you know? I thought Tom Yorke scored the goal?
  3. I would make a big deal about how I called it spot on, but it was all too predictable!
  4. Vandalism! Also, didn't part of the Witton Lane (still refuse to call it by is name) have to be rebuild, because they used asbestos?
  5. Nearly, he called it the Preeemiership.
  6. We won the League, we won the Cup... Then Ellis came, and f*cked it up!
  7. I said that to my mate during in the last test. Australia should open with him in their second innings, just to really take the p*ss!
  8. Heard Broad mentioned by a few people. He's the T20 Captain, so not beyond the realms of possibility. I don't think I'd like Belly to get it. I'm not sure how well he'd cope with the extra pressure. I think it'd ruin his batting the way it has Cook's. Although he did captain The Bears in a few CB40 games a couple of years back. I think you can rule Anderson out, as I think they'd want to pick a captain who will be around for a while. KP has ruffled to many feathers to be considered, and Prior has been dropped. Not leaving us with many options, unless we go totally leftfield.
  9. An all too familiar start to the test then. Get off to a great start, have Australia on the ropes, then let Australia get away from them again. It says a lot, that a bang average player like Steve Smith now has more centuries in this series than the whole of the England squad. My guess is England will be bowled out cheaply tomorrow (for a sub 200 score), Aus will bat us into the ground again, building a 500 + lead, then England will capitulate again in the final innings. 5-0, job done. Only shining light has been the emergence of Ben Stokes. Only the second player in history to get 120 runs in one innings, and 6 for in his first 4 test matches. Nice too see. Hope he can kick on and help rebuild this side now. On the subject of the captaincy, say Cook quits / is sacked at the end of the series, who replaces him?
  10. Yeah and the 20 secs of analysis centred solely on the disallowed goal. He was off just, by mm's but he's off. Great decision. You'd be disappointed if it went against you, but was off side. End of.
  11. What a joke Match of the Day is! Didn't even show the best bit of football in the whole game, which was the build up to Albrighton's howling miss. If he'd have scored that, it was a goal of the season contender!
  12. Benteke was obviously not 100% today, but I was encouraged by what I saw. He really put a shift in, and save a goal line clearance, would have had the goal his confidence dearly needs. One goal will open the floodgates for the lad. Hope it comes soon. Lower league opposition in our next game, I'd hope he'd be chomping at the bit for this one.
  13. Obligatory, generic greeting, celebrating the next set of 365 days everybody!
  14. Ah right. I'll not book my flights just yet then.
  15. My mate went to a comic book convention, which Stan Lee attended. He said that the place was full of nerds crying after meeting Stan, including one guy who was sobbing about him not having long left. Could be on to something there.
  16. Sorry, I'm confused. Is that the line up this year, or a mock up? My festival days are mostly over (the odd ATP aside), but I'd consider coming out of retirement for that line up.
  17. dAVe80


    Keeping it low key. A house party, then to my friends, to listen to some tunes and have a few glasses of wine. Possibly Twiglets too. Rock & Roll, Mother Flippers!
  18. You more of a dog man? Actually I was shit scared of dogs when I was a kid. I got trapped in an ally way by a Boxer Dog, and saw a German Sheppard attack a little girl who lived over the road from me. Never really had an issue with cats.
  19. To be described by Bob Willis as miserable would take some doing!
  20. I have a reoccurring dream about being attacked by a cat (not the same cat in every dream). No matter what I do to it, the cat keeps coming. I can kick it, punch it, grab it and throw it, but it still keeps going for me. Usually I'm around other people in the dream, who find it hilarious. Weird shit.
  21. Malcolm Marshall is a great shout. Glen McGrath was a pretty special talent too.
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